Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 968: The Courage Is Not Enough

Chapter 968: The Courage Is Not Enough

"Is it obvious? Why didn't I feel it?"

Wei Zixian raised his sleeves and smelled it, then smiled and yelled towards the cabin.

"Old Cui, cook some hard dishes that you are good at. Today, the Major General and I will not go home without getting drunk."

"I know."

Entering the painting boat, Bai Ningxiang looked at the decoration inside the painting boat, all yellow rosewood, just like the living room at home, on the front and rear decks, there were pale yellow lanterns, shining the whole painting boat with dazzling brilliance.

There is a semi-curved staircase on the left, from where you can go directly to the second floor.

That should be the resting place for Wei Zixian, just now the brother-in-law was teasing him, I don't know if there is a golden house upstairs?
Bai Ningxiang walked around on the first floor, and then sat down in the cabin, facing the window, she could just see the lake outside.

After seeing Wei Zixian's painting boat, Bai Ningxiang's impression of him has changed a lot. The interior is so luxurious, and he sells it miserably frequently on weekdays, making her think that this guy's life is very poor, and she was deceived for a long time. Every time I send something to my brother-in-law, I will give him a copy.

Sure enough, people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured.

No one should underestimate it.

Da Zhuo followed the boy to work on the deck, untied the cable, pulled back the plank, let the boat turn around slowly, and prepared to sail towards the center of the lake.

Just after turning half the bow, I heard someone talking on the shore.

"Just stop with me and let the boat dock."

Grabbing the half-coiled cable, he heard the yelling and looked up.

"I haven't been walking in Qingdu all year round. Why are there more and more idiots? This is Dr. Wei's private painting boat, and it's not a place to welcome guests. Could it be that someone has drunk too much?"

Hearing Da Zhuo's muttering, the boy at the helm couldn't help sighing,

"What I don't know is that the son is Wei Ziming, the son of the Wei family. He has been trying to occupy my master's boat. If the master doesn't let go, they keep harassing him. The mistress in the mansion has sent people to invite the master back to the mansion several times. Master I don't care."

"So he's the son of the Wei family? No wonder he's so arrogant, but, as a dignified son of the son of a son, wouldn't he be afraid of being laughed at if he blatantly robbed his son?"

Da Zuo coiled the cable, put it on a corner of the deck, looked at the distraught son on the shore, and sneered.

"My lord on the shore, this is a private boat, and we don't entertain guests. If you want to have fun, there are plenty of them nearby. As long as you bring enough money, there are plenty of boats to receive you."

Wei Ziming on the shore listened to Dazhua's sneer, wheezed and shook his folding fan, and shouted angrily,
"You stupid slave, you're blind. When you see me coming, why don't you stop the boat and go up to the book? Today, my son is entertaining friends and wants to take a swim in the lake. Go and tell that bastard. The master of the painting boat has confiscated it."

"Hey, what a big tone. As far as I know, this painting boat is Dr. Wei's personal belongings. Even if you are from the Wei family, you can't just keep your mouth shut and occupy other people's things, right?"

Dazhuo said, folded his hands on his chest, turned to look at the same angry young man beside him,

"The Wei family's family style is not very good, or is it that the Wei family is so poor that they don't even have money to swim in the lake, and they even want to occupy the personal belongings of their younger brother?"

Although it was said to the boy, the voice of Dazhu was not low, and the people on the shore could hear it clearly.

"Bastard, who are you? You can take care of the affairs of our Wei family? If you are sensible, drive over here quickly, and be careful that I am rude to you."

Wei Ziming looked at the eyes of his friends, his face turned red, he clenched his folding fan tightly, and gave a command with his head held high.

"What about the bastard, let him come and talk to me."

Before Da Zhuo could speak, Wei Zixian and Han Jing had already walked out of the cabin.

"The direct brother's quarrel at night is really honoring the family's children."

Wei Zixian shook his folding fan, looked at Wei Ziming's frantic look, and twitched the corners of his lips with undisguised sarcasm.

"Wei Zixian, you bastard with no respect or inferiority, hurry up and let the boat out, and be careful that your father won't let you in."

"How old is my brother, and I asked my parents to help vent my anger... Besides, when did you see me wanting to enter Wei's house?" Wei Zixian snorted, "If I can, I don't even bother with the surname Wei."

"You... You have the ability to say this in front of your father, and get out of the protection of the Wei family."

Wei Ziming roared angrily, he is just a bastard who dares to speak out loudly, and he is nothing if he leaves the Wei family.

"Do you think I didn't say it? If you don't know, go back and ask Mr. Wei why he doesn't agree. Without the Wei family, I am free." Wei Zixian looked at his brother-in-law opposite, with a twitch of his lips laugh.

"Wei Ziming, I'm afraid you have forgotten that I am a doctor. I haven't seen you for a long time. You are quite courageous. If you dare to step on my territory, you are really not afraid of death."

Hearing Wei Zixian's reminder, Wei Ziming was taken aback for a moment, thinking of the last time he was so hardened that he couldn't get out of bed for half a month, his heart panicked.But if he wanted to embarrass him in front of his friends, he couldn't help it.

"Wei Zixian, you are so brave. If you dare to do something wrong, I will definitely report to my mother and deal with it according to the family law."

"Heh~, Wei Ziming, how about another word? I scare people with my parents every day, and I don't get tired of panic... Even if I don't kill you, it's still very difficult to let you lie on the bed for a month or two. It's easy, do you want to try it?"

I really don't know how his aunt raised her son, she was as stupid as a pig.

"You... you dare?"

"Heh~, let's try, do I dare or not?"

Wei Ziming: " bastard."

It's okay to scold, but Wei Ziming is timid after all, and he doesn't doubt Wei Zixian's words at all.

Because of this painting boat, the members of the Wei family have always wanted to return to the family, but unfortunately the little bastard is not willing, but those who have been on the painting boat either have stomach problems or have fever and convulsions, and have suffered a lot of crimes.

Although his father yelled at him, he didn't dare to take the painting back, for fear of further trouble.

Later, this matter was settled. If he hadn't happened to see it today and was encouraged to say a few words, he wouldn't have rushed to his head.

Thinking of all the past, Wei Ziming swallowed, "You can, you are amazing, if you have the ability, never enter Wei's house."

After saying this, Wei Ziming snorted and left with his sleeves flung.

As for those friends who were watching the fun, they looked at each other with different expressions, and then left resentfully.

"A stern guy, he's good for nothing but bullying others." Wei Zixian twitched the corner of his mouth, and returned to the cabin first.

Looking at Wei Zixian's back, Han Jing sighed silently and walked in.

"The Wei family is like this, so forget it if you don't want it."

Han Jing looked at him, if he really wanted to give up, relying on Wei Zixian's ability, asking his grandfather to help recommend him, assign him a job, or rely on his medical skills to enter the imperial hospital, would be a good choice.

(End of this chapter)

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