Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 976 The Duties and Responsibilities of a Lady

Chapter 976 The Duties and Responsibilities of a Lady
Hearing Qiu Chan's question, Feng Yujun suppressed the gloom in her eyes and shook her head, "What am I going to do? Question or congratulate?"

If my aunt knew about it, she might think too much about it.

"Besides, Grandma Gong has moved to Chenxi Courtyard, can I snatch her back?"

Hearing the girl's tone, Qiu Chan stomped her feet angrily,

"I really didn't expect that woman to really dare to take the young master's idea. I don't know what the madam thinks. What's so good about a wild girl who grew up in the country? Not only arranged for the best yard, but also married the old lady The maid in the palace gave it to her."

Feng Yujun held her chin, looked at herself in the mirror, and couldn't help murmuring,

"Yeah, I can't figure it out, even if there is a life-saving grace, it's good to give some money, why do you have to take it on your body?"

"Hmph, it's not that the slaves are thinking too much. It's hard to say whether there is a life-saving grace... Our cousin is a talented person, Yushu Linfeng, maybe he was tricked by someone."

Thinking of Bai Ningxiang's master and servants, Qiu Chan couldn't help showing resentment in her eyes. If the girl can't marry into the Han family, then her future hope will be gone.

"The girl just doesn't care about asking?"

"This is the Han Mansion. I'm just a cousin girl who comes here as a guest. How can I manage it? Too much management can easily offend people."

"Young lady's concerns are justified, so I'll go and inquire more carefully..."

Before Qiu Chan could finish speaking, Feng Yujun interrupted her with a wave of her hand, "Have you been getting closer to Cui He who is beside Auntie recently?"

Hearing the girl's tone, Qiu Chan was taken aback, "I didn't go too far, but Cui He asked me to chat when the maid was going to the kitchen a while ago, and she told the maid that Madam attaches great importance to that woman Bai Ningxiang. "

"Today, she was the one who told the servant about the matter of the concubine, but... she told the servant that Madam seemed to have made a big move. At that time, she was sent by Madam to attend to other matters. Today's matter is Cuihu. Serve in front of you."

"What do you mean?"

Feng Yujun raised her head and looked puzzled, "You mean that my aunt has other arrangements that didn't go through Cui He's hands?"

"That's what it sounds like."

Feng Yuyun: "..."

The maidservants at the beginning of the word Cui are the most powerful girls around my aunt. What did Cui He do to make my aunt taboo?

"The matter is unknown, don't be impulsive, go and inquire again."

Feng Yujun was silent for a moment, and ordered directly.

But before she could find out the reason, the next morning, she heard the news that the official media came to her door.

"Official media? My aunt invited you?"

"That's right, the servants heard the truth. Now the official media has gone to the Chenxi Courtyard, and is received by the maid of the palace."

"Auntie, what are you doing here?" I asked the matchmaker to come to the door, and even went to the Chenxi Courtyard, could it be?

"Let's go and see?"

Feng Yuyun's face was livid, she knew who lived in Chenxi Courtyard, needless to say, but she couldn't figure it out, what was the intention of my aunt doing this?
Could it be that she is really planning to make a country girl for her cousin as his regular wife?
Hiring a wife, looking at the posture, the aunt obviously walked according to the six rituals.

As soon as he walked halfway, he saw Gong Nai politely sending the official media to the second gate.
"Thank you for making a trip. Save this one for tea, and I will leave our girl's affairs to you." After speaking, Mammy Gong stuffed the purse she had prepared into the hand of the official media, and said politely.

"Oh, Mammy's broken. I'm just a matchmaker, so I will try my best. Our girl is a good girl, and talents are first-class. We will definitely do our best."

After all, the purse is accepted as it is. As an official media, I know the meaning after hearing the sound. When the nanny speaks, the Han family still understands the meaning. Naturally, they only want to facilitate the pair.

Watching the official media leave, Mammy Gong just wanted to go back when she was stopped.

"Sister Yun, why did you come out?"

Gong Nai was stunned for a moment, looked behind her, and couldn't help frowning, "There's no girl to wait on, where is that girl Qiu Chan, how can I let sister Yun walk around alone, in case of collision Isn't it troublesome?"

"Mammy is worrying too much. With my aunt, what is there to conflict with? It's all from my own family, but it's Mammy, who was the official media just now?"

Holding the handkerchief in her hand, Feng Yujun hoped that Mammy could give some other reason, even if it was a lie, she would still believe it.

"Sister Yun is right, the one just now is the official matchmaker invited by the madam... The fifth son and Miss Bai belong to a heaven-sent marriage, and the marriage was approved by the abbot Guangyuan himself. Madam thinks that the fifth son has passed the weak crown long ago, so he should get married So, I went to invite the official matchmaker in person, and let the old slave help me to finalize the marriage between the two."

After Mammy Gong finished speaking, she realized that Feng Yuyun's expression was wrong, her face was pale, and her body was a little fragile.

"Sister Yun, what's the matter with you? But if you feel uncomfortable, this old servant will invite you to the doctor."

Feng Yujun shook her head, grabbed Nanny Gong's hand, and immediately burst into tears,
"Why? Why did my aunt do this?"

Mama Gong: "..."

Feeling the pain in her arm, Madam Gong frowned, what's wrong with this child?
"Sister Yun, what are you?" Isn't it what she thought?
Feng Yujun looked at Gongmao with pear rain, with a heartbroken look,

"Nurse, why does my aunt insist on doing this even though she knows what I mean? What's so good about that country woman? My cousin and I grew up together, childhood sweethearts, why is my aunt so cruel..."

"My cousin said carefully, this old slave sees that you are really sick, so go back and rest quickly, this old slave will tell his wife to ask the doctor to show you... Where did Qiu Chan's maidservant go? Is it for sale?"

After the stern reprimand from Gong Nai, Qiu Chan, who was hiding behind the flowers, couldn't care less about anything else, and immediately jumped out.

She knew how powerful Madam Gong was, so she didn't dare to gamble on her own fate.

"Grandmother, please forgive me, my servant's stomach hurts just now..."

"Shut up, come here and help your master go back, there are no rules at all, how can a maid leave the master alone, if something goes wrong, it won't be enough to peel off your skin."

Gong Nai snorted, the little hoof of a demon, do you think her eyes are blind?
"What's the matter? Didn't the mother send the official media? Why did you get together with sister Yun?"

While speaking, Mrs. Han came over with the girl. When she saw her niece's red eyes, she was taken aback for a moment and understood.

"Ma'am, Miss Cousin is sick, it's better to ask the doctor to check it out, the root cause of the girl's illness must not be left behind." Gong Nai blessed Fushen and said softly.

Mrs. Han looked at her niece and frowned. This girl was taught by her mother a little too much, but she looked immature in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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