Chapter 952

"Xiangxiang doesn't have to be burdened, as long as you are willing, Auntie is not in a hurry. If you need help, just ask Auntie. There is nothing else in our family, but there are a lot of idlers."

Mrs. Han took Bai Ningxiang's hand and asked someone to sit beside her, and couldn't help but glared at Xiao Qi.

"I think Xiaoqi is not bad. He jumps up and down all day long and has endless strength. If Xiangxiang doesn't dislike him, Auntie will send him to your side right now, and serve you as a servant."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

"Mother, am I your son? Is there a mother who cheats her son so much?"

Xiao Qi quit, let him be a servant with a country girl, why not just throw him in the barracks to practice.

If those brats find out about this, he'll kill him head-on.

"Shut up for me, don't say anything else, just Xiangxiang saved Brother Ting's life, even the benefactor of our Han family, they all said that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by the spring, and then look at you, treat it like this Benefactor, are you feeling guilty?"

Mrs. Han glared at him, with a rare majesty in her eyes, "Don't let me see the reckless act today, or I will deal with it according to the family law."

Seeing her mother change her name, Xiao Qi pouted, but she didn't dare to contradict her. Although her mother is usually gentle and gentle, she never speaks loudly, but she is never soft when punishing others.

However, he couldn't figure it out, it seems that the one who owes people kindness is Fifth Brother, right?
Why let him repay each other?

Bai Ningxiang was very helpless, she came to the door today, but she didn't expect such a trouble to happen.

Now it's all right, the knot between her and this young man may not be untied for a while.

"Ahem... Auntie, it's not as serious as you said. It's fate that I rescued my brother-in-law. He happened to be near my tea garden. Since I met him, I couldn't just leave him alone."

Xiao Qi is reckless and spoiled by his family, but fortunately, he only sees anger and no malice.

Therefore, Bai Ningxiang wouldn't bother with him.

Coupled with the fact that he was taught one after another by everyone, he has no reason to hold on to him.

Therefore, in order to ease the atmosphere, Bai Ningxiang told everyone about the first time she met her brother-in-law.

Of course, when the matter came out of her mouth, it was not as serious as imagined.

The chatterbox opened, and Madam Han also changed the subject, and by the way, exposed Han Jing's background, and talked about the embarrassing things he had done, even the first time he wore crotch pants and pissed his pants.

Bai Ningxiang's eyes were wide open, showing a look of extreme surprise from time to time, and when she heard it was ridiculous, she couldn't help covering her mouth with a handkerchief, her smiling eyes crooked.

"...Actually, the thing that makes me laugh the most is that when Brother Ting was young, he should have fair skin, delicate eyebrows and eyes. He looked more like me. He was mistaken for a girl many times. Every time I saw him angry, I couldn't help it Don't want to laugh."

"Later, this kid became more and more tempered. He often had a cold face and begged me to make some black outfits for him. Since then, it seems that he has never been mistaken by anyone... Well, speaking of children When I grow up, it’s really not as fun as when I was a child.”

Mrs. Han looked at the two boys regretfully, and then smiled unceremoniously.

Hearing Mrs. Han's tone, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but look at her brother-in-law, and a picture of Xiao Douding's anger appeared unconsciously in her mind. She couldn't hold back, and she also covered her mouth and laughed.

Not to mention, even after the experience in the military camp, the righteous brother's brows became a little colder, and occasionally there was a chill around his body. In addition, the righteous brother seemed to like to wear black robes.

But even though he changed into normal clothes, he was still as handsome as a jade, and he was unparalleled in elegance, especially those twinkling eyes that were hidden, which really aroused people's daydreams.

Receiving Bai Ningxiang's gaze, Han Jing twitched the corners of her lips, smiled helplessly, then lowered her expression, and drank tea with her head down.

Being used as a tool for chatting, he didn't intervene or stop him, just sitting quietly and calmly drinking tea.

On the other hand, Xiao Qi felt much more comfortable, it turned out that the elder brother was not much better than him.

Thinking of it this way, Xiao Qi felt better for a while, and suddenly felt uncomfortable. As the son of the Han family, it seemed that he was not as popular as his buddies from other families.

His group of cronies and friends are all worshiped at home as if they were ancestors, and they can be nervous for a long time if they break the skin.

As for him, let alone a broken skin, even if he broke his leg, his parents would at most just invite a doctor to come and treat him, and then reprimand him a few words.

Without even thinking about it, he could guess the tone of his father's blurt, and definitely said that he was not manly, weak like a woman, if he went to the battlefield, he would only be reduced to the enemy cutting melons and vegetables.

Thinking about how the two older sisters were treated in the past, Xiao Qi suddenly discovered that his father and mother seemed to favor girls over boys.

Suddenly, Xiao Qi suddenly looked at Bai Ningxiang who was beside him, if she lived in in the future, would there still be a place for him in the family?

Really, it's nothing more than a pet from my own sister, why doesn't she even spare an outsider?
Could it be that the family has been lonely without a daughter for a long time?

If that's the case, he has to think of a way.

When he was strolling on the street a few days ago, he ran into his cousin by chance. She asked him about Fifth Brother, and she was afraid that in a few days, the cousin would come to the house as a guest.

Didn't mother always love her niece?

There is a cousin who is with her mother. This white girl wants to be sensible, so she should leave earlier.

Alright, that's it.

Bai Ningxiang sat beside Mrs. Han, listening to her laughing and talking about the family situation, and occasionally mentioning Qingdu's humanities to her.

The fly in the ointment is that you have to look at Xiaoqi's resentful eyes all the time, and of course, Han Jing's affectionate gaze.

It wasn't until after lunch that Bai Ningxiang said goodbye and left, her heart still fluttering.

This family is really overwhelming. Compared with her previous life, Bai Ningxiang feels that her understanding of Mrs. Han is really one-sided.

Only today did I realize that Mrs. Han is so kind and true, without any airs.

In her previous life, although she often walked around the Han residence, Mrs. Han was also smiling, dignified and elegant, but compared with the present, she was more polite than cordial.

At that time, she was Jiang's wife, and there was no other friendship between the two families except for her life-saving benefactor.

As for others, Mrs. Han in her previous life was able to maintain superficial politeness with the Jiang family and treat herself sincerely, which is already good.

In this life, just spending half a day together, Bai Ningxiang can truly understand that Madam Han will show her truest side only if she doesn't treat her as an outsider.

Regarding the atmosphere of the Han family, I have to say that she also likes it. The only thing that is not in her plan is that she has some suspicions with Xiaoqi.

(End of this chapter)

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