Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 967 It's Useless to Sell Badly

Chapter 967 It's Useless to Sell Badly

"Sister Yun, in fact, Master Guangji is also an eminent monk. If you are willing, it is feasible to ask him to approve a batch of marriages."

Mrs. Han looked at her niece's lonely eyes and couldn't help but suggest.

"No need, aunt, this thing is all about fate. Since we haven't met the abbot, it proves that our fate has not arrived yet, so don't force it."

Hearing her aunt's suggestion, Feng Yuyun's heart was moved, and then she shook her head and denied it.

What she wants to see is Abbot Guangyuan, and other people's comments are meaningless to her.

By the time Bai Ningxiang and Han Jing walked down the mountain, it was already [-]:[-] a.m., they hurried on and entered Qingdu just in time for the city gate to close.

"Girl, there are a lot of delicious food in Dongcheng. After dinner, you can go to the lake. Would you like to play for a while?"

Seeing that Bai Ningxiang was in good spirits, Han Jing couldn't help but suggest.

"Lake tour?"

Bai Ningxiang was surprised, "Is that the kind of boat?"

Han Jing looked at the surprised look on the girl's face, and after thinking about it for a while, couldn't help laughing,

"Yes, girl, dare to go?"

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

The romantic place, Yingying Yanyan, Pink Lady, must make people linger, he is a man, he should like that kind of place, right?
It's just that what she didn't expect was that if the righteous brother dared to blatantly follow her there, wouldn't she be afraid of being jealous?

Seeing the unpredictable expression of the little girl, Han Jing didn't dare to tease her too much, if she lost her popularity, how could he coax her.

"Pfft~, I really don't know what's in my head. By the Dongcheng Lake, there are as many painted boats as crucian carp crossing the river. They have everything to eat, drink, and have fun... But those boats are not all romantic places, and there are also young masters from aristocratic families. The painting boats purchased are used to hold poetry festivals and flower banquets."

Of course, most of the people who own painting boats are rich enough to support them.

Like him, no way, the money in his pocket is getting less and less every year, not to mention the boat, Wei Zixian alone can almost pay for the herbs needed.

Seeing that he was going to marry a wife again, he had to plan carefully, how to generate some income and enrich the warehouse.

Go back and study the hidden cottages around, and ask Feng Er to visit them.

It's all tears. Compared with Wei Zixian, his days are indeed much sadder.

"Wei Zixian bought a painting boat. He usually lives here."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

"However, the girl's thinking is correct. There are mixed fish and dragons by the Dongcheng Lake, so there are naturally many romantic things."

Han Jing said, staring at the blushing little girl with burning eyes, and rushed forward.

"If you have a good wife and beautiful family, who cares about those vulgar fans?"

Hearing brother Yi's tone and the hot air spraying in her ears, Bai Ningxiang subconsciously shrank her neck back and let out a groan.
"It's said that a hero is sad to pass the beauty test, and it's common sense that some people can't stand the temptation."

"Heh~, what the girl said is not bad, the most unpredictable thing in the world is the human heart...but I am different."

Han Jing stared at Bai Ningxiang, especially those twinkling eyes, which revealed an unspeakable grievance.

"Major General, you need status, ability and ability. As long as you stretch out your fingers, many Yingying Yanyans will throw themselves into your arms. You are indeed different. Maybe you can win the favor of beauties without spending money. "

Bai Ningxiang looked at her, unconsciously filled with resentment.

"Pfft~, the girl thinks beautifully. If you don't have money, even if you are an emperor, you don't want to go whoring for nothing. In the romantic place, you only recognize money but not people. Do you think people can smile as brightly as flowers to anyone? They Just smile at Yinzi."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

This is true. In his previous life, Jiang Wenxue spent 1000 taels of silver in one go to win the favor of the oiran and become the guest of honor.

Han Jing looked at the little girl's blinking eyes and sighed softly.

"Young girl is right, I don't need anything but money."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

What do you mean brother?
If you have money, you can spend a lot of time and drink?
"The girl also knows the rules of the Han family. With those disabled soldiers dragging her along, no amount of money is enough to spend, so I don't want to spend money lavishly in this life."

Han Jing leaned close to her ear, with a low tone,
"I didn't think much of it before, but after I met the girl, I realized how miserable my life was."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the thick-skinned man in front of him speechlessly, he is a liar, he has so many good things in his hands, they could eat them for years with silver.

"Your stones are very valuable..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Bai Ningxiang wanted to bite off her tongue, what was she doing?
Seeing the girl's annoyed look, Han Jing pursed the corners of her lips, "I am also a son of an aristocratic family after all, if I get mixed up to the point of being a thing, I will lose face and be laughed out of my teeth."

"Who made you a thing? What are you thinking about?" Bai Ningxiang glared at him, she just didn't want this person to cry poorly with her, she had a lot of imagination.

"My lord, Dr. Wei's boat has arrived." Da Zuo got off his horse, came to the carriage, and reminded him softly.

Han Jing straightened up, "Let's go, Wei Zixian has a cook, I heard that the cooking is good, I just tried it today."

When Bai Ningxiang got off the carriage, the breeze was blowing on her face, carrying a touch of moisture, making her look extremely cool.

It was almost dusk at this time, and there were many magnificent painted boats floating on the lake, with colorful lanterns hanging on them, swaying like stars, dotting the entire lake.

A moment later, a blue painting boat docked on the shore. Wei Zixian was dressed in azure blue loose clothes, waving a folding fan in his hand, and looked at Han Jing with a smile.

"Why did you suddenly think of me?"

"To escape the heat in summer, this is the place to go. I heard that your cook is good, so I brought the girl to have a taste, and take a tour of the lake by the way."

Han Jing looked at Wei Zixian's appearance as a flirtatious young man, and his teeth ached.

After the board was fixed, she led Bai Ningxiang up, and when passing by Wei Zixian, Han Jing smelled a faint smell of makeup on him.

"You are more relaxed."

"I eat enough for myself and the whole family is not hungry. Naturally, I went where I was leisurely. You sons and beauties are in pairs. Even if you eat bran and swallow vegetables, you are satisfied and shed tears. I don't have this blessing. Naturally, I have to live in other places." Make up, to soothe my wounded heart."

As Wei Zixian spoke, he exaggeratedly covered his chest, and looked at the two of them like a bitter woman.

"Miss Bai, am I right?"

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

I'm used to pretending, and I can act all of them, why don't I sing?
"If you want to sell miserably, at least clean yourself up,"

Han Jing glared at him, and didn't wipe his mouth stealthily. How could he still feel aggrieved?
"Fengyi bought pear blossom stuffing, let your cook make some good dishes, let's have fun together."

(End of this chapter)

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