Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 961 Old face 1 red

Chapter 961

What my mother said made sense, military generals only know how to march and fight, and don't understand the ways of the world.

Especially conflicts among women are really not what he is good at.

"In your opinion, how should it be?"

Bai Ningxiang turned around, looked at the serious look on Yixiong's face, and was silent for a long time before she couldn't help but chuckle.

"No matter, she is the cousin girl of the mansion, and I am a guest of the mansion, and my aunt will handle everything, so why should I come forward?"

The relationship between her and her brother-in-law has not yet been determined, no matter how thick-skinned she is, she cannot interfere with the affairs of the Han family.

If she intervenes in Feng Yuyun's future, Aunt Han will be the first to offend. After all, her aunt and nephew are deeply affectionate, and her companionship for so many years cannot be offset by a word or two.

With Feng Yuyun's performance today, Aunt Han should also know what her niece is thinking, but she doesn't know how she will deal with it?

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang shook her head, and walked to the garden. She was depressed after dinner, and she had to digest it.

Han Jing followed her, frowning slightly, indeed, he couldn't burden the girl.

"Don't worry girl, I will take care of this matter."

"Ok, I know."

She came to Qingdu because of her brother-in-law. Although the two lived in Bashan Village, only her family knew about it.

Although the elders of the Han family knew about the relationship between the two, they were nothing if they hadn't completed the three media and six employments.

And she naturally couldn't bring Xiao Ding's words to the table.

If something happened in the middle, she would just come to Qingdu to check the property.

After being reborn, her life trajectory has completely changed. There are too many people around her who need her to take care of, and there are too many things she needs to do.

As for the personal relationship between her children, she only has to be clear on WeChat, but she can't play tricks on anyone.

She has seen through this world a long time ago. The biggest obstacle between her and her brother-in-law is the opinion of family status.

Even if she has a lot of money, compared to the world, she is still high... In her previous life, she might be afraid of gossip and stop moving forward.

But in this life, her mentality has long been different. She only wants to pursue her heart and catch the person she wants to catch, and she is satisfied.

In her previous and present lives, her righteous brother was the warmest place in her heart. She didn't insist on many things, and her righteous brother was one of them. Therefore, facing this little matter in front of her, she didn't take it to heart.

Besides, the brother-in-law has passed the year of weak crown. Although Aunt Han has been anxious, she has never thought about matching the two of them. Of course, there are her concerns and considerations.

In the previous life, the righteous brother was alone. Although Aunt Han was anxious and sad, she had no choice but did not force anything.

Her appearance was considered a good thing for Brother Yi.

Therefore, all she has to do is to wait and see what happens, and she should not worry about the rest.

The night in Qingdu is full of stars, and a crescent moon quietly rises, shining in the courtyard of Chenxi, quiet and peaceful.

Bai Ningxiang walked quietly among the flowers, and the sound of insects sounded in her ears from time to time. If she thought about it clearly, she would no longer be angry.

Han Jing followed her quietly, watching her change between angry and relieved, feeling very curious, before he could ask, the girl was completely calm, the angry look just now was like an illusion.

A woman's heart, a needle under the sea.

Don't lie to me~
Thinking of this, Han Jing chuckled lightly, stretched out his hand and tugged, the girl had already fallen into his arms,

"Since I came to Qingdu, I have been busy, and I haven't been with you properly yet."

"Blame me." Bai Ningxiang raised her head, her eyes were extraordinarily clear.

Looking at the cheeks close at hand, especially those moist eyes, Han Jing curled the corner of her lower lip,

"Taking advantage of the beauty of this beautiful day, if I don't do something, I will be let down."

As she spoke, before Bai Ningxiang could speak, her mouth was blocked.

With Leng Meixiang rushing towards her, Bai Ningxiang only had time to blink her eyes before she was imprisoned in her arms by her brother-in-law.

As the old saying goes, thick-skinned, can't eat through, thin-skinned, can't eat... Sure enough, he has a reason.

Brother Yi, his skin is getting thicker and thicker. He was obviously worried that he would be angry just now.

"The girl is not good."

Han Jing didn't expect that they all kissed her, and this girl dared to run away in a daze. Could it be that she kissed her badly?
Be good, brat.

Bai Ningxiang blinked, complained silently, and directly wrapped his neck around his neck, and while responding, took the opportunity to bite him.


The girl bit him?

Feeling the pain in the corner of her lips, Han Jing tightened her arms, and her eyes suddenly became deep and bright, just like the twinkling stars in the night sky, with a shimmering luster.

Regardless of whether the girl is provocative or demonstrating, he will continue.

As long as it doesn't prevent him from embracing the beauty, that's fine.

As Han Jing became more and more domineering, Bai Ningxiang felt that her breathing was not smooth. She was about to open her mouth to protest and take a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately, someone took advantage of the fire and grabbed her tongue. She couldn't dodge it. You chased me. Between... Between the lips and teeth, a chase scene was staged.


Bai Ningxiang glared at him with her misty eyes open, but unfortunately, the corners of her eyes were red and she had no deterrent power at all.

After a while of chasing, Bai Ningxiang was completely defeated, her whole body softened into mud, hanging dangerously on someone's body, her eyes were flushed with sparkles, which further showed her dominance.

After a while, Bai Ningxiang felt that she was going to drown, and she didn't even have the chance to protest, so she could only stare at him helplessly, expressing her protest.

Looking at the girl's wet eyes, for some reason, he always wanted to bully her.

It wasn't until his breath was chaotic and his breathing was heavy that Han Jing barely stopped.

With the ups and downs of his chest, Han Jing just stared quietly, his expression deep and bottomless.

It's like rubbing her into the flesh and blood and carrying it with you.

When his eyes touched the end of the girl's red eyes, Han Jing was taken aback, and subconsciously kissed her, crying in her heart.

This kind of accusing eyes can only make him crazier!
Han Jing used all the restraint in her life to slowly loosen the restraint on the girl.

"Girl~, I really can't do anything about you." In her hoarse voice, there was infinite pampering and indulgence.

Bai Ningxiang didn't expect her brother-in-law to let go of her suddenly, and she slipped down without warning.Just when she thought she was about to fall, her waist was grabbed again.

At the same time, a low-pitched teasing voice sounded from above his head,
"It's really my silly girl."

Bai Ningxiang was ashamed. She also felt that her behavior just now was a bit embarrassing, but she didn't want to be looked down upon.

"You are stupid..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Bai Ningxiang regretted it. She didn't expect her voice to become so soft in a short time.

Where is this looking for a place?
Acting like a baby is almost the same.

What a shame, ah...

(End of this chapter)

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