Chapter 973
"Xiangxiang, you're welcome, sit down and talk." Mrs. Han looked at her elegant attire, which lined her whole body with delicate skin and tender flesh, and she was so pretty in pink.

Feng Yuyun looked at Bai Ningxiang, shook the handkerchief in his hand, and asked curiously. "I heard that Xiangxiang went to Tianguo Temple with her cousin yesterday?"

"Yeah, I knew that my aunt was going to listen to the eminent monk's lecture on the Dharma scriptures, so I went together. It's a pity that Brother Yi felt that there were too many people in the hall and the noise was too noisy, so he just walked around the path, and missed it with my aunt."

Bai Ningxiang smiled, and gave a rough outline of her itinerary.

Her meaning is very simple, it's not that she didn't meet her, but she probably went astray.

"I see. Did Xiangxiang follow Brother Ting and see Abbot Guangyuan?" Mrs. Han took a sip of tea, picked up a piece of peach blossom cake and ate it, and nodded, "The sweetness is just right, and the taste is good."

"It's good if my aunt likes it. When my brother-in-law and I went up the mountain yesterday, we happened to meet Abbot Guangyuan, who had returned from picking herbs, under the big pine tree, and then we went to the back mountain jingshe with him, and we left after eating vegetarian food." go."

As Bai Ningxiang said, she couldn't help raising the red sandalwood leaf in her hand,

"Here, Abbot Guangyuan also gave me this bracelet, saying that he carved it himself after receiving incense for three years."

"What, did you see Abbot Guangyuan yesterday? You and your cousin were the guests that Abbot Guangyuan met yesterday?"

Before Mrs. Han could open her mouth, Feng Yuyun stood up abruptly, staring straight at Bai Ningxiang's wrist, looking at the string of beads, her face was as ugly as it could be.

Thinking of the scene of being rejected yesterday, seeing this woman showing off in front of her eyes, she clenched her fists and tried her best to restrain herself, so she didn't rush over and slap her.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Bai Ningxiang looked at Feng Yuyun with a puzzled expression.

Mrs. Han looked at her niece's expression and coughed lightly, "Xiangxiang doesn't know something, sister Yun and I went to visit Abbot Guangyuan yesterday, and the little master said that the master had already met the guests, but I didn't expect such a coincidence. "

"I see,"

Bai Ningxiang nodded, "Before we left, the abbot told us that there is a patch of lilacs in the back mountain that is blooming well, my brother-in-law and I went to have a look, otherwise, maybe we will meet."

Such a clever stagger, what can she say?
Didn't Buddhism always pay attention to fate, if you don't have a fate, you can't see it.

Feng Yuyun looked at Bai Ningxiang's showy expression, her cheeks twitched, and her nails dug into her palms, which made her calm down a little.

"It's still Miss Bai who has a fate with Abbot Guangyuan... Sure enough, my cousin's savior is different. It just so happens that my cousin has a deep relationship with the abbot. Having my cousin here makes Xiangxiang a blessing."

Feng Yuyun looked at Bai Ningxiang, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his eyes flashed a hint of mockery, a country girl was fighting with her.

Hmph, it's just a dog relying on people's power, do you really think you are a character?
Looking at Bai Ningxiang's big flickering eyes, Feng Yuyun became angrier the more she looked at her, and she didn't even notice that her address had changed.

Mrs. Han wiped her hands with a handkerchief, glanced at her niece, and frowned.

With that sour tone, she almost told the other party that she hated him.

Looking at Feng Yuyun who was trying to bear it, Bai Ningxiang only blinked at her, nodded in agreement,

"Miss Feng is right. I also found that the abbot and his brother-in-law have a good relationship. Otherwise, they would chat so casually. Even I envy them."

Feng Yujun clenched her fist, and before she could speak, Mrs. Han waved her hand to stop her, "Sister Yun, after running for two days in a row, go back to rest when you are tired, and we will meet again at dinner time."

"Yes, aunt also rest for a while."

Hearing her aunt's tone, Feng Yujun froze her body, stood up and saluted, before walking out the door, she turned her body slightly, and glanced at the red sandalwood leaf on Bai Ningxiang's wrist.

His eyes were a bit gloomy, so what if he got something from Abbot Guangyuan, in the end his cousin could only be hers.

Watching the man leave, Bai Ningxiang shrugged her shoulders innocently, remembering that the little man had mentioned the top-grade green tea, she unconsciously acted along with it just now, it wasn't her intention to Feng Yuyun, who made this man dislike her as soon as he came in.

Playing calculations, pretending she can't?
Now it's all right, I'm very angry, why bother?
"Auntie must be tired all the way, you should also rest more, if it is useful to enjoy a fragrant place, please feel welcome."

Bai Ningxiang stood up and smiled obediently. The two of them were disgusted with each other just now, and she didn't want to hide it from Mrs. Han. Now that she was staring at her, she really couldn't explain it except for maintaining a polite smile.

Seeing the well-behaved Bai Ningxiang, Mrs. Han was silent for a moment, a light flashed in her eyes, she raised her hand,
"Xiangxiang, don't leave in a hurry, Auntie has something to ask you."

How could Mrs. Han fail to see that her niece was so angry, and she didn't expect to ask the soft girl that she was not at a disadvantage?

"Abbot Guangyuan gave you a bracelet, did he say anything?"

"Cough~, this?"

Bai Ningxiang hesitated, Yun Ni at the side took a step forward, blessed her body with a smile,

"My wife doesn't know something. The master said that my girl and the son belong to a heaven-sent marriage."


Mrs. Feng's eyes lit up when she heard this, the person who can be blessed by the abbot must have been blessed for a long time.

"I made my aunt laugh. The master really said it in front of me and my brother-in-law." You Yun Ni spoke, and Bai Ningxiang was no longer shy, and nodded with a blushing face.

"Well, okay, that's really great. Tomorrow I will invite the official matchmaker and formally perform the six ceremonies. Qingdu women pay attention to three matchmakers and six engagements when they talk about marriage. Don't worry, my aunt will follow the procedure."

"The six ceremonies are divided into accepting the lottery, asking the name, accepting the gift, accepting the sign, asking for a date, and welcoming in person. It takes time to complete these procedures. Xiangxiang just took advantage of this period to prepare well. What's the confusion? Just mention it to your aunt, we will be a family in the future, so don't see outsiders."

As soon as Mrs. Han said this, it proved that she had recognized Bai Ningxiang as the prospective daughter-in-law.

She also knew that there were no elders behind Bai Ningxiang to make decisions, so she didn't mention it, it was to save face for the woman.

"Thank you Auntie, I have troubled Auntie. I only brought four maids with me to Qingdu, and the rest are guards. I am afraid that there is something lacking in dealing with these trivial matters. Since Auntie brought it up, Xiangxiang begged cheekily. Once, I troubled my aunt to find an older nanny for Xiangxiang."

Said, Bai Ningxiang blessed the body, the girls are too young, and she can't come forward for some things in person, if there is a respected nanny to help, then there will be no problem.

Mrs. Han paused for a moment, and glanced at the girls around Bai Ningxiang. Except for Yun Ni, who was long-sleeved and good at dancing, the rest were all stupid. They really needed an older nanny to look after them, so as not to make jokes.

"Xiangxiang is still thoughtful. Auntie is negligent. Come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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