Chapter 955
Liu Gongren's case involved the Nine Kings, and the monarch had almost done the investigation long ago, only the evidence was needed to convict him.

In the court recently, the monarch was also very picky about the Nine Kings, but he still couldn't relax until the moment of decision was reached.

The Nine Kings seemed to be gentle and polite, neither fighting nor grabbing, but his secret actions never stopped.When he met in the defense camp the day before yesterday, he discovered that the Nine Kings looked at him differently.

In the past, the two had no conflict of interest, and they could still maintain a polite manner. Now that his lifeline was cut off by him, it has become a hostile trend.

Pulling out the traitor who endangered Daqing, he blamed himself, and he never regretted it, but for his family, he had to make a good plan, and use all the meritorious deeds in his body to exchange for the protection of the girl.

In this way, the meritorious deeds will be offset, and the monarch's fear of the Han family will be greatly reduced.

The girls have been busy for more than half an hour, and finally packed all the necessary items.

The two carriages headed for Han Mansion in a mighty manner.

Bai Ningxiang was sitting in the carriage, looking at her brother-in-law riding a horse outside the carriage, her eyes unconsciously revealed a touch of tenderness.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the two have known each other for several years.

"Girl, don't look at it, we will be living together with the young master in the future, and we will be close to each other." Yun Ni joked, the two people's yards are next to each other, so you don't need to guess, you know it was deliberately arranged by Mrs. Han.

"Sister Yun Ni said the opposite. It's not that we are close to the water, but Mr. Han is close to the water. Otherwise, he wouldn't urge our girl to live there."

Bai Cha patted Yun Ni's arm, "When we set off from home, Nanny Duan also deliberately explained that we should unite as one when we go out, hug each other tightly, think twice before doing anything, don't cause trouble for the girl, don't talk too much, and watch more Do it, say less and make less mistakes..."

I couldn't finish the white tea, so I was interrupted by Yun Ni,

"Stop, stop, stop, sister is too talkative, your mommy Duan is right, I shouldn't be joking, don't miss me."

As Yun Ni spoke, she waved her hands again and again, with an attitude of begging for mercy.

"Sister Baicha, please don't worry, other than the few of us, if anyone else wants to ask me to talk, it depends on whether I am happy or not."

God, I really don't know when this girl Baicha developed the habit of thinking about it. Last time, Ding Yang was caught by her and missed her for more than an hour. Even when Ding Yang was sleeping in shift, she still saw Baicha Sitting beside Ding Yang's bed and muttering.

Fortunately, she didn't know that Ding Yang could turn off her sense of hearing, otherwise, she might have been thrown out by Ding Yang.

Bai Cha lifted the curtain and glanced outside, nodded, "We'll be at the Han Mansion soon, so I won't say much, just remember that we are the girl's personal servants, we must be cautious in our words and deeds, we must not cause trouble for the girl, and You can't let the girl be wronged."

"When we come to visit as guests, we must abide by the rules of other people's mansions, but we can't just settle for everything. Nanny Duan said that when visiting as guests, we must be polite and reasonable, and we must also properly let the other party understand our temperament. It is good for both parties to be neither humble nor overbearing."

Yun Ni: "..."

Why don't you talk about being obedient and obedient?

Seeing Yun Ni's expression, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help laughing, "Okay, white tea, don't talk about it, you can talk like an old woman at a young age, how can you get married?"

"Girl, don't make fun of me. I won't marry. My brother said that he will support me forever."

Baicha was not shy at all when she heard the word "marry". Having seen the miserable lives of those women in the village, she had no feeling at all about marrying and having children, and now she has never even fantasized about it.

If getting married meant endless compromises and concessions, why would she make trouble with herself?
Especially after she met Yingchun, she refused even more in her heart. For this reason, she went to her brother and told him her thoughts. Unexpectedly, her brother only hesitated for a moment, and then nodded in agreement.

And he personally promised her that if she didn't get married, her brother would raise her for the rest of her life.

Listening to Bai Cha's remarks, several people looked at each other helplessly, who said that this girl is stupid, isn't she quite shrewd?
While speaking, the carriage stopped at the gate of the Han Mansion,

Bai Ningxiang got out of the carriage, and as soon as she walked into the yard, Madam Han brought someone over after getting the news.

Beside her, there was a girl in a pink dress, who looked very delicate.

"You girl, you are finally willing to move here."

"It made my aunt worry. It's Xiangxiang's fault. Fortunately, the business of the tea shop has come to an end. No, as soon as I was free, I rushed here."

Bai Ningxiang stepped forward, blessed her body, and made fun of herself.

"Auntie, this is my cousin's savior, Miss Bai?" The girl in pink standing beside Mrs. Han looked at Bai Ningxiang curiously, and said softly.

"You guessed it right, it's Xiangxiang, and the little girl should call her sister."

Mrs. Han clapped the girl in pink's hand, "Xiangxiang, let me introduce you. This girl is my natal niece, Feng Yuyun. You are about the same age, so you will definitely be able to play."

"Yun'er has met her sister."

After Mrs. Han's introduction, Feng Yuyun took a step forward and nodded with a smile, still unable to hide her curiosity.

"Yujie is noble and elegant, and she lives up to her name. Sister Yuyun doesn't need to be polite to me, just call me Xiangxiang with my aunt."

For some reason, that sister's voice made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Sister Yun'er Ting... is fragrant."

Feng Yujun said, looking at Han Jing who was beside him, his eyes were still bright,
"I didn't expect my cousin and Xiangxiang to come back together. What a coincidence."

"Pfft~, how can there be so many coincidences in the world? It's all because of my own will."

Mrs. Han smiled, and under Feng Yuyun's dazed expression, she took Bai Ningxiang's hand and walked forward.

"Okay, don't stand still at the door anymore. I have already sent someone to clean the yard. Auntie will take you there to have a look. If you have anything to buy, just tell me. When you arrive here, it will be like your own home. Auntie is polite, but I will be angry."

"Don't worry, Auntie, I definitely won't..."

Watching the bustling group of people leave together, Feng Yuyun stood behind, staring at the tall figure in front without blinking, feeling very sad.

"What does Auntie mean to say that Miss Bai was picked up by her cousin?"

The girl next to her pouted when she heard the girl's question, "According to my aunt's tone, it should mean that."

It's really too much, her girl finally begged his wife to come to Han's house to visit, and as soon as she entered the door, she heard the news that Biao Gongzi came back with Miss Bai. She thought it was a coincidence, but she didn't expect it to be artificial.

"Is it?"

Looking at the pretty figure in front of her, Feng Yuyun pursed her lips, Bai Ningxiang's big watery eyes flashed in her mind, and she couldn't help admiring.

(End of this chapter)

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