Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 957 Test each other

Chapter 957 Test each other
How come things have changed in this world?
Or was it something that she ignored?
Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang raised her head and glanced at Brother Yi, only to find his frown.

"Xiangxiang, let's go, I am most familiar with this yard, you can ask me anything you want to know."

Feng Yujun smiled coquettishly, took Bai Ningxiang's arm and walked away, afraid that if she was slower, her cousin would reject her.

Her intuition was right, she thought that the two should have other relationships besides saving their lives.

Just looking at the eyes of the two of them, there is something tricky.The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable Feng Yuyun felt, and the strength in her hand became a lot heavier unconsciously.

Bai Ningxiang looked at her and couldn't help frowning, "Miss Feng, you are pushing too hard."

In summer, she was already wearing thin clothes, so she didn't need to lift up her sleeves. Bai Ningxiang also knew that she must have been pinched red.

"Ah? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Feng Yuyun came back to her senses, and quickly let go of her hand, with a deep apology on her face.

Looking at the bright Feng Yujun in front of her, she wondered if it was Bai Ningxiang's illusion, but she actually saw grievance in Feng Yujun's eyes.

"Miss Feng, please lead the way, I'm sorry." Bai Ningxiang rubbed her arm and smiled softly.

"Don't bother, Xiangxiang is a distinguished guest in the mansion, so naturally I will not neglect."

Feng Yujun adjusted her mentality, pointed to the house in front,

"That's the main hall of Chenxi Courtyard, and there are side rooms on the left and right sides. Auntie has all cleaned up. Xiangxiang can just choose the one she likes to live in."

"Thank you,"

Bai Ningxiang followed her gaze and looked forward. There were square houses lined up with a flower bed built in the middle. If it was enclosed separately, it could also be used as an independent small yard.

"Building Fangzi in the middle of the garden looks really poetic... But I don't have to choose, the girls have already gone in and arranged it."

As Bai Ningxiang said, she shook her head helplessly.

At this time, Yun Ni was standing at the entrance of the main hall, directing the maids to deliver things to the house. Feng Yuyun watched those people take the position in the main hall for granted, and looked at Bai Ningxiang suddenly, almost unable to maintain the smile on his face.

"The girl next to Xiangxiang is quick in doing things, so let's go to another place to see."

I really didn't have the consciousness of being a guest at all, so I went straight to the main house. There are so many side rooms on both sides, can't I live in it?
Listening to Feng Yuyun's tone, Bai Ningxiang nodded in agreement, "Miss Feng is right, my girls are quick to do things, each has their own specialties, and I like them very much. With them around, I will It's natural to be lazy."

"Xiangxiang really knows how to joke. As a maidservant, you should think of everything for your master, but your deep affection between master and servant is also something that is enviable." Feng Yujun looked at the girl named Yun Ni, standing at the door of the main room , pinching his waist and directing the crowd to carry things, it makes people angry just looking at it.

Bai Ningxiang glanced at Yun Ni, and couldn't help but chuckled softly, "Miss Feng is right, we are masters and servants in name, but in fact we are more like sisters."

Feng Yuyun's eyes flickered, and she felt a little contemptuous in her heart. She was indeed a girl who grew up in the countryside, and she had no sense of dignity. In Qingdu, the master is the master and the servant, and there must be no chaos at all, otherwise you will be careless. A servant who bullies the master. "

Therefore, her mother taught her since she was a child that it is okay to pamper servants, and there is a limit to everything, so that they cannot have the illusion that they are relying on the master's favor to test the master's bottom line.

However, thinking of Yun Ni's appearance, Feng Yuyun couldn't help looking at Bai Ningxiang, who had such a pretty maid by her side, maybe she was hiding some dirty thoughts.

If she wanted to use her maid to win a man's heart, it could be seen that she was also incompetent, so she didn't have to worry too much about it.

As the noble daughter of Qingdu and the granddaughter of the Feng family, can she still lose to a country girl?

With this idea in mind, Feng Yuyun felt a lot more comfortable, took Bai Ningxiang for a few steps, and pointed to the gazebo in front of her.

"There is a gazebo in the front, and it is also the place with the best view of the whole yard. When you get up early, you can see the morning glory of winter, and in the afternoon, you can see the fiery red sunset. You can see the lotus lake in front, and the garden is full of roses in the back."

While talking, the two walked into the gazebo, leaning on the fence to look far away, Bai Ningxiang nodded, nodded in agreement,
"It's really a good place. In your free time, enjoying the scenery here will definitely make you feel at ease."

"Xiangxiang is right. When the two cousins ​​held flower banquets, they used to talk about poetry and songs here... In a blink of an eye, several years have passed."

Feng Yuyun said with a sigh, and after a moment, she came back to her senses,

"If Xiangxiang becomes more elegant in the future, please ask me. I can just chat with you about the customs of Qingdu. If Xiangxiang wants to know about the situation of other aristocratic families, I can also explain one or two, so that you can integrate into it as soon as possible. life here."

"Miss Bai, my girl is right in saying this. On weekdays, no matter who hosts a banquet, my girl can receive the invitation post. Therefore, my girl is aware of the situation of the Qingdu aristocratic family."

Bai Ningxiang looked at Qiu Chan standing beside her, smiled and nodded,
"I heard that Feng Shilang is well-known in Qingdu for his talents and knowledge. Your girl was born in the Shilang's mansion, so she must be talented. As for the situation of other aristocratic families, I don't want to pay much attention now. If one day I become curious, in It's not too late to ask."

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, Feng Yuyun couldn't help but look over. She didn't know if it was her illusion, but she always felt that her words contained other meanings.

To be a model lady, one must first be demure and elegant.

It is a big taboo to violate the tongue.

"Qiu Chan, don't talk too much. As a maid in Feng's residence, you must be cautious in your words and deeds, and you must not carelessly talk about the affairs of Beppu."

Hearing the girl's reprimand, Qiu Chan was taken aback, and hurriedly bowed to salute, "I know my mistake."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the attitude of the master and servant, and looked at the scenery in the yard boredly. They wanted to show off their advantages, but they were afraid of leaving the impression of gossip, so they said to themselves that the master and servant cooperated perfectly.

After chatting for a while, from Feng Yuyun's words and attitudes, Bai Ningxiang could already confirm that this girl was hostile to her.

The art of merchants, only between competitors, will there be hostility and fear.

Today was the first time she and Feng Yujun met, Bai Ningxiang thought over and over again, the problem was with her brother-in-law.

This girl likes her cousin.

With this level of judgment in her heart, Bai Ningxiang immediately felt uncomfortable.

"Girl, the room has been furnished. Go over and see if there is anything that needs to be changed. Try to fix it before dark, so that the girl can sleep well."

Just when she was about to get up and leave, Yun Ni came over with white tea.

(End of this chapter)

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