Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 975 It Can't Be True

Chapter 975 It Can't Be True
The fifth son is the first son, and the wife should be a noble girl from Qingdu. Suddenly, a life-saving benefactor appears, and now he wants to get married, although she still has many doubts.However, even the wife did not object, proving that this girl has merit.

Madam respects her and takes care of her for the elderly, but master and servant are different, and she has to cherish her blessings. Naturally, she can't question whether the other party is qualified in front of Madam.

"Mom, look at how well-behaved and sensible this girl is, why don't you bother to help her?"

"Ma'am, don't disturb this old slave. Since Miss Bai is the future wife of the fifth son, she is the master of this old slave. It is the blessing of this old slave to help the master with chores."

As Gong Nai said, she walked up to Bai Ningxiang and blessed her body, "I will ask you to take care of me from now on."

"Mommy, don't make fun of me. Ningxiang is just a country girl who doesn't understand anything. I hope that mommy can teach me more."

She is more polite and greets each other, she has never lost.

"Girl, you are welcome. If you offend me in the future, this old servant will apologize in advance."

Since the madam asked herself to help, then she would take good care of the fifth son. If it was a rotten wood that could not be carved, she naturally couldn't let the madam treat him like a jade in the rough.

Mrs. Han watched the two of them coming and going, raised her hand and stroked her forehead, pursed her lips and said nothing.

She knew that Mammy didn't understand, and she wanted to test it out. If the girl wanted to get Mammy's approval, she had to work hard to study no matter what.

There was nothing she could do about it. Of course, whether it was a setback or a smooth performance, the girl herself would benefit in the end, so she had no reason to stop her.

"Ahem...Since Mammy agreed, let the girl tidy up in a while, and move to live in Chenxi Courtyard temporarily. I will invite the matchmaker to come to the door tomorrow, so I will trouble Mammy to receive her."

The first time I came to the door, the girl could not show up, this is the daughter's family's reserve.

"Madam, don't worry, this old slave understands."

Gong Nai nodded, and directly told the girl at the door, "Little Pigeon, Little Swallow, you two go to pack your things, and then live with me in Chenxi Courtyard to serve the girl."

"Yes, Mammy."

The two little girls are not very old, they look like twelve or thirteen years old, they have learned the rules well, and they look at Bai Ningxiang with a gentle smile in their eyes.

"Baicha Yunni, you go and help, Ding Yang, you go back and join Xia Xue to clean up the east wing and give it to the nanny."

Looking at the two young girls, Bai Ningxiang directly ordered someone to help, and by the way, they could get acquainted with each other.

"Yes, girl."

Regarding Bai Ningxiang's demeanor, Mistress Gong's eyes flashed with surprise, and she just covered it up at random.

Look at the girl's behavior and style, she doesn't look like she was raised in the country.

Although she had doubts in her heart, Madam Gong didn't ask. Regarding the issue of her background, she felt that Madam didn't need to lie to her. Even this girl didn't shy away from her background.

After the matter was finalized, Mrs. Han covered her mouth and yawned.
"Okay, the problem is solved. I'll go back and take a nap. You can take care of the rest. If you need anything, we can discuss it at dinner."

Saying that, without waiting for anyone to speak, he waved his hand and let the girl help him to leave.

In the banyan tree yard, only Bai Ningxiang and Gong Nai were left staring at each other.

In the blink of an eye, the two put on dignified and polite smiles again.

After a cup of tea, the news that the madam had assigned the concubine to Bai Ningxiang spread throughout the mansion. While everyone was curious, they were not too surprised. After all, she was the righteous sister of the fifth son, and she learned the rules of Qingdu. And it should be.

When the news reached Feng Yuyun's ears, it was already dusk.

As soon as she woke up, she saw Qiu Chan angrily coming in through the curtain,
"What's the matter, what made you so angry?" Feng Yuyun looked in the mirror, letting the girl comb her hair while playing with the golden hairpin in her hand.

"Miss, I don't know. While you were resting, Madam took that country woman to the Banyan Tree Courtyard, and then Madam Gong took the girl to live in Chenxi Courtyard. It was spread throughout the mansion that Madam was going to let Nanny Gong Mammy taught that woman etiquette."

Hearing Qiu Chan's tone, Feng Yujun was taken aback, and turned to look at her suddenly, because she pulled her hair too hard.


Feng Yujun covered her scalp and looked up at the girl who was combing her hair. Her eyes were so dark that the little girl shuddered suddenly and fell to her knees with a plop.

"Girl, please forgive me, this servant didn't mean it."

"Useless things, get back." Feng Yujun endured and endured, but still couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

In the Han family, she never punished the maids.

"Didn't you hear what the girl said? Don't get out yet." Qiu Chan pushed the girl and smiled contemptuously. She will always be the most honorable by the girl's side.

Feng Yujun handed the golden hairpin to Qiu Chan, "Come here and comb my hair."

"Yes, girl."

Qiu Chan walked over carefully, picked up the comb, and gently helped the girl smooth her hair, then tied a hanging bun, inserted gold hairpins, and adorned with pearl flowers.

Feng Yujun looked in the mirror, stroked her in satisfaction, "Tell me, what's going on? Why would a good aunt assign the palace nurse to Bai Ningxiang?"

Gong Nai is a nurturing nanny who came out of the palace. She was a dowry from her grandmother to her aunt. Although she was a servant, no one dared to look down on the entire Qingdu, otherwise she would be disrespectful to the Queen Mother.

Even she, every time she came to the Han Mansion, would pay a visit to express her grandmother's concern.

Now point it out to Bai Ningxiang suddenly, she doesn't believe anything she says, besides, with the qualifications of a palace nurse, she is definitely not willing to surrender her status to teach a country girl how to behave.

"After hearing this, my maidservant was also shocked. She went to Liu Xinyuan and asked Miss Cuihe. She told this servantservant that Madam was in a good mood after learning about the string of small-leaf red sandalwood that Abbot Guangyuan gave Bai Ningxiang."

"That lowly maidservant Yun Ni took the opportunity to offer slander, saying that Abbot Guangyuan himself said that Fifth Young Master and Bai Ningxiang were a godsend..."

Before Qiu Chan could finish speaking, there was a bang, and Feng Yujun slapped the bamboo grate on the table.

"Nonsense, what a god-given marriage, what is the identity of the cousin, how could there be any marriage with a country girl, it must be a mistake?"

"The servant also thought the same way. At that time, only Bai Ningxiang and Mr. Biao were present, in case she lied..."

Qiu Chan didn't say the following words, but the meaning was self-evident.

"You really underestimated her and dared to deceive my aunt. How can the door of the Han family be so easy to enter?"

I don't even look at my identity. Even if the Han family is a military commander's court, it is not something a country girl can step into at will.

"Where's my cousin? Are you back?"

"No, I heard that Mr. Biao went to the defense camp, and I don't know when he will come back." Qiuchan said, looked outside the door, and asked softly, "Do you want to go to the Chenxi Academy, Miss?"

(End of this chapter)

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