Chapter 974

Mrs. Han took Bai Ningxiang's hand and patted it comfortingly, "Don't worry girl, the person Auntie found for you is enough to handle everything."

"Thank you, Auntie, for taking your troubles." Vaguely, Bai Ningxiang seemed to know who Madam Han pointed out to her.

Sure enough, before she could ask, Mrs. Han explained directly.

"I'm taking you to the courtyard of Grandma Gong. Although she is old, she is still in good spirits. Mother Gongmai was pointed out to me by my mother. She used to be a nurturing nun who came out of the palace, because The mother and the current empress dowager handed over handkerchiefs, so they sent a foster nun to the mother."

"With the help of Gong Nai, my mother can be more free, and of course I have more time to go to the palace to talk to the Queen Mother. When I got married, my mother gave me Gong Nao as a dowry to the Han Mansion... · Now that Madam Gong is getting older, I have prepared a separate yard for her to take care of her forever."

Mrs. Han roughly told Bai Ningxiang about the situation of Nanny Gong, and looked at her tenderly.

"With the protection of the palace maid, no one dares to do anything wrong."

"Thank you Auntie for thinking about me, Xiangxiang has nothing to repay..."

Before Bai Ningxiang could talk about playing, she was interrupted by Mrs. Han,

"One family doesn't talk about two families. As long as you and Brother Ting are on good terms, I can rest assured. You have to remember that our family of generals has more burdens than ordinary people, especially us women, sometimes it is inevitable to get together. Less and more."

"Sometimes, we not only have to help our husband take care of the family, but also raise children... In short, there are too many complicated things. We obviously have a man, but we can't quench our thirst..."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Han shut up embarrassingly, "Did Aunt talk too much?"

In case the daughter-in-law is scared away, Brother Ting will definitely quarrel with her.

"What did my aunt say? I haven't known Yixiong for a day or two. I already knew this. As a military commander, defending the family and the country is a bounden duty and what a passionate man should do. I admire it very much. .”

Bai Ningxiang smiled, and hugged Mrs. Han's arm affectionately,

"I will do a good job in the future, and I will definitely not let my brother-in-law have any worries."

How to do it? When the two discuss it, but the attitude must be expressed.It's not her style to be petted and spoiled. Moreover, there are many words that don't need her to speak.

"Okay, okay, it's indeed the girl Ting Geer likes, she just knows the general idea, but what my aunt said is not all right, no one has a front and rear eyes, and it's hard to say what will be like in the future. You know in advance, I know Brother Ting's temper best, I don't mind leading troops to fight, but I'm not good at dealing with trivial matters at all, and I don't think well about some things."

"There will be many things in the future, and there will be many troubles. It's better to be mentally prepared earlier."

Bai Ningxiang nodded, remembering how brother Yi took care of her, the corners of her lips curled up,

"Don't worry, Auntie, I'm pretty good at managing household chores. You know my family's situation, and I'm used to worrying about it since I was a child. If I'm left idle, I might feel uncomfortable... The countryside is different from Qing, In the future, I will need a lot of teaching from my aunt."

"What a good boy. Brother Ting is so lucky to meet Xiangxiang."

Mrs. Han couldn't hide the smile in her eyes when she heard Bai Ningxiang's tone. She hoped that her son could find a caring person who knew the cold and the hot, the leader outside the family.

In this way, the son will be able to feel more at ease, and only then will she be at ease as a mother.

Looking at Mrs. Han's expression, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help shaking her lips. Perhaps in the eyes of all mothers, their children are always delicate and need help in everything.

In fact, in places where the mother can't see, their sons are already full-fledged and can fly high.

The righteous brother is not an asparagus in the conservatory, and he doesn't need her to take care of him.

The two are together, helping each other, supporting each other, learning from each other's strengths, and living a better life, which is the true meaning.

The two chatted happily until they entered the banyan tree courtyard and asked the little girl to come in to announce that Mrs. Han brought Bai Ningxiang into the hall.

"Mommy, I'm here to see you."

"The madam has upset the old slave. If there is something to ask the girl to pass a message, the old slave can still walk. There is no need for the madam to come in person."

While speaking, a nanny in a sauce-red dress came over and blessed her body with a loving smile on her face.

"Mommy is getting old, but I'm still young. What's the matter with walking a little bit? Besides, I promised my mother to take care of Mommy for the elderly. Naturally, I want to make Mommy live comfortably."

Mrs. Han walked forward with a smile, and directly took the hand of Nanny,

"We are masters and servants in name, but in my heart, I respect Mammy as an elder."

"That's Madam's kind heart, I'm ashamed to be an old slave." Gong Nanny said, the creases on her face deepened.

Bai Ningxiang looked at their master and servant, as well as the white hair of Madam Gong. According to her memory, this nanny should be over 50 years old.

"Ma'am, who is this girl?"

After the two were intimate, Nanny Gong looked at the obedient Bai Ningxiang and spoke in surprise.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw this girl. She didn't expect this girl to be calm. From the beginning to the end, she behaved very calmly.

"Oh, I almost forgot, this girl's surname is Bai, her name is Ningxiang, she is Brother Ting's savior, and also his step-sister...the two have known each other for several years, I think it's almost time, I just want to settle the marriage between the two of you."

"This girl has a rough background, and there is no one in the family who can make the decision. She is about to perform the six ceremony, and there is no one in charge around her. So I thought of Mammy, if you are still energetic, help the girl. "

Listening to Mrs. Han's narration, Madam Gong looked at Bai Ningxiang with sharper eyes suddenly, the curiosity in her eyes disappeared, replaced by various scrutiny.

Regarding Nanny Gong's attitude, Bai Ningxiang's eyes never changed. She knew what Nanny Gong was thinking, and thought that she was someone to cling to, and wanted to suppress her with arrogance.

"Little girl Ningxiang has met Nanny, please greet Nanny." Naturally, she would not despise the old Nanny who was respected even by Aunt Han.

"Miss Bai is free, this old slave dare not accept your gift." Gong Nai took a step aside, although the sharpness in her eyes was put away a bit, but she still carried scrutiny.

"Mommy is too modest, Ningxiang is just a country girl, and she doesn't understand many etiquettes, so please give me some advice."

Bai Ningxiang smiled lightly. In her previous life, in order to adapt to the life in Qingdu, to be a good wife in the back house, and to support her husband, she practiced a lot of etiquette and acted like a wife.

After more than ten years of training, no matter how she didn't say anything in her heart, her expression had long been practiced freely.

Gong Nai looked at her secretly for a long while, but she couldn't find any faults. Apart from being curious, she was also very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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