Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 966 Fate Hasn't Come

Chapter 966 Fate Hasn't Come

Han Jing said, pointing in the direction of the thatched cottage,

"In the wing room, there is a string of hundred-year-old mahogany beads hanging. Look at the beads on his wrist. They are also red sandalwood beads that are hundreds of years old. The plate is shiny. He chanted scriptures and worshiped Buddha with the old monk every day, and he was contaminated with a lot of Buddhist principles. An excellent magic weapon for exorcising evil and avoiding evil spirits."

Listening to the brother-in-law's narration, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but twitched the corners of her lips. Sure enough, the two were destined for each other, otherwise they wouldn't have known such details.

"Major General, don't worry about those vulgar things of the old monk anymore, but, today, I have the chance to meet the benefactor Bai, so I really should give the benefactor Bai a meeting gift."

Although the old monk was protecting the food, from the beginning to the end, he always had a smiling and benevolent appearance.

While speaking, he took out a string of beads from the wide armhole,
"This is a bunch of small-leaf red sandalwood carved by the old man in his free time. He has also enjoyed incense in front of the Buddha for three years. It can calm the mind and calm the mind. Please take it with you, Lord Bai."

Hearing the posture of the two talking to each other, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help shaking the corners of her lips. Brother Yi is begging for something from her.

Looking at the string of dark red small-leaf red sandalwood, Bai Ningxiang was not polite, took it respectfully, put it on her wrist,
"Thank you, Master."

"Benefactor Bai, you're welcome. You are a person with profound blessings. You and the major general belong to a heaven-sent marriage. In the previous life, someone borrowed your blessings and missed the marriage. If you continue your fate in this life, it's just in accordance with God's will."

Listening to the master's words, Bai Ningxiang was taken aback for a moment, what does it mean to be blessed in the previous life?

But when she touched the master's wise eyes, Bai Ningxiang was speechless.

"Donors don't need to worry too much, let go of the past, and cherish the present is the right way."

"Thank you, master, for your guidance, and believers will naturally obey."

Bai Ningxiang's mind was shaken, her heart was extraordinarily stable and stable, all the things in her previous life, like passing clouds, drifted away faintly, in the world, only her brother-in-law looked at her with a smile, his gentle smile carried a sense of security .

Han Jing looked at the old monk's expression, then at the girl's pious appearance, curled up her lips,

"Okay, what about past and present lives, I'm only satisfied with letting the girl live comfortably in this life. As for the next life, I'll talk about it in the next life."

"Haha... What the Major General said is true, living in the present is the truth, I have learned a lesson."

After the great monk laughed, he pointed to the purple bamboo forest around him, "In a blink of an eye, the young general and the old monk have not seen each other for two years, and this purple bamboo forest is getting more and more lush."

Han Jing: "..."

The old monk really held grudges, and he was not the only one who destroyed the purple bamboo forest, but the old monk seemed to be suffering from amnesia, and he only clung to him. "

Just when he was about to defend himself, the little monk came over with a pot of hot water and made tea with the old monk.

In the purple bamboo grove, the aroma is wafting, and the refreshing tea fragrance permeates around the bamboo grove, which makes people feel very comfortable and stable.

A cup of tea, two plates of vegetarian cakes, a few people chatted about the world, the past and the present, until the little novice brought the vegetarian food, and the few people gave up without enough.

Su Zhai is very simple, a plate of wild vegetables in the mountains, a plate of fried tofu, a plate of scrambled eggs, a bowl of mountain mushroom soup, and a plate of white flour steamed buns.

Although there were not many dishes, the portions were large and the taste was good. Bai Ningxiang also ate a steamed bun and drank a bowl of mushroom soup.

"Su Zhai is crude, can the Major General still get used to it?"

"Don't make fun of me, the old monk. The food is simple, but it tastes good. I like it very much."

Han Jing swallowed the last mouthful of steamed buns, wiped her hands with a handkerchief,

"The old monk wants to travel in the clouds, why not go south, that is the girl's hometown, maybe in a few years, we can still have dinner together like this."

"Haha... I also have the same idea, you and I will definitely meet again, maybe I will trouble the young general to take him in."

Listening to the tone of the two, Bai Ningxiang nodded with a smile, "Brother Yi and I will definitely wait for Master to come."

"Thank you, Lord Bai."

Abbot Guangyuan nodded, his eyes flashed with wisdom.

After eating vegetarian food and talking to the old monk for a while, Han Jing took Bai Ningxiang and left.

On the occasion of parting, the old monk sent the man outside the fence gate, stroked his beard, and reminded him with a smile.

"Major General, go down the mountain and turn left from here. There is a lilac flower garden. The color is just right at this time. If you two are not in a hurry, you might as well turn around and take a walk."

"Thank you."

Han Jing looked back and smiled, took Bai Ningxiang's hand and went straight down the mountain. Following the old monk's guidance, he saw a piece of lilacs in full bloom.

"I didn't expect that the master is also an elegant person, and he likes to plant some flowers and plants."

Bai Ningxiang pulled Han Jing's arm, breathed calmly, looked at the purple flower garden in front of her, and couldn't help admiring, the clusters are really beautiful.

"It's wild. The old monk should have taken care of it. Girl, don't forget that lilac is also a medicinal herb. The old monk is good at medicine. This is his territory, so he is naturally familiar with it."

Han Jing leaned on the tree trunk beside him, looking at the mountainous scenery, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

The two of them are in this sea of ​​flowers, you and I, but they don't know that Mrs. Han's aunt and nephew are standing at the gate of the fence. If the two return the same way, they will definitely meet halfway.

"Amitabha, two benefactors, please forgive me for not seeing you today, master."

The little novice put his palms together in a respectful manner.

"Little master, this is my aunt, who is also the head wife of the Han family. Abbot Guangyuan has always had a close relationship with the Han family. As long as the master knows, he will definitely meet."

Feng Yujun was stunned when he heard the little monk's report. Thinking of the purpose of coming today, he couldn't help but confirm it.

"Mrs. Han, forgive me. Master's visit to friends today is over. I won't see any more guests. Please also invite Mrs. Han to be Haihan." The little novice looked at Feng Yuyun apologetically, took a step back, and told the truth.

"Forget it, since the master has already received visiting friends today, we won't bother you anymore, and we're leaving."

Mrs. Han clasped her hands together, returned the gift, and then patted her niece's hand.

"Sister Yun, the master has rules on weekdays. I only saw one visiting friend, and I have never broken the convention. Let's go down the mountain first. If sister Yun wants the master to approve the marriage, ask your uncle to send a letter of congratulations another day." Tie, make an appointment, and you won't be disappointed."

"...Well, I originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the Fa conference to meet the abbot, what a pity."

Although Feng Yujun was regretful, she also knew the principle of the master. She looked up at the empty yard and the purple bamboo forest not far away, paused, and reluctantly followed her aunt back to the main hall.

The second half of the Fa conference will start soon, and she has to accompany her aunt to listen to it, but she doesn't know if her cousin will show up?

Bai Ningxiang, a country girl, probably has never participated in such a grand ceremony, so I don't know if she will pester her cousin over here to gain some insight.

(End of this chapter)

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