Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 964: Abbot Guangyuan

Chapter 964: Abbot Guangyuan
Seeing his mother agreeing, Xiaoqi's eyes lit up, and he ran out directly. When they came back, his mother would definitely forget about punishing him.

Looking at Xiaoqi's back, Feng Yuyun raised the corner of her lower lip. Fortunately, he is in the Han family and has an ally, so I don't know if he can help?
At this time, on the official road, there was a carriage driving lumberily, and inside the carriage were Han Jing and Bai Ningxiang.

They went out of the East City Gate and went straight to Tianguo Temple.

"Today, Abbot Guangyuan opened an altar to give a lecture. I'll take you to listen to it. They say that the old monk is an eminent monk, and those blessed by him are either rich or noble. Therefore, take this opportunity to introduce you to the girl."

Bai Ningxiang was taken aback by listening to the reminder from her brother-in-law, Abbot Guangyuan?

She had met the old monk in her previous life. At that time, she took her family to Tianguo Temple to offer incense. The mother-in-law insisted on meeting the presiding abbot, so that the old monk and her precious grandson would approve fate. The abbot was not there at the time, and the old lady said She has no skills, and she is not sincere enough to invite the abbot.

However, on the way back, I met an old monk begging for water. After she sent a bowl of water, the old monk looked at her and said something, which I still remember deeply.

"Fate in this life, loose in this life, don't force it. Love in this life, repayment in the next life, it's all cause and effect."

She didn't understand at the time, but just as she was about to ask, her mother-in-law urged her to leave impatiently, and the great monk didn't do any business, so he retreated to the side of the road with a smile, and also gave old lady Jiang a word.

"Cherishing fate is a blessing. Fate comes and goes, and it is a cycle of cause and effect."

I don't know if the old lady didn't sound good, she snorted angrily, "Where did the wild monk come from, he is used to talking nonsense, be careful of the Buddha's punishment."

At that time, the old monk smiled slightly, clasped his hands together, "Old Monk Guangyuan, the old lady is very angry, don't forget to be angry and hurt your body."

After saying this, the old monk walked towards Tianguo Temple under the surprised eyes of everyone.

Mrs. Jiang didn't know if she was frightened by Guangyuan's comments. She fell ill after returning home, but she lived in peace for a while.

From then on, she never dared to bring up the matter of going to Tianguo Temple to offer incense except to ask herself to pay more for the incense oil.

Unexpectedly, after turning around, she would see Abbot Guangyuan again.

The old monk is an eminent monk who has attained the Tao and indeed has wise eyes. I wonder if he can see that the soul in her body does not match the body?
Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang felt a little nervous.

"Brother Yi, I heard that Abbot Guangyuan is already half a fairy?"

"Well, there is indeed a legend among the people. It is said that the old monk's eyesight is open to the sky, so he was repeatedly invited by the monarch to preside over the Tianguo Temple."

In fact, Tianguo Temple can also be regarded as a royal temple, but the monarch never interferes with the people going to the mountain to petition, so Tianguo Temple is also the temple with the most incense in the Daqing Dynasty.

"Then ordinary people like peerless eminent monks shouldn't be able to see it, right?" Bai Ningxiang looked at her brother-in-law, subconsciously holding the handkerchief in her hand.

If there is anything she is most afraid of since her rebirth, it must be Abbot Guangyuan.

Hearing the girl's cautious tone, Han Jing couldn't help but look up from the book, and when he found the anxiety in her eyes, he couldn't help comforting her.

"Girl, don't worry, as long as the old monk is in the monastery and the brother-in-law is there, you can see him."

The old monk's reputation is too high, so it's not surprising that the girl is nervous.

Fortunately, he has a certain relationship with the old monk, so it is not too much trouble to meet him.

Listening to the brother's comfort, Bai Ningxiang knew that he had misunderstood, but she couldn't explain it for a while.

I just hope that the old monk is not in the temple, or I can't remember her as an unknown person.

The carriage was driving all the way, Bai Ningxiang had something on her mind, so she didn't care to enjoy the scenery along the road until the carriage stopped at the foot of the mountain.

"Girl, young master, the Tianguo Temple is here." Yun Ni opened the curtain and stretched out her hand to Bai Ningxiang.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up, the first thing you see is the blue sky and white clouds.

On the mountainside, there is a majestic and majestic temple, surrounded by pines and forests, and there is a solemn atmosphere among the lush greenery.

"Dong Dong~"

The melodious bells sounded, thick, distant, and simple, which can not only shock the soul, but also stabilize the heart.

Bai Ningxiang stopped, raised her eyes and looked into the distance, the dark green trees covered the day, filled with a strong scent of incense.

"Girl, let's go, the ceremony has already begun."

Looking at Bai Ningxiang's tense smiling face, Han Jing had no choice but to pinch her cheek, "Don't worry, the elder monk is here, the old monk will definitely see him."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

She does not want to see, she is afraid.

Although she didn't know why she was lucky enough to be reborn once more than ordinary people, she had to admit that she was outside of reincarnation.

Buddhist Pure Land, can she come out safely?
On the winding steps, there are all kinds of believers walking. They are smiling and peaceful, and they all say that there is no distinction between rich and poor, high and low on the road to Buddhism.

The Buddha said that all living beings are equal, and what he said is now.

Bai Ningxiang closed her eyes, since all living beings are equal, no matter how bizarre her experience is, she can still be regarded as one of the dust.

After thinking this through, Bai Ningxiang suddenly became more at ease in her heart. She looked up at the majestic monastery without being so afraid.

"Listening to an eminent monk's speech on the altar can bring peace of mind, so let's not delay, so as not to miss it."

"The girl is right, but the old monk once said that as long as there is a Buddha in your heart, even if you are in the five elements, you can go beyond the three realms."

Han Jing stretched out his hand to hold her, and walked up slowly.

"How did brother Yi get acquainted with Abbot Guangyuan?" Bai Ningxiang glanced at the two people's hands, her eyes were bent, and she couldn't help asking curiously.

"It's a long story. I have known the old monk since I was seven or eight years old. The first time I came to Tianguo Temple, my grandfather brought me here. The Han family is the family of generals. They have fought in the battlefield all the year round. Some sesame oil money, let the abbot do things, save the souls of those who died in battle... Over time, the Han family and abbot Guangyuan became acquainted."

As Han Jing said, she turned her head to look at the girl beside her, and chuckled lightly.
"The old monk once said that my marriage is bizarre, just do as you like."

Bai Ningxiang was taken aback, thinking about herself, isn't it weird?
The righteous brother in the previous life had always been alone, and she went round and round, wasting two lifetimes before she came to the righteous brother's side.

"The old monk has always spoken so profoundly that people can't understand, but what he said is correct. If I hadn't been injured, I wouldn't have met you in the mountains. In other words, you were bought by me with my , the girl has to stay by my side, if you run away, I have to chase after you."

Han Jing said, looking at Bai Ningxiang with burning eyes, gentle and domineering.

Looking into the eyes of the righteous brother, Bai Ningxiang blushed, "Buddhist pure land, what are you talking about, be careful of the Buddha's blame."

(End of this chapter)

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