Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 953: Be cautious~

Chapter 953: Be cautious~
After such a fuss, Xiao Qi seemed to hate her even more.

When eating, she sat next to Mrs. Han and received frequent stares from the other party. Although she was sent away by General Han later, the relationship between the two of them might have ended.

"What is the girl thinking, do you not want to move in?"

"This? No, my uncle and aunt are too enthusiastic, I'm afraid it will be too troublesome... Also, after moving in, I have to go out of the house to check on the tea shop. If I go in and out too often, I'm afraid I will cause trouble to my aunt .”

Regarding this point, Bai Ningxiang was really worried that the noble girls in Qingdu rarely went out except for the purchases during the New Year's Eve to celebrate the festivities, that is, to go to various mansions to hold banquets, and the rest rarely went out.

Although the Daqing Dynasty's restraint on women was not so strict, there were still some harsh rules among those aristocratic families.

Especially for those families who intend to marry, who are weak and want to depend on each other, they raise their children directly according to the requirements of the other party, which is not only a means, but also a weight to promote marriage.

As a guest, she went out frequently, and the Han family would not say anything, but after a long time, no one could guarantee whether she would leave a restless impression on others.

Some things cannot withstand tossing, and some favors cannot withstand consumption.

So, this was the worry in Bai Ningxiang's heart.

After all, she has a righteous brother in her heart, and she doesn't want the Han family to feel bad about her because of these things.

Keeping a proper distance is good for each other.

With this kind of thought in her heart, Bai Ningxiang didn't hide it, and directly expressed the worry in her heart.

Hearing the girl's worry, Han Jing reached out and rubbed her head,
"Don't worry about this, girl. I have roughly told my mother about your situation. After hearing about your situation, she not only loves you, but also appreciates your character."

"Mother thinks that you are very strong. When things happen, you don't just cry for help, but stand on your own feet. Even in Qingdu, this kind of character is rare. Therefore, not only will mother not embarrass you, but she will also encourage you. "

As Han Jing said, she stretched out her hand and pinched her cheek,

"Girl, have you forgotten me? Apart from being your righteous brother, I am also your future husband. With my protection, no one dares to touch you, and I will not let anyone have a chance to embarrass you."

Hearing her brother-in-law confessing to her suddenly, Bai Ningxiang glared at him coquettishly,
"You want me to move there too?"

"Of course, in this way, I can see you as soon as I get home, killing two birds with one stone."

Han Jing chuckled, the pampering in his eyes was clear, and the words he said made people blush and heartbeat.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

This man's face is getting thicker and thicker, and he is provocative when he opens and closes his mouth.

"If the girl has concerns, it's okay to stop for a while."

Bai Ningxiang thought for a while, then nodded, she really had to think about it, she couldn't move in so impatiently.

In the next few days, Bai Ningxiang nestled in the backyard of the tea shop again, Ding Yang and Yun Ni were watching the situation outside, even if she didn't go out, the news was still open.

Every day, besides reading, I took Xia Xue to try to make the recipe of flower and fruit tea, from the color to the taste, carefully compared and tried it seriously.

Every time the finished product comes out, Bai Ningxiang invites everyone to taste it together.

Everyone collected firewood with great enthusiasm. After several blends, they finally came up with two kinds of jasmine tea and kumquat fruit tea that satisfied everyone.

After getting everyone's approval, Bai Ningxiang asked the shopkeeper Wang to push out the two new products, hang up the brand, and supply flower and fruit tea in a limited amount, ten servings a day, until sold out.

Not only can it arouse the curiosity of tea drinkers, but it can also open up popularity as soon as possible. Of course, at the beginning of everything, waste must be eliminated.

These teas are all made by Xia Xue himself from boiling to finished products, so the daily limit of ten servings is all prepared by Xia Xue for the time being.

The first step is just asking for directions,
As long as they work hard, they will be recognized by the noble ladies in Qingdu, and the income of the tea shop will naturally increase.

Shopkeeper Wang really worked very hard for the new tea drink that was launched. In the first two days, he asked Qingzi and Quanzi to recommend it to the guests when they greeted them, and let the guests taste the taste for free first.

After that, there are those frequent guests. Before leaving, he thoughtfully gave a can for the guests to bring to the family members.

Of course, no one would refuse a free gift, and in five or six days, the limited amount of ten servings of each tea was not enough.

Even so, Bai Ningxiang didn't ask anyone to increase the quantity, and still had ten servings a day. During this period, Bai Ningxiang called a few servants from the store, told them her plan, and let them choose by themselves.

"Boss, are you really going to let us learn how to make tea?"

Quanzi looked at his boss in disbelief. In the past few days, they have all witnessed the popularity of flower fruit tea.

"Of course it is true, but it is also true to sign a six-year employment agreement. I will ask the government to file the document. You are not allowed to leave within six years. Otherwise, it is a breach of contract. I will make you compensate according to the amount marked on the document. loss."

Bai Ningxiang looked at these people with a very serious expression, "Of course, if you work hard, the wages and rewards will be very generous."

Everyone listened to the words of the boss, looked at each other, and finally moved their eyes to shopkeeper Wang.

"What are you staring at me for? Don't talk about six years, so what if it's ten years. The boss not only let you learn the craft, but also raised your wages. It's not about selling you into slavery. Why do you have any hesitation?"

Shopkeeper Wang shook his head, these stupid boys really don't know what to do.

"Even if you don't sign the paperwork, are you willing to leave now?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately shook their heads. Working in a tea shop is easy and clean. The guests who come to drink tea are all elegant people who want to save face. There are very few tricky customers. If they change to other places, there is no guarantee that they will find such an easy job. .

"So, since you don't want to leave, what's the difference between one year, two years and six years?"

As shopkeeper Wang said, he raised his hand and knocked Qingzi next to him, "Your grandfather asked me to find you a long-term job. Don't you take advantage of such a good opportunity?"

"Ah? Oh~, I'll sign it." Six years is six years, anyway, he didn't plan to move.

"I'll sign it too. When I earn my wages, my mother will be able to marry me."

Quanzi scratched his head. Shopkeeper Wang was right, and they were not planning to leave, but they could learn the craft by signing the documents, which was very cost-effective.

In this way, Bai Ningxiang asked Qingzi and Quanzi to sign six-year employment documents, and then asked Xia Xue to teach them how to make tea.

What water temperature is used for tea, what water temperature is used for flower petals, and what water temperature is the most fragrant...

There is no big or small detail, Xia Xue didn't hide her clumsiness at all, and taught everything from her pocket. After the two of them learned it, it would be ten days later.

 These two days are two thousand and one chapters~, I am too lazy to divide chapters, this is messed up~
(End of this chapter)

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