Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 969 Loyalty, Filial Piety, Righteousness

Chapter 969 Loyalty, Filial Piety, Righteousness
But before that, he either left the family or was separated by the family, otherwise he would just make a wedding dress for the Wei family in the end.

The Daqing Dynasty established laws, although concubine sons could become officials, but all the merit and fame they got belonged to the family.

In other words, no matter how Wei Zixian made contributions, the final beneficiaries were his father and aunt, and had nothing to do with his biological mother.If he wants to surpass his aunt to give his birth mother a seal, it is a violation of filial piety.

Because of this, he has been dawdling around, and once he becomes an official, he will have an unclear relationship with the Wei family.If the clan wants to support a child to become an official, it also needs to provide resources, which requires a lot of money. As long as he accepts these supports, he will be bound by the Wei family by default.

If he doesn't become an official, the Wei family can't manipulate him. No matter how talented he is, he has no meaning as a pawn.

But now, his relationship with the Wei family is becoming more and more tense, and he is afraid that the Wei family will lose patience and make a mess.

Wei Zixian looked into Han Jing's eyes and sneered,
"I wanted to leave the Wei family a long time ago. That wolf den, did you really think I would hold onto it? It's a joke. It's a pity. My father refused to let go. He wanted me to become an official and win glory for the family."

Chi~, he is not the only son in the Wei family, he is the one who can win glory, so what is it to pick him up?
"The son of the Wei family is useless, so it's not surprising that Master Wei puts his hopes on you."

Han Jing is also very helpless, the son-in-law has been raised and disabled, and he wants the son-in-law to be on top. Not only does he not give him any sweets, but he also wants to control him. Any man with a little blood is not willing to be a puppet at the mercy of others.

My grandfather once said that the head of the Wei family of this generation is mediocre and can hardly accomplish anything in their entire lives. The descendants of the direct line have no outstanding sons to replace them, and the Wei family has already shown signs of decline.

"My grandfather admires you very much. If you want, I can introduce you to you as a mentor or something. With his help, the Wei family dare not make things difficult for you."

It's a pity that a talent is buried.

"Thanks, my father won't agree. If the mentor next to me is out of control, it's better to join my family. The Wei family expects me to go to the next level, so naturally they won't take risks."

What he hates the most in this life is being born as a son of the Wei family.

The surname can be left out, and the first name can also be left out, but the blood flowing in the bones can't be cleared away.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable Wei Zixian felt.
The sarcastic expression benefited the corners of the eyes, but the sadness hidden in the eyes did not escape the eyes of the two of them.

"It doesn't matter if you stand on your own or go out alone, as long as you are strong enough, it will not be easy for others to control you... On the contrary, you can try to control the overall situation."

Regarding Wei Zixian's embarrassing situation, Bai Ningxiang is also very helpless. A sage has something to say, loyalty, filial piety and righteousness are all benevolence.She does not argue against this, but what if the elders are disrespectful and the brothers are disrespectful?
Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, Wei Zixian froze for a moment, then smiled,
"Although what Miss Bai said is true, there are still a few people in the world who can look at people with a straight eye. If you want to become an official, you can't throw away loyalty, filial piety and righteousness, otherwise you will be uneasy. Qingdu is a nest of power, and it is only natural for a concubine to pay for the family. , no one will reason with you."

"Youzi said: As a man, he is also filial to his younger brothers. Those who like to offend their superiors are rare; those who are not easy to offend their superiors but like to make troubles are rare. A gentleman's business is fundamental, and Dao is born from the foundation. Filial piety is also the foundation of benevolence. Ha ha……"

In these aristocratic families, there are so many concubines. If they want to get ahead, they can only do their best for the family. Without the protection of the family, they don't even have the opportunity to become an official. The father himself is incompetent, so he pays attention to him. Unfortunately, he has no intention of revitalizing the family.

He would rather not be an official for the rest of his life, and he doesn't want others to control his life.

Bai Ningxiang exchanged a look with Yibro, looking at the sadness in his eyes, compared with the usual reckless teenagers, today's Wei Zixian only makes people feel pitiful and helpless.

As a son of man, beyond filial piety, the king will be in trouble!

"You can think about what the girl said. Make the control contract mutual. You are talented, and it would be a pity to be abandoned... Even if you don't leave the Wei family, according to the usual practice, when you reach the age, the concubine will usually be separated and set up your own family. You I am 21 this year, and I have already passed the weak championship."

"Heh~, if you want to let it go, let it go long ago, otherwise why should we stay in this stalemate." Wei Zixian poured himself a glass of wine, drank it down, and the corners of his eyes were red because of the smile just now.

Identity is an insurmountable thing. He was born as a concubine, and there was an insurmountable gap between him and his son. Therefore, even if Wei Ziming failed to achieve anything, he was still a glorious son, and he occupied the position of the main family in the genealogy.

And he, no matter how well he does, is just a ladder for others to climb.

"If you don't want to be reconciled, turn the point guards back. Since they count on you, and you happen to have this ability, why don't you subvert it?"

Bai Ningxiang saw that his eyes were full of unwillingness and grievance, so she couldn't help being angry.

Han Jing: "..."

The girl is jealous, just so he can't bear the sight of someone stepping on his brother Gao Sheng.

"Think about it, no matter what decision you make, I will support you."

"I also support it, so I don't want to see my own people being bullied."

"Thank you, the luckiest thing in my life is to have you as a friend." Wei Zixian raised his glass, looking at the two with undisguised gratitude.

"They are all brothers, thank you, and besides, you have helped me a lot in the past few years."

Han Jing picked up the wine glass, and lightly touched it with a crisp sound, everything was said in silence.

The atmosphere eased, and Lao Cui's specialty hard dishes were also served.

"The fish fillets are fresh and tender. They were only fished out of the lake in the afternoon, and I didn't even have time to eat them."

"This is Drunken Immortal Chicken. It is drunk with rice wine first, and then stewed. It tastes delicious with a faint aroma of wine."

"Stewed hoof, beautifying and beautifying, comparable to bird's nest. For this dish alone, Lao Cui has been stolen several times."

Following Wei Zixian's introduction, Han Jing pushed the stewed hoof in front of Bai Ningxiang, and Wei Zixian shook his head while watching.

"The stew is soft and rotten, and the taste is really delicious."

After Bai Ningxiang tasted it, she glanced at Wei Zixian with admiration, "Seeing that you are so particular about food, you are on par with my little boy. That girl spends a whole day in the kitchen just to order food, and she is particular about it."

"Little girl? The girl who was tricked into bed by the sea?"

Wei Zixian took a sip of his wine, and there seemed to be such a person in his memory, a silly girl who was blah, not young, and lacked a lot of IQ.

What kind of cheating girl, Ming Media is marrying, okay?
Bai Ningxiang: "...Actually, the little boy is quite smart, but he doesn't get used to some of the rules."

According to what the girl said, in her era, a 30-year-old woman still regarded herself as a public servant, and she was already considered independent.

(End of this chapter)

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