Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 963 Tianguo Temple

Chapter 963 Tianguo Temple

"Xiangxiang has a heart, but don't be so polite in the future." Mrs. Han looked at the pastries in the box and said coquettishly, "Brother Ting is taking a rest today, can you arrange for pregnancy?"

Hearing these words, Feng Yujun, who was sitting by the side, immediately raised his ears. While listening, his eyes couldn't help falling on the two standing together.

The two actually appeared together, and they were not afraid of criticism from the people in the mansion?
But looking at her aunt's attitude, as if acquiescing, she couldn't understand why a country girl should be favored by her aunt?

Although the Han family is the family of military generals, they are also the founding fathers of the country. The meritorious service lies in the country. The general family of the Han family is not easy to enter. If it is just for the life-saving grace, it is enough to reward more money, why should it be so?

Feng Yujun couldn't figure it out, but seeing that the two seemed to be in a good relationship, she was so jealous that she died.

It's really shameless, it's not good, it's really indecent to go out together.

However, today's cousin Xiu Mu, she took good care of it.

"Auntie, it's hard for my cousin to take a rest for a day, so it's natural to have a good rest. I heard that the training in the defense camp is very hard, and my cousin is at the helm, so there are naturally many things to worry about."

"You girl, you are always thinking of others. He is young and in good spirits. We don't care about him."

Mrs. Han blinked at her niece, then turned to look at her son with unclear meaning in her eyes.

Feng Yujun looked at her aunt in surprise. Although she was anxious, she didn't know how to speak for a moment.

"What the mother said is true, and the son doesn't feel tired. Taking advantage of Xiumu, I happened to take the girl out for a walk." Han Jing glanced at Bai Ningxiang, and said it logically.

Mrs. Han looked at her son's undisguised face, and cursed with a smile, "It's okay, there are some nice scenery in Qingdu, so it's good to go for a stroll."

While talking, Mrs. Han looked at Bai Ningxiang and couldn't help teasing, "Just follow Xiangxiang, there are a few shops in Qingdu, don't be polite to Brother Ting if you fancy anything."

"Thank you, auntie," Bai Ningxiang was very helpless, so she could only obediently agree.

Listening to her aunt's tone, Feng Yujun subconsciously clenched the handkerchief in her hand, with an incredulous look on her face.

She hadn't recovered from the shock until the two left.

Mrs. Han looked at her nephew's expression, and sighed silently, "Sister Yun, what do you think of Xiangxiang?"

"This... I don't have much contact with Miss Bai, so I can draw conclusions about whether her personality is good or bad." Feng Yuyun came back to his senses, seeing his aunt's gentle appearance, his heart moved, he opened his mouth, but he didn't speak.

Mrs. Han nodded, "Sister Yun is a good girl, thanks to your company these years, aunt is very grateful."

"You are an elder. It's not right for a niece to accompany my aunt. Besides, it's my choice."

Feng Yujun lowered her head, twisted the handkerchief in her hand, and said softly,
"Juner likes to be with her aunt since she was a child, and it happens that her uncle and cousin are often not at home. It is a niece's honor to be able to accompany her aunt."

"What a good boy. Auntie knows that you are a good girl with a clear mind. With the reputation of the Feng family, your mother will definitely choose a young man with good morals for you. When the time comes, Auntie will prepare a dowry for you. I will definitely let you Get married beautifully."

Mrs. Han looked at her niece with loving eyes.

"Our girl from the Feng family is worthy of ten miles of red makeup."

Hearing her aunt's plan, Feng Yuyun was shocked, "Aunt...I..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, she was interrupted by Mrs. Han waving her hand, "The girl's family will get married sooner or later. Sister Yun doesn't need to be shy, my aunt understands."

Feng Yuyun pursed the corners of her lips, her eyes were full of anxiety. It turned out that her aunt never thought of letting her marry into the Han family.

But why, did she not do well?

Or she doesn't meet the standards of the Han family wife, can she change it?
The more she thought about it, the more anxious Feng Yuyun became, her eyes turned red, and she quickly lowered her head in order not to let her aunt see the flaw.

Mrs. Han has been paying attention to her niece's expression. How could she not see her anxious look? While sighing in her heart, she couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

"Sister Yun, you can't force anything, everyone's fate is predetermined, and my aunt will not harm you."

Feng Yujun frowned and protested silently. Her thoughts were all on her cousin, and no one could understand the pain of her waiting.

"By the way, the weather is fine today, why don't we go out for a walk too? Let's go to Tianguo Temple, offering incense and enjoying the scenery."

Mrs. Han stood up, took her niece's hand and walked to the door, looking at the rising sun, she proposed enthusiastically.

"Tianguo Temple has been holding Fa conferences for the past few days, but I don't know if there is a chance to catch up with Abbot Guangyuan to open the altar and give lectures?"

Hearing her aunt's suggestion, Feng Yuyun was a little moved. She also heard about the Dharma meeting in Tianguo Temple. When she was at home, her mother asked her if she wanted to go together.

At that time, she refused her mother in order to wait for her cousin to take a bath. If she went with her aunt, if she met her mother, wouldn't she be naughty again?

"Biao girl, Madam hasn't been out for a while, taking this opportunity, she might as well go to Tianguo Temple with Madam to offer incense and pray for blessings, and pray for the Buddha to bless Biao girl, so that she can find a good husband as soon as possible."

Cui He looked at the cousin girl's hesitation, and added with a smile.

"Our Han family donates sesame oil money to Tianguo Temple every year. Moreover, our fifth son has a deep relationship with Abbot Guangyuan of Tianguo Temple. As long as you are in Qingdu, we always go twice a year. I don't know if we will bring him today. Lead Miss Bai over there?"

"Abbot Guangyuan is an eminent monk who has attained the Tao. He is especially good at annotating fate. As long as he is willing to approve, most of them are rich and long-lasting people."

Hearing Cuihe's prompt, Feng Yujun's eyes lit up. Why did she forget her cousin's relationship with Abbot Guangyuan?

If I go with my aunt, because of the predestined relationship between the Han family and Abbot Guangyuan, maybe we can meet each other.

When the time came, she would ask the abbot to show her the way.

"If Sister Yun wants to go, Auntie will ask someone to prepare." Mrs. Han knew that her heart was moving, so she patted her hand with a smile.

"Well, I'll listen to my aunt." It's good to go out for a walk, so as not to be bored at home, which will only increase your troubles.

"I'm going too, I'm going too,"

While talking, Xiao Qi has already jumped in and looked at her mother excitedly.

"It's a bit far to go to Tianguo Temple. My mother and cousin are both mentally handicapped women, and they just need the protection of a man like me."

"Stinky boy, it's even more unruly to barge in without notification." Mrs. Han gave him a glare, the child was spoiled.

"Auntie, what Xiao Qi said is right, we really need guards, since Xiao Qi is free, of course we can't ask for it." Feng Yuyun took his aunt's arm and winked at Xiao Qi.

"Just protect him. Brother Ting is right. Xiao Qi is too loose and really needs to be restrained." Mrs. Han looked helpless, "I don't have to prepare yet, I will deal with you when I come back."

(End of this chapter)

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