Chapter 977

"What Mammy reminded is that this girl didn't tell me when she was feeling unwell. It seems that she is separated from me as an aunt."

As Mrs. Han said, she directly ordered someone to invite the doctor, and then personally sent him into the courtyard where she lived.

In the inner room, Mrs. Han waved away all the servants, let Cuihu guard the door, and then sat down beside her.

"Sister Yun, do you have something to tell your aunt?"

Looking at this aunt's posture, Feng Yuyun's face turned pale, and she knew that her aunt had already understood her thoughts,
"Auntie, I don't understand..."

"Sister Yun doesn't understand why my aunt matches Xiangxiang and Brother Ting?" Mrs. Han looked at her, and the cup she just picked up was put on the table again. Looking at Feng Yuyun's eyes, she unconsciously became more sharp.

"Let's not say that Brother Ting and Xiangxiang are in love with each other. Even if there is no Xiangxiang, you and the Han family have no fate."

Mrs. Han said, looking at the puzzlement in her niece's eyes, she chuckled lightly,
"Sister Yun is a smart child. You don't need to explain it to me. A girl from the Feng family will never marry into a general's family... There are too many risks and life is too hard. Your mother has already told you about this." I've revealed it, so even if you like Brother Ting, you won't be able to marry him in this life."

Mrs. Han looked at her niece, her eyes flashed with distress.But when she thought of her son, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Geer Ting had already found the girl she liked, and she could only fulfill it.

Feng Yuyun: "...But I like my cousin, I want to marry him."

"Although my aunt likes you, the Feng family will not agree, and neither will my aunt. The Feng family is thinking about you, and hopes that you will live smoothly in the backyard and be the mistress of the house, for your husband's family, and for your mother's family... "

"And I don't want to wrong my son. Brother Ting's thoughts are not on you. As a general, there are too many uncertainties. My aunt is a mother. Naturally, I want my son to be safe and sound. Do you understand? ?”

Feng Yuyun was stunned when she heard her aunt's words, and then she covered her face and cried loudly.

"Wuuuuuu... But, but Yun'er Xinyi, I don't mind at all that my cousin is a general. I only want to marry her in this life."

"Girl, you are still too naive. The children of a wealthy family do not have willful marriages. The family cultivated you, not just for the sake of family affection. Some words can only be expressed in words, can sister Yun understand?"

"Marriage is the bondage of two families. You are a noble daughter raised by the family... The Feng family and the Han family are already bound, so why bring you in?"

"I am willing, I am really willing, please agree with my aunt, I just want to marry my cousin, otherwise my life will be meaningless... These years, I have been running to my aunt whenever I have time, and accompanied her to guard Han Home, for my cousin, I have liked my cousin since I was very young."

Opening her mind, Feng Yujun lost her usual shyness and directly expressed her heart. She knew that if she didn't speak clearly today, she would have no chance in the future.

Mrs. Han looked at the sad niece who was crying, took out her handkerchief and handed it over,
"Sister Yun, if you want to cry, you can cry as hard as you want. After crying, cheer up. You are still the noble daughter of the Feng family."

"Auntie is grateful for the companionship in the past, but that's all. If Auntie knew your thoughts earlier, even if I guard the entire mansion alone, I won't leave you behind."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Han watched her niece be silent for a moment, then smiled softly.

"It is said that the noble girls carefully cultivated by the aristocratic families are all rational, good at calculating, and understand the power of avoidance. My aunt didn't understand it at first, and she didn't want to admit it, but the more people live, the clearer it becomes. If you don't admit it, you will be hypocritical."

"My aunt was like this back then, and it's the same when I look at sister Yun now. Whether it's harmful or harmless, calculations are calculations. You are willing to stay with aunt for Brother Ting's sake. Auntie is grateful, but aunt does not agree with you and Brother Ting. , So, after you have seen the doctor and recuperated for a few days, go back."

Hearing her aunt's tone, Feng Yuyun's face turned pale with fright, and she shook her head again and again.

"No, I don't want to go back. I'm sorry, aunt. I like my cousin too much, but being with my aunt is my own willingness and sincerity. Although I want to use this to get closer to my cousin, I have no malicious intentions."

Feng Yujun wanted to die already, she shouldn't have been so emotional just now, she couldn't hold back her words.

What happened to the calculation?
As long as the goal can be achieved, her mother has always taught her that when a road does not work, you must find a way to go around it.

As long as your goal is achieved, all the hard work is worth it.

Therefore, she couldn't give up, she had waited for her cousin for so many years, and would admit defeat at the slightest setback, which was not Feng Yuyun's style, nor could she accept losing to a country girl.

No wonder, I ran all the way to Qingdu, and tried my best to live in. It turned out that I caught my cousin's attention.

No one can take away the person she guards.

Thinking of this, Feng Yuyun calmed down. She suppressed the darkness in her eyes, and her eyes were still red with tears.

"Auntie, Yun'er knew it was wrong, she shouldn't lose her composure like this, let me think about how to deal with my mentality."

"It's good if you can figure it out. You have to know that if you were born in a clan and enjoy the protection of your ancestors, you have to contribute to the family. Brothers make achievements, and sisters can do their best in marriage..."

She has said everything that should be said and should not be said. If she can't figure it out again, she can only forcefully send him back.

The doctor came to give the pulse.


"Don't worry, ma'am, the girl is just out of breath, just adjust her mood, there is no major problem." The doctor put away the pulse pillow, sat aside and prescribed a prescription, "The medicines prescribed by the old man are all medicines for calming the mind and calming the mind. Just go down."

"Thank you doctor, Cuihu, for sending the doctor away and bringing back the medicine."

"Yes, ma'am."

Watching the doctor leave, Mrs. Han sighed, "Sister Yun, take a good rest and take care of her at ease. Auntie will come to see you in the afternoon."

Mrs. Han returned to Liuxinyuan, raised her hand and pinched the center of her eyebrows, "Oh, it's a sin to raise a son and a daughter, it's troublesome~"

"Ma'am, don't worry. Judging by the attitude of the cousin girl, she really likes the fifth son. So, she is affectionate." Cui He glanced at her, and gently went around her back to help her massage her cervical spine.

Mrs. Han listened to the girl's reminder, her heart moved, thinking of Cui Hong's complaint yesterday, saying that Cui He was getting more and more lazy today, and she ran out at every turn.

"You and Qiu Chan are very close?"

Hearing Madam's sudden question, Cui He paused, guilt flashed in his eyes.

"The servant girl is familiar with Qiu Chan, but I didn't get too close, I just met by chance and said a few words."

(End of this chapter)

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