Chapter 970

"Heh~, what you said is also reasonable, that girl is also considered a genius..." Lacking a father's love, finding a father for myself, and being raised as a daughter every day, I don't know what fun it is?
He enjoyed looking at the sea, which he couldn't read anyway.

Han Jing took the quick fish fillets for Bai Ningxiang, and squinted at Wei Zixian, "I heard you have a confidante called Lianlian?"

"Ahem... What is Lianlian, she is called Lianlian... Some girl in the depths of the lotus leaf laughed and threw a lotus across the water. What a poetic name, why is it so awkward in your mouth?"

Wei Zixian shook his head, and glanced at Bai Ningxiang who was smiling happily.

"Okay, you two, dig a hole with me,"

"Cough~, we just want to know the name of your confidante. Seeing that you like it so much, why don't you bring us to meet next time?"

Bai Ningxiang ate a piece of fish, wiped the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief, and chuckled lightly.

"... Lianlian is a geisha, and ordinary noble girls are not willing to make friends with her, isn't Miss Bai afraid?" Wei Zixian hesitated and said softly.

Aristocratic girls in Qingdu have self-healing status and noble status. The most despised actors and geishas are those actors and geishas.

Because of this, Lianlian has been reluctant to show up, for fear of causing him unnecessary trouble.

"What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid of people who rely on craftsmanship for their living. Next time you have a chance, just bring it with you so that I can see what kind of wonderful person he is, who has mesmerized Dr. Wei to the point of fainting." of."

Bai Ningxiang still knows about actors and geisha. In principle, they sell their art but not their body, especially those highly skilled geisha.

However, people in the world have a lot of prejudice against geisha, especially those ladies in the backyard, who are even more contemptuous of these women who show off their skills, thinking that they are just for grandstanding, flirting, and gaining the maximum benefit for themselves.

In fact, on the other hand, those children of aristocratic families are carefully cultivated by the family and become talented and noble girls who are proficient in all aspects of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. When they reach the age of marriage, they will be married by the family in various ways.

The more refined the cultivation, the higher the family status of the marriage, and the greater the help to the family.

A woman, married for a lifetime, binds two families, whether you like it or not, she can only become a pawn at the mercy of the family.

In her previous life, she had seen a lot of things about selling girls for glory, and there must be a lot of them in this life. Marriage is used in exchange for family benefits. Whether a marriage is good or bad depends on a woman's appearance and talent. Therefore, compared with those geisha, apart from birth, How much stronger than them?
The aristocratic family is so ruthless, and a large family lives together, and there are many privacy calculations. Even if the parents really love their children, it is difficult to guarantee that everything will go smoothly.

Speaking of which, how many women in this period can escape the disaster of marriage?
If you have seen a lot and can see clearly, it is meaningless to distinguish between high and low.

Looking at the sparkling lake, Bai Ningxiang twitched a self-deprecating smile. She didn't know whether it was out of emotion or to make Wei Zixian feel better. She didn't hide her point of view. Looking at the dumbfounded expressions of the two, Bai Ningxiang Can't help laughing.

"What? Am I wrong? Or is it too extreme?"

"Uh, no, I just found it very surprising, and most people rarely dare to think about it."

After Wei Zixian was surprised, he turned his head to look at Han Jing who had already recovered his composure,
"Boss, you are really blessed." With such a wife, what more can a husband ask for?

"That is, not everyone has my blessing."

Complacency flashed in Han Jing's eyes, and he picked up a piece of hoof meat and put it in Bai Ningxiang's small plate,

"Eat more, if you like to go back and let Xia Xue and Lao Cui learn from it, we can do it ourselves when we go back."

"Okay," Bai Ningxiang did not object to this, Xia Xue's girl is obsessed with cooking and has talent, so the taste of her cooking will definitely not be bad.

The atmosphere became lively, and the few people enjoyed the scenery while eating, and could hear a melodious sound of silk and bamboo from time to time.

After dinner, Bai Ningxiang walked to the deck, looking at the colorful lanterns, the sparkling lake surface, and the occasional beautiful woman smiling.

"In Qingdu's prosperous and prosperous age, this is the real luxury life." Flowers, wine and beauties are just too expensive.

"Under the prosperity, there will always be some unknown and corrupt lives hidden, especially those from aristocratic families. They have been like this since birth, and they don't understand the lives of ordinary people outside the imperial city at all."

Han Jing walked up to Bai Ningxiang at some point, and put his arms around her waist,

"This is the gathering place for those literati and poets. The euphemistic name is to make friends through poetry, heh~, it's just to find a beautiful excuse for my flirtatiousness."

Those literati and poets always say that their military generals are vulgar and don't understand style, but they know how to cherish beauty and spend a lot of money for beauties, just to win a smile, make a romantic story, and add some talk for themselves.

They were very happy and flirtatious. They didn't even think about whether the wife at home would be sad and cry because of it?
"Differences in Taoism do not seek each other, and civil and military are opposed to each other. We just need to be ourselves."

Bai Ningxiang raised her head and blinked her eyes, "You said if I also set up a painting boat here, meet friends with tea, and attract those literati and poets, will I make a lot of money?"

"It's not that bad, fish and dragons are mixed here, don't look at the blooming flowers, but it's not easy for outsiders to get a share of the pie." Han Jing reached out and tapped her forehead, "You can ask Wang Quan to contact the leader of Huafang and send Selling tea to them will save you from the filthy atmosphere here."

Looking at her gleaming eyes, which looked like two gold ingots, Han Jing was very helpless. When this girl talked about earning money, her eyes changed.

Bai Ningxiang thought for a while, she is new here, it is really inappropriate to jump in, not right now, doesn't mean it won't work in the future, besides tea, she also has wine.

Peach Blossom Drunk, what an appropriate name.

Don't be in a hurry, money will never be exhausted, it's better to solve your life's major issues first.

Han Jing looked at her big black eyes flickering, without asking, she knew that the girl was paying attention to something else.

There is a lady who can make money, sooner or later he will be on the soft side, alas!
In this place of Qingdu, he is nothing to be afraid of, as long as the girl wants to make a fuss, she will let her.

The boat swam around in the lake, and when it came to the shore, it was midnight.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the moonlight above her head, feeling a little annoyed.

"As soon as I started playing, I forgot the time, and I don't know if my aunt has ever rested?"

"Girl, don't worry, mother knows I'm with you, so she won't worry."

Han Jing took her by the hand and got into the carriage. When the two returned to the mansion, they found out that Mrs. Han took her cousin to Tianguo Temple and never came back.

(End of this chapter)

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