Chapter 954
Remember the basic operation of the craft, and control the time of making tea is also good, but they still rely on the hourglass and the pan scale to make no mistakes. Controlling the amount of tea and the heat, in addition to talent, the rest of the time to hone.

When people arrived, Bai Ningxiang directly ordered shopkeeper Wang to sell flower and fruit tea as normal.

Shopkeeper Wang was delighted immediately after listening to his boss's orders.

"It's really great. The owner doesn't know. These days, customers often complain that our tea shop is not authentic. We obviously have new teas, but we don't sell them. It's just to attract people's appetite. Some customers who have a bad temper complain that we are profiteers. "

"After a long explanation, the guests reluctantly accept it. I am not afraid of my boss's jokes. The explanations and apologies I have made in the past few days are more than the previous two years combined... However, I also admire the strategy of the boss. The more you ask, the more you ask." The more things you don’t know, the more you will be remembered, and I will learn from you.”

Listening to shopkeeper Wang's narration, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help laughing, she just didn't want Xia Xue to work too hard, and there was not enough manpower, so naturally everything was tight.

However, since the effect is good, she will not tear down the stage by herself,

"It's good that everyone can accept our flower and fruit tea. You pay attention to the adjacent shops on the left and right. If it's not good, you can accept it a little farther away. Let's see who is interested in renting or selling. Take this opportunity to expand the tea shop. one time."

Although the location is good and the size is suitable for going upstairs and downstairs, the only difference is that men and women cannot be separated.

If you are adding a pavement, it will be perfect.

At that time, it is not impossible to receive tea parties with some ladies and ladies, and there is no need to worry about going wrong.

"My master, don't worry, I will definitely pay attention, and report to my master as soon as there is any news." Shopkeeper Wang listened to Bai Ningxiang's instructions, his eyes lit up, the shop was about to expand, and he would be the big shopkeeper of the tea shop in the future. Much higher.

Looking at Shopkeeper Wang's happy back, Bai Ningxiang patted her forehead. There were too many things happened in the Han Mansion last time, but she forgot to mention the matter of Shopkeeper Wang to Aunt Han.

"What are you doing with a sad face? Did you encounter any problems?" While speaking, Han Jing walked in in a black robe, carrying a food box in his left hand.

"Brother Yi, why are you free?" I heard that he was sent by the monarch to the defense battalion to take over military affairs as soon as he came back.

"I'll take a rest tomorrow, and I'll come back early today. The girl has already thought about it, when will she move there?"

Han Jing put the box aside, "Mother has prepared the yard for you, it's in the Chenxi Court next to the Bihu Court."

Speaking of this, Han Jing felt amused, the location and scenery layout of Chenxi Courtyard, except for her mother's Liu Xin Courtyard, was it.

In the past, before the eldest sister and the second sister got married, all those who wanted to have a flower banquet chose the Chenxi Courtyard. After a long time, the servants all regarded the Chenxi Courtyard as a place for the female relatives of the mansion to meet guests. live in.

He has no objection to this, and understands what his mother is doing. She is telling everyone in the mansion that the girl is not only a distinguished guest in the mansion, but also someone the mistress likes.

Hearing her righteous brother's reminder, Bai Ningxiang didn't hesitate, "I've kept my aunt waiting for a long time. The new flower and fruit tea has been launched. Apart from keeping an eye on the store, I don't have anything to do for the time being. I'll let Yun Ni tidy up now. Move in two days."

"It's better to hit the sun another day, just today, I can just help."

When Han Jing heard it, his eyes lit up immediately, and he waved directly at Yun Ni and the others who were waiting beside him,
"Hurry up, go clean up, don't delay dinner."


Seeing everyone busy, Bai Ningxiang simply dragged her brother-in-law to drink tea and chat under the pomegranate tree in the courtyard.

"That box contains dim sum. My mother asked me to bring it to you. It came from the imperial chef and was given by the queen mother."

"So precious? Thank you so much, Auntie. It's the first time I've eaten dim sum in the palace, so I have to try it out."

Bai Ningxiang glanced at the square box, and opened it immediately. The box was divided into eight small squares, and there were four delicate snacks in each square. You don't need to taste it. It's just the appearance. Just wanted to try it.

The things of the palace, under normal circumstances, cannot leave the gate of the palace, and it can be regarded as some food, and it is no exception.

Of course, excluding those royal relatives, close relatives, powerful people, and families with a slightly lower status, they do not have such honors, let alone her, a small commoner.

Han Jing looked at the girl's cautious look, and couldn't help chuckling, "If the girl likes it, it's not difficult."

"It's not difficult for the righteous brother, but for us low-level people, it's as difficult as climbing the sky."

Bai Ningxiang picked up a piece of Yunpian Cake, it was as white as jade, soft and delicious, worthy of being made by an imperial chef, the color, aroma and taste are all excellent.

She also understands the meaning of the righteous brother. As far as she knows, Aunt Han's mother and the current queen mother belong to the best friends in the boudoir. Handkerchiefs are handed over. The queen mother said that every time she came back, she would bring some pastries from the palace.

"Silly girl, the imperial pastry chef retired, and brought out quite a few recipes. In order to avoid some taboos, the names were changed. If the girl likes it, I will keep an eye on it later and find a pastry chef for the girl."

"Don't bother, these pastries are too sweet and greasy. It's okay to eat occasionally. If I eat them often, I'll feel too tired. Besides, my family's Xia Xue's craftsmanship is also good, and they are all made according to my taste. They are not as good as those made by the court. Difference."

This is not her bragging, that girl Xia Xue is talented, and she knows her taste thoroughly. The cakes in the whole mansion are made according to her taste. Compared with so many masters in the palace, she still feels happier.

"It's good for the girl to talk about these things in front of me, and don't say them in front of others, so that you won't be caught saying that you don't know what to do."

No matter how good the folks are, they can't be compared with the palace. There is a place that goes directly to heaven and is also the center of power. Everything should be the best.

"Understood, as long as there are good things to enjoy for yourself, I won't spread them around foolishly." Bai Ningxiang said, showing a naive smile.

"Cunning little fox."

Han Jing felt very helpless for the girl's occasional coquettish and joking behavior, especially those moist eyes, staring at him eagerly, she really couldn't bear a little bit of blame, she just wanted to give her the best things in the world In front of him, he just wanted to win the beauty's smile.

Fortunately, the girl has already arrived in Qingdu. These days, he has been paying attention to the Ministry of Justice, and he has been secretly urged to finish it sooner, so that he can receive the credit sooner. In this way, the preparation for his marriage with the girl will be more effective.

(End of this chapter)

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