Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 965 The Abode is Simple, There Are Many Good Things

Chapter 965 The Abode is Simple, There Are Many Good Things

"Amitabha, the heart is outside the three realms, living in the world of mortals, the Buddha accommodates all rivers, how can he blame the infatuated?"

With the sound of the Buddha's chant, an old monk in monk's robe came out from the side fork.

Behind him is a basket with a small hoe and some herbs in it.

When Bai Ningxiang saw the old monk, she suddenly stopped her feet, her face turned pale, it was still the dress and expression in the memory...

"Amitabha, major general, don't come here without any harm."

The old monk clasped his hands together, looked at Han Jing with a smile, then turned to Bai Ningxiang, and smiled benevolently.

"Benefactor, we meet again after a long absence."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Yes, I have seen it in my previous life.

Han Jing glanced at the old monk, and subconsciously blocked Bai Ningxiang behind her, "Old monk, have you seen my girl?"

Seeing Han Jing protecting the calf, Guangyuan chuckled, "Don't worry, Major General, I have traveled to mountains and rivers, and I have a relationship with the benefactor to donate water."

Listening to the old monk's explanation, Han Jing turned to look at Bai Ningxiang, "I didn't expect that girl has already met the old monk, so I don't need to introduce you."

"...Many years ago, I did meet the master by chance,"

Bai Ningxiang felt guilty, but looking at Abbot Guangyuan's eyes, somehow, inexplicably calmed down.

Han Jing glanced at the girl's lack of confidence, and then at the benevolent old monk, feeling amused.

This old monk likes to say some vain and ambiguous words.

"Old monk, everyone in Qingdu knows that you are going to open a dharma field, recite scriptures and teach Buddhism, but looking at your outfit, it doesn't look like you are doing business."

Listening to Han Jing's joke, Abbot Guangyuan stroked his beard and laughed,
"Major General doesn't know, this time the lecturer is my junior brother Guangji, after this ceremony, I will no longer be the abbot of Tianguo Temple."

"Resigning as abbot, does the monarch agree?" Han Jing frowned. The monarch did not trust the great monk in general.

"My junior brother Guangji is no less proficient in Buddhism than the old monk. The Tianguo Temple is presided over by him, and the king will not object." Guangyuan chuckled, "I have stayed in the Tianguo Temple for several years, so I should move around."

"Is Master going to Yunyou?"

"I do have this intention. The vastness of the world can accommodate hundreds of rivers. The rest of my life is limited. It is also my long-cherished wish in my life to travel around the great rivers and mountains."

The old monk stroked his beard and watched the two standing side by side, his eyes brightened, and then he looked peaceful again.

"The Buddha said, only after going through ups and downs can we know the true meaning of life. I wish the two of you a happy marriage and peace and prosperity."

"Thank you, Master, for your kind words,"

Listening to Abbot Guangyuan's words, Bai Ningxiang was overjoyed, and gave a respectful salute. Her originally uneasy heart had completely calmed down now.

Hearing the old monk's tone, Han Jing's eyes twitched,
"Thank you, old monk, for your good words. I heard that you have collected a lot of tea and wine. Don't be stingy, old monk."

"Major General wants to drink fragrant tea, so why worry about the little thing in the old monk's pocket? Benefactor Bai is a master of tea, how can he lack your fragrant tea?"

The old monk looked at Han Jing with a smile, and when he heard that someone was thinking about his things, his unfathomable expression immediately disappeared, and he became an old man who was protecting food that Bai Ningxiang had never seen before.

"The old monk's words are wrong. It is better to meet by chance. If you are destined to meet the master, you will naturally try something new. You can drink your own tea at any time. The old monk is eager to see the end. He wants to get something good from you. It was so difficult."

Seeing the old monk's attitude of wanting to run away, Han Jing couldn't help but bend the corners of his lips,
"Let's go, go to your abode and sit down. There are many people in the hall, so let's not go."

Helpless, the old monk shook his head and sighed, "The young general is still so forthright and unforgiving...I must explain in advance, this time you should at least save some time with me."

Is it easy for the old monk to save something?

When one or two saw him, they wanted to empty him out before giving up.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the way the two got along, and blinked her eyes in surprise. It turns out that the righteous brother still has such a rascal side, and it turns out that the master is so stingy?

The three of them avoided the crowd all the way, and walked to a fence door from the winding path. The old monk opened the door and walked in.

"The jingshe is simple and simple, please feel free to be a few donors."

Bai Ningxiang followed her righteous brother into the yard, there were three thatched huts, a small fenced yard, a purple bamboo forest on the left, and a round stone table in the middle, with a tea set and two plates of vegetarian cakes on it.

As soon as the old monk put down the medicine basket, a young novice came out from the next room,

"Master, you are back."

"Well, there is a distinguished guest here, let's make a pot of tea." The old monk said softly after cleaning his hands.

"Yes, Master." Seeing Han Jing and Bai Ningxiang, the little novice clasped his hands together, saluted shyly, then turned and went to the next room.

The house in front of me can be said to be very simple, Bai Ningxiang's eyes flashed with surprise, obviously the ancient temple in front of him is majestic, and the master is also in charge of the post, why is he living in the thatched house?

Moreover, this is the most remote backyard of the entire monastery. The quietness here is completely different from the hustle and bustle in front, completely two worlds.

"Is the girl curious? Why does the old monk live in such a simple place?"

Han Jing looked at the curiosity in the girl's eyes, chuckled lightly, walked to the purple bamboo forest in front, picked up a piece of vegetarian cake, took a bite,
"The freshly baked vegetarian cake tastes pretty good, girl, try it?"

Bai Ningxiang was sitting in the purple bamboo forest. Apart from the faint smell of incense, the visual impact of a thousand-year-old temple was gone in the air.

"Although the great monk is the abbot and the temple is full of incense, the great monk never personally enjoys offerings from pilgrims. Most of the sesame oil money he receives is taken down the mountain by him to give porridge to do good, build bridges and build roads."

This is also the biggest reason why the great monk is admired and respected by the world, and it can be regarded as taking from the people and using it for the people.

"The master is worthy of being an expert in the world, a family of great kindness, living alone, quiet and peaceful, and the world talks about it every day, only by avoiding extravagance, arrogance and impetuosity, can one do anything. Master is truly a model for the world."

"What the girl said is not bad... However, although the old monk has done a good job in self-cultivation, he still has a lot of good things in his hands."

"Haha... the major general still misses the old man's cloud? Please also be patient, the major general, that cloud will belong to you sooner or later."

The old monk changed into a pale yellow monk robe, sat down opposite Han Jing,

"As Benefactor Bai said, I am ashamed and right. Tianguo Temple is full of incense, and it is a place of blessings from the heavens. My Buddha is merciful... I am only acting as an acting host, so naturally I cannot enjoy the incense of the people."

"Ahem...shaking my head, I don't know. The good things in the old monk's hands are all made by himself, the tea is picked by himself, the wine is brewed by himself, and even the Buddhist beads are carved by himself."

(End of this chapter)

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