Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 958 I'm mad at her

Chapter 958 I'm mad at her

"It's done so quickly, let's go and have a look."

Bai Ningxiang got up and looked at Feng Yuyun who was sitting comfortably, "If Miss Feng is tired, you can continue to rest here, and I will ask the girl to bring you some refreshments later."

"No, I'll go take a look with you."

While speaking, Feng Yuyun had already got up, and couldn't help but feel disgusted in her heart. She just moved in, and she took this place as her own territory so quickly, so thick-skinned.

Yun Ni followed the girl, looking at the girl's leisurely look, she knew that the girl had not been wronged, but she looked at the girl of the Feng family with a calm expression.

Entering the main hall, Mrs. Han, mother and son were already sitting and drinking tea. Seeing the two returning one after the other, Mrs. Han immediately smiled and waved.

"Aren't you tired from shopping? Come here to rest your feet. Xiangxiang will go to see her room first. Not to mention, you girls are really quick at work, and your things are tasteful, elegant and warm. Anyway, my aunt likes it very much."

Mrs. Han smiled and praised, she was telling the truth, and the girls around Xiangxiang are all good hands.

Hearing her aunt's praise, Feng Yuyun felt a little unconvinced, so she followed her to have a look. Except for a few that showed the owner's enthusiasm, the arrangement of the living room was all personal belongings brought by Bai Ningxiang.

When she followed her into the inner room, after the shock, she was even more sour. The aunt was really kind to her, and even bought her so many precious ornaments.

In addition to a few classics, there are also a pair of double-sided embroidered ornaments on the bookshelf, a celadon Guanyin vase, and tooth-white coral...

In addition, on the dressing table, there are three open dressing boxes, one contains various jade hairpins and jade hairpins, one contains pearl headbands and earrings, and the last one contains various shapes. of pearl flowers.

Feng Yuyun looked at the ornaments on the table, and her heart tightened suddenly. Didn't my aunt take out the bottom of her press box?
She doesn't have many such precious jade ornaments.

It wasn't until then that she suddenly realized that besides the hairpin placed in the box, there were two jade hairpins on Bai Ningxiang's hair, one white magnolia hairpin and one purple magnolia flower hairpin.

"These accessories are really beautiful, with good colors and novel styles, and they match Xiangxiang very well." When Feng Yujun said this, she could even realize how stiff her expression was.

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ningxiang glanced at her, then frowned, why are all the jewelry boxes opened?
Before she could ask, Bai Cha spoke first.

"Miss Feng is right. These accessories are all tailor-made for my girl, so they are all well-matched. My girl has fair skin and is most suitable for jade jewelry. Therefore, before coming to Qingdu, the few of us We have started to prepare, what clothes and what jade accessories to match, all of us have prepared in advance."

As Bai Cha said, after checking them one by one, he covered the boxes and put them side by side on the dressing table before clapping his hands.

"Girl, please see if there is anything else that needs to be changed, we will act immediately."

Bai Ningxiang glanced at Feng Yuyun's embarrassing expression, and shook her head, "Let's do this for now, and take it easy later."

After coming out of the room, Bai Ningxiang talked with Mrs. Han for a while, and then dispersed.

Han Jing walked at the end, following Bai Ningxiang, with a smile in his eyes, "What else do you need, I'll let Da Zhuo prepare."

As he said that, he bent slightly and approached Bai Ningxiang's ear, "Anyway, mother has already said that she wants to use my private treasury, so girl, you have to think carefully about what you want."

As Han Jing said, her twinkling eyes flickered, and the corner of her lower lip suddenly turned up, "It doesn't matter if you can't remember, you can go to the warehouse with me, girl, and choose by yourself."

Looking at Yixiong's deep eyes, Bai Ningxiang glared at him, she has enough things,

"I don't want to go, you should keep the things in your private treasury well." No need to ask, she also knows what is in the private treasury of her brother-in-law, nothing more than stones of various colors. All kinds of weapons he collected.

As for the gold and silver things, there are very few of them, otherwise, the big catch would not be crying poor.

But there is one thing she has to ask carefully, why is a person who is not at home all year round contaminated with peach blossoms?
Feng Yujun walked beside Mrs. Han, but she didn't let go of the two people behind her.

Seeing their flirtatious glances and whispers, she wished she could rush over and tear Bai Ningxiang's smiling face to pieces.

She should be the one standing next to her cousin. She has waited for so long, and no one has the right to snatch her.

"Sister Yun, what's wrong with you? You look so ugly?" Mrs. Han looked at her pale niece and couldn't help but ask with concern.

"...I'm fine, just go back and rest for a while."

Feng Yujun held the handkerchief in her hand, and pierced her palm with her fingertips. The pain made her eyes turn red, and she temporarily suppressed the anger in her heart.

"Girl, why didn't you tell me earlier when you feel uncomfortable?" Mrs. Han gave her a coquettish look, "Qiu Chan, quickly help your girl back to her room to rest. I'll ask the housekeeper to invite the doctor to come and see."

"Auntie, I'm fine, don't bother me so much." Feng Yuyun took her aunt's arm and shook her coquettishly.

Out of the corner of his eye, he still stared at his cousin, hoping that he could take a look at him.

Unfortunately, from the beginning to the end, his eyes never moved away from Bai Ningxiang.

I have left all my infatuation to my cousin, why doesn't he have a place for me in his eyes?
She refused to accept and was unwilling.

Her cousin is hers, and no one is qualified to snatch her.She and her cousin are the right marriage, what is Bai Ningxiang, just because of a life-saving grace, she wants to occupy her cousin and snatch her position, wishful thinking.

Originally, I wanted to give her a place in the concubine's room, but she didn't know what to do, so don't blame her for being rude.

Mrs. Han looked at her niece's green and red expressions, and couldn't help but raised her hand to caress her forehead.

"Are you really all right? Don't hold on if you have something to do. Auntie will feel sorry for you if something happens to you."

"... Auntie, don't worry, I just feel a little dizzy all of a sudden, and I'll be fine after a while." Feng Yuyun breathed a sigh of relief, swayed her body, suppressed the anger in her eyes, and looked delicate and weak.

"You child, alas..." Mrs. Han patted her hand distressedly, and beckoned to the girl beside her to take her to the yard to rest in person.

Back in the courtyard where she usually lived, Feng Yuyun sent away the girl next to her aunt, and the smile on her face disappeared completely.

"Qiuchan, this Bai Ningxiang is really extraordinary, you say she is a country girl, where can she get so many precious ornaments?"

There are also those maidservants, all of whom look arrogant, they are annoying to look at, and they deliberately show off... I have to say, those jade ornaments are all good things.

(End of this chapter)

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