Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 971 Do as the Romans do

Chapter 971 Do as the Romans do
Bai Ningxiang was surprised, "It's such a coincidence, it's a pity we didn't go to the main hall, otherwise we might have met."

Han Jing raised his eyebrows, somehow, suddenly remembered when he said goodbye to the old monk, he suggested to visit the lilac flower garden.

The Han family had a long history with the old monk. When my mother went there, she would definitely visit the abbot. The old monk was very mysterious, and she might have arrived earlier.

"After running for a day, I'm exhausted, go to bed earlier." Standing at the gate of Chenxi Courtyard, Han Jing lowered his head and kissed her forehead, urging her.

When she was kissed on the forehead suddenly, Bai Ningxiang was taken aback, she looked left and right, but luckily they were all her own, if someone saw her, they would definitely say that she was frivolous behind her back.

"Silly girl, the house is well managed by the mother, no one dares to gossip, unless they don't want to live."

Han Jing had no choice but to watch her into the courtyard before turning around and leaving, and by the way told Dazhuo, "Tell the kitchen later, tomorrow morning I want to eat meat porridge, fish porridge, and steamed shrimp dumplings."

"Yes, master." Da Zhuo's eyes lit up, and finally he was able to eat something good.

In the past, he followed his master in the White Mansion, and the breakfast was not the same every day, which made his mouth drool.

Back in the yard, Bai Ningxiang took a hot bath, wrung out her hair before lying on the bed, recalling the day's itinerary, it was really tight.However, playing with my brother-in-law, although a little tiring, I am happy in my heart.

Subconsciously stroking the jade ring on her ring finger, she accidentally touched the string of red sandalwood leaves on her wrist.

Thinking of Abbot Guangyuan, Bai Ningxiang sat up abruptly, leaned closer to the light and carefully examined the string of red sandalwood, each one was the same size as a lotus seed, engraved with scriptures, and had a round luster.

Abbot Guangyuan said that this string of small-leaf red sandalwood has been carried with him for three years, and he has enjoyed the incense for three years, which has the effect of rejuvenating and calming the mind.

I don't know if it's because of her heart, but with this string of beads, she really calmed down a lot.

However, when he saw the old monk today, he looked at himself, as if he was not surprised by her rebirth.

At that time, Yixiong was beside her, so she didn't dare to ask too many questions. Now that she thought about it, the master was indeed a fairy who knew the past and the present.

When he met the master in his previous life, he gave him a sentence, as if he had predicted that he would be reborn.

Otherwise, the master wouldn't have said the words "It's been a long time" since we met today.

This life is destined, this life is scattered, don't force it.

Love in this world, return in the next life, all cause and effect.

... He also said that he is a person with profound blessings, and that he and his brother-in-law belonged to a heaven-sent marriage. In the previous life, he was blessed by others, and the fate continued in this life, just following God's will.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang clasped her hands together, and said silently, "Thank you, Master, for your enlightenment, I am Buddha merciful."

"Girl, what's wrong with you? Can't sleep?" Yun Ni walked in wearing a coat, and turned on the wick by the way.

"No, I just suddenly remembered Abbot Guangyuan."

As Bai Ningxiang said, she shook the red sandalwood leaf on her wrist, "The thing presented by the master is to ward off evil spirits, and I have to carry it close to my body."

"Pfft~, as long as the girl likes it, it's not in vain for you to have the audacity to ask for it for you." Yun Ni covered her mouth, there were only two masters and servants here, and they didn't shy away from anything, and they opened their mouths to expose people.

Hearing Yun Ni's tone, Bai Ningxiang was taken aback for a moment, but couldn't help laughing, "Isn't it? I've known Brother Yi for so long, and this is the first time I see him begging for something."

"By the way, Madam and Miss Feng also went to Tianguo Temple today, don't you think it's too coincidental?"

When it comes to business, Yun Ni's attitude is much more serious.

"You've also heard that Tianguo Temple has been holding Fa conferences these days. It's not surprising that Aunt Han went to the Fa conference. As for that Feng Yuyun, she likes her brother-in-law and is hostile to me. This has been confirmed. Let's take precautions." It's fine."

"It's true to say that. I'm afraid that the woman will act as a monster and make trouble. We are newcomers. Mrs. Han will definitely kiss her niece. There are some things that the girl should be prepared for."

Yun Ni snorted, it wasn't that she judged a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, but Feng Yuyun looked at her girl's eyes with too much hostility.

Can't even ignore it.

"She is a noble girl in the boudoir. As long as she doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, we can't do anything about her... A pampered noble girl, who has no temper. If I care too much, I will appear narrow-minded."

She knows these noble girls too well, she is a little born proud, her eyes are above the top, and everything she sees is an ant.

There is another kind of person who is used to being weak. If you say something loudly, she will shed a pot of tears.

"Then we can't just do nothing." Yun Ni sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing her chin, "How about letting Ding Yang scare her and let her show her feet?"

"Don't provoke her for the time being. Anyway, she is also Aunt Han's niece. It's not good if the relationship is too stiff."

Bai Ningxiang shook her head. Although Feng Yujun may be the obstacle between her and her brother-in-law, if she just complains, it's harmless.

If she really did something that touched the bottom line, she would not be polite.

"We came to Qingdu because of fate, not enmity... You tell Baicha and Xia Xue to take more precautions."

Hearing the girl's tone, Yun Ni rubbed her nose, "Okay, I won't move if you can't stand against me... But there is one thing girls have to understand, in Qingdu, a big dye vat, sometimes being too kind or soft-hearted Lost."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

How could she not know that in the previous life, she did not participate in the brother-in-law, and Feng Yuyun did not marry the brother-in-law. In this life, she and the brother-in-law are in love, will Feng Yuyun's marriage change?
Seeing the thoughtful look on the girl's face, Yun Ni thought she was also worried, so she couldn't help comforting her.

"Please don't worry, girl. Abbot Guangyuan said that you and the young master belong to a heaven-sent marriage. Mrs. Han will definitely be happy with the master's approval of the marriage."

Not to mention Qingdu, even in the entire Daqing Dynasty, what Abbot Guangyuan said was an imperial decree.

Thinking of this, Yun Ni blinked, how could she have forgotten this incident, wouldn't it be better if she inadvertently revealed the words of Abbot Guangyuan to Feng Yujun, and let her retreat in spite of the difficulties?

There was nothing to say all night, when Bai Ningxiang opened her eyes, it was already more than half of the hour.

"The girl is awake, the young master sent someone to say that we will have breakfast together when the girl wakes up." Bai Cha and Yun Ni came in through the curtain, and waited for Bai Ningxiang to get up and wash up.

"Send someone to inform Brother Yi, I'll be fine soon." Bai Ningxiang glanced at the hourglass, fortunately the General's Mansion did not have a rule of getting up at Mao's hour, and Aunt Han was not in the mansion, otherwise, she would feel ashamed.

To be a guest, you must have the self-consciousness of being a guest. Being a maverick attracts people's dislike, and it is better to do as the Romans do.

When Bai Ningxiang saw the breakfast on the dining table, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "Did Yixie specifically explain the kitchen?"

(End of this chapter)

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