Chapter 978

As Cui He said, guilt flashed in her heart, and at the same time she was angry with an inexplicable anger.

Before Bai Ningxiang was not here, she was always the most favored girl by Madam's side. Since that country woman came here, she has not been favored as before. I don't know if she is careless. Sometimes, she still feels that Madam is looking at her. Her eyes were wrong, but she didn't reprimand her.

In the past, when Madam had something to say, she was always the first to tell her, but recently, it seems that Cuihu and Cuihong have snatched them away, and even the opportunity to serve her personally is much less than before.

After thinking about it, her unsatisfactory life began after the country woman came.

The more she thought about it, the more Cui He felt that she was at odds with that country woman.

If it doesn't work out, that woman is a killer...

As for the cousin girl of the Feng family, she already knew what she wanted. She didn't want to take care of it before because it had nothing to do with her. Only when the master and servant are driven away can one's own life be nourished and leisurely.

As for Qiu Chan's little hoof, apart from disdain, she was more interested in watching a joke.

A servant who dares to think about their fifth son is really a toad who wants to eat swan meat, and doesn't care how much he is.

The fifth son of their family is the next head of the family, and he is also the great general of the Daqing Dynasty. No matter if he marries a wife or takes a concubine, he must be the daughter of an innocent family... No matter what, he will not think about the slaves around the cousin girl. Not to make people laugh.

How big a heart is to dare to be so whimsical?

Anyway, she didn't deal with Bai Ningxiang's master and servant, so she simply mentioned Qiu Chan, but she didn't expect that girl to look like an enemy, it was ridiculous.

It's a pity that she was negligent, and she didn't know that Madam directly hired an official matchmaker, and that she wanted to hire Bai Ningxiang, a country woman, as the fifth son's wife. It was really unexpected.

In her eyes, the fifth son is like a heaven and man, and the right wife must be a noble girl... That woman Bai Ningxiang is unworthy no matter what.

She waited by his wife's side, and knew very early on that the fifth son had a savior, a girl, and she was married to Jinlan with the fifth son.

Every time Madam said it, she was also happy, and after drinking the tea leaves Bai Ningxiang gave her, she liked it even more.

At that time, she was still thinking that if she had a chance to meet in the future, she would make a good relationship with him, but she didn't know what went wrong, and they actually came to the opposite side.

Now being suddenly mentioned by his wife, Cui He has an indescribable guilt in his heart.

Fortunately, she is still reasonable, occasionally mentioning a few words, and did not reveal the master's other secrets,

"Ma'am, Cousin looks very sad, what are you going to do next?"

Mrs. Han squinted her eyes and was silent for a moment, "Xiangxiang and Brother Ting are a godsend. As a mother, I can only do my best to make it happen. Sister Yun is still young. After she recuperates for a few days, my wife will personally send her back home." The Feng family."

"Madam is very thoughtful. Miss Biao has a reasonable temperament, so she will definitely figure it out. No matter how bad it is, with my uncle and the old lady around, I'm sure everything will be fine."

Cui He heaved a sigh of relief, and flattered her with a smile. Fortunately, she didn't go too far, otherwise Han Fu might not have a place for her.

I have been with my wife all year round, and I have long been used to this kind of life, so I must not be implicated in trouble.

Mrs. Han didn't know what Cui He was thinking, but she agreed with her words.

"It's good for you to know. Don't disclose the matter of Liu Xinyuan in the future. Although my wife misses the past, she definitely has no patience for disloyal people."

Hearing Madam's warning, Cui He's face turned pale, and she knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Ma'am, the maidservant dare not."

She was really afraid of something, she couldn't let Madam turn her back.

Seeing Cui He's changed face, Mrs. Han's expression was indifferent,
"You have been with Madam Ben for many years. You should understand my temper. Madam Ben can pamper you, but don't touch my bottom line. Otherwise, it will only take a while to train a girl to serve you."

After such a sentence, Mrs. Han's warning is already obvious.

"What Madam said is that this servant understands that this servant will never dare to make another mistake, and I ask Madam to forgive me once, and this servant will definitely make amends."

I have been with Madam for so long, and this is the first time I have heard such a severe warning.

She is just a maidservant, without any freedom, it is the same with Madam around her or without her, but she can't do it, without Madam, she is nothing.

"It's good to know, get up, I don't need double-faced people around me, you'd better remember."

Mrs. Han waved her hand, "Go down and think about it carefully, how to go in the future, and then tell me after you think about it. Anyway, you are old, and getting married is a good way out."

"...Thank you Madam for your generosity."

Cui He's face turned pale with fright, she kowtowed with red eyes, and retreated cautiously to the door, and when she looked up, she saw Cui Hu and Cui Hong guarding the door.

She opened her mouth, and just when she was about to speak, Cui He held her shoulder and spoke softly to comfort her.

"Don't be sad, Madam got angry and punished you because of your impulsive temper. As long as you figure it out and keep your mouth shut in the future, it will be fine. We have been serving Madam together for these years, you should understand, Madam The most reasonable thing is, as long as you don’t make mistakes, you can live comfortably.”

Hearing Cuihu's suggestion, Cui He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that when she was in trouble with Bai Ningxiang for the first time, she had reminded herself to do her part well.

At that time, she didn't care about it, she felt that her face in front of Madam could speak for herself, while Bai Ningxiang, who was new to life and unfamiliar with the place, could only please others.

Thinking about it now, she really overestimated herself.

Cui Hong looked at her expression that hesitated to speak, resisted the urge to roll her eyes and let out a soft snort.

"Okay, don't be sensational at the madam's door. That girl Qiu Chan is not a worry-free one. You are impulsive and dare to throw everything out. Fortunately, you didn't do anything too much. Otherwise, you think you still have a chance to talk to her." Are we talking here?"

Cui He: "..."

"Okay, don't stick around, go back and think about it, what to do next, I can warn you, don't be a moth, otherwise we won't be able to save you."

After saying this, Cui Hong ignored her, and directly dragged Cui Hu into the main hall, leaving her alone at the door, her face pale and pale.

Mrs. Han looked at the two girls who came in, raised her eyelids,

"Why, Cui He can't figure it out? If you really can't figure it out, don't make things difficult. I will find her an honest and responsible steward and marry her because of my love over the years, and I am worthy of her hard work over the years."

(End of this chapter)

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