Chapter 960

Knowing her niece's thoughts, Mrs. Han became a little uneasy. That girl has been with her the longest time, and her aunt and nephew's affection is naturally deeper than that of her children. If possible, she doesn't want to make sister Yun sad.

Alas, it's all my fault, self-healing smart people, why didn't they find out earlier?
Xiao Qi looked at her mother's tangled expression, her eyes flickered, and she came over secretly, beating her mother's back while laughing and laughing.

"Mother, in fact, this matter is easy to solve. Cousin is uncle's favorite daughter and your favorite niece. Why don't we have a closer kiss?"

"Bah, shut up, you kid. You're not blind, can't you see that your brother's thoughts are all on Xiangxiang?"

Brat, dare to tease her.

"Let Brother Ting hear it, be careful of your dog legs."

Thinking of Fifth Brother's cool eyes, Xiao Qi shrank his head, took a few steps back with guilt, and said in a sly voice,
"As the saying goes, a hero is saddened by a beauty, and my cousin is not bad. As long as you are willing to match, I don't believe it. Fifth Brother will not be tempted."

"Don't give me ecstasy, are you stupid as a mother? Your fifth brother is in the barracks all the year round, and you don't see him very often all year round. There is a possibility of going to the battlefield anytime, anywhere. He has been crowned for two or three years. It's hard to watch. The last girl, it's too late to be happy for her mother, how could she do the thing of beating mandarin ducks?"

It is sincere to love my niece, but it is always worse than my own son.

Mrs. Han said, staring at her youngest son unkindly,
"It's you, the boss is not young anymore, and while you're still by my side, you can settle the marriage earlier. With my wife in charge, you can take care of me."

Hearing her mother's thoughts, Xiao Qi was stunned.

As for Fifth Brother, why did you pull him on the head?

Fortunately, he is thick-skinned, so he accepts it when he sees it.

"My lord, my son knows his mistake and shouldn't come up with random ideas. Please calm down, my lord. Don't worry, I won't get involved in Fifth Brother's affairs anymore. You can make up your own mind."

As Xiao Qi said, she silently took a step towards the door, making jokes with a playful smile.

"Mother, please rest assured that if you have any assignments, my son is willing to saddle up, and he will never complain."

Oh my god, I wanted to get rid of the girl surnamed Bai, but if I buried myself, it wouldn't be worthwhile.

Sure enough, God is fair, he has been staring at him with his eyes open, and he was discovered when he did something bad.

General Han looked at his son's bastard face, cowering, and shook his head speechlessly. He didn't know who this guy had followed, and he didn't have the style of a general at all.

"Ma'am, don't worry too much. It's common for little girls to have conflicts in their families. At most, they will be angry and don't talk. It will be fine in a few days. If it doesn't work, Madam will buy a set of accessories for the girls and make some new clothes to coax them." Come on, it's nothing serious."

Hearing the general's tone, Mrs. Han's eyes widened angrily, and her originally entangled thoughts became troubled.

"What does General Mind of my daughter's family know? Do you think that all women are like those in your backyard, and when they get angry, they spend money to coax them and it's over?"

General Han: "..."

He was so kind, why did he attack personally?
Sigh, forget it, he can't control the affairs of the inner court, and it's not his business to intervene.

"Ahem... I'm just a general, I can't use my brain, and I have to worry about it." Sure enough, he shouldn't have interfered, should he burn himself?
"It's good to know."

Mrs. Han looked at the father and son in front of her, and waved her hands irritably. She was tall and burly, and couldn't help at all.

Seeing the disappearance of the father and son, Mrs. Han felt even more depressed.

"Ma'am, don't worry, our cousin is a person with a clear mind, so naturally she won't worry you."

Seeing his wife being troubled, Cui He stepped forward and comforted her softly.

"Sister Yun is indeed a good boy, it's because of my carelessness as an aunt."

When my daughter grows up, she has more thoughts. She also came from a young age, so how could she not know?

However, the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, and if they are not properly handled, it will inevitably chill the hearts of the children.

"What did Madam say, you are in charge of the huge Han Mansion all by yourself, and you need to worry about it all the time. It's not surprising that you are a little negligent. Besides, Biao girl is filial, so she won't embarrass Madam no matter what."

Cui He pressed his wife's shoulders while softly persuading her.

"...That child is suffering, oh."

Mrs. Han pinched her brows, "Cuihu, go and take out my jasper collar and send it to Sister Ji, so as to ease her heart."

"Yes, ma'am." Cuihu blessed her body, glanced at Cuihe, and then turned to go out.

Bai Ningxiang didn't know what was going on in the living room. At this moment, she was standing on the arch bridge of Chenxi Courtyard, looking at the purple water lilies blooming in the lotus lake, silently in a daze.

"Girl, are you angry?"

Along the way, the girl didn't speak a word. Fortunately, after spending a long time with her, she understood some of the girl's thoughts.Therefore, seeing her ignoring her answer, she must be angry.

"What's there to be angry about? It's getting late. My brother-in-law has been busy for a day. Go back and rest earlier, so as not to be seen by others and say that I don't care about your body."

Bai Ningxiang was depressed, she turned her head to look at Han Jing, and there was a slight grievance in her eyes.

Han Jing: "..."

He also said that he was not angry, and the girl was dishonest.

"Cough~, girl, I don't know my cousin well... A few years ago, my father and I guarded the border all the year round. My mother was alone at home, and my cousin often lived in the mansion to accompany her. To be honest, I haven't met a few times."

Wei Zixian once said that no matter whether there is a mistake or a mistake, you must first appease a woman's emotions before you can make sense.

Bai Ningxiang listened to her brother-in-law's explanation, looked at him quietly for a moment, and tried not to roll her eyes at him.

However, she was still upset when she thought of being hated for no reason.

"You talk about a cousin, and you still say you don't know each other, are you lying to ghosts?"

The little man is right, a man's mouth is a liar.

"If you don't believe me, girl, I can swear that I'm really not familiar with you."

With a helpless expression on his face, Han Jing walked gently to her side, gently embraced her in his arms, bowed his head and kissed her forehead.

I couldn't help thinking in my heart, the best way is to send my cousin away as soon as possible, since the two can't play together, it's better to separate.

"Girl, don't worry, I will send him away as soon as possible, and I won't cause you any trouble."

Bai Ningxiang glared at him, pulled away his arm,

"You can pull it off. I sent your cousin away as soon as I came. Those who don't know think I'm narrow-minded and intolerant. Tomorrow, the entire Qingdu will know that there is an overbearing and unreasonable country girl living in the Han family."

Even Yun Ni and the others who were waiting at the side nodded in agreement. If they drive them away, their girls will definitely bear the notoriety of being small-bellied.

Han Jing: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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