Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 979 Shocking News

Chapter 979 Shocking News
"Madam is worrying too much. Cuihe may have been frightened and didn't know how to react. The servant girl has already asked her to go back to rest. She is smart, and she will figure it out in a few days."

Cuihu blessed Fushen, and smiled lightly, they all grew up together, so they naturally understand each other's temper.

Of course, having been with Madam for a long time, she is also familiar with the master's likes and dislikes, so at this time, it is not appropriate to ask for mercy.

Mrs. Han opened her eyes and glanced at the two maidservants beside her, "Cuihe's temperament is still not steady enough, and Mrs. Liben usually indulges her too much, and she will only know the heights of the heavens and the earth after letting it air out."

"If the master's decision-making could be interfered with by her in a few words, the Han family would have ceased to exist."

"Madam calm down." The two girls felt their scalps tense when they heard Madam's tone, and quickly knelt down to plead guilty.

Mrs. Han sat up straight, remained silent for a while, and then directly ordered, "The official media has come to the door, and the procedure of the six rituals has begun. You should all be vigilant recently, and don't make any mistakes."

"Madam, don't worry, the servants will definitely do their best."

Bai Ningxiang didn't know much about Liu Xinyuan, but she had heard about Feng Yujun's illness.

"Girl, what do you mean by Miss Feng? She fell ill as soon as the official media came to the door. She really knows how to pick the time." Yun Ni complained while wiping the tea set with a cloth towel.

Bai Ningxiang caressed the jade ring on her ring finger, her eyes dim,

"Biao girl likes brother-in-law, I know this, but I didn't expect her to be very affectionate." Just then, she fell ill, and I don't know if Aunt Han will soften her heart?

"Then what shall we do? Are we going to visit a doctor?"

"No, lest I find it unpleasant." Isn't it very familiar?What is she going to do.

Maybe someone would call her frivolous and show off.

She is not interested in being laughed at.

"Girl, maidservant doesn't understand, Mr. Han is married, shouldn't he go to our White Mansion to propose marriage? But now, not only is the tired girl running here, but she is also bullied, and maidservant mentions Missy's grievance."

Holding a round fan, Bai Cha gently fanned Bai Ningxiang, pouted and asked her to tell her that if Mr. Han really wanted to marry him, he would have to go to the Bai Mansion to propose marriage according to the custom of a girl's family.

It's a pity that the form is better than people, and the arms can't twist the thighs. Her family's girl was wronged and came all the way to Qingdu, and now a childhood sweetheart cousin appeared.

Didn't he bully her girl without the support of her elders?

Hearing Baicha's complaint, Bai Ningxiang suppressed the emotions in her eyes, took the round fan in Baicha's hand, looked at the small fish and shrimp embroidered on it, and couldn't help but tease,
"You girl, have you become addicted to embroidering these little things recently, or are you homesick?"

In the blink of an eye, it has been a few months since she came out, not to mention white tea, even she is homesick.

"I kind of thought, if we are at home this season, the little man will definitely take me to Qingyuan River to catch fish and shrimp again."

The girl changed the subject, but Bai Cha didn't hold on to it. Looking at the shrimp embroidered on the fan, his eyes were a little red.

"Damn girl, you just know how to play, and you don't even think about it. After the little girl has the sea, she has long been too lazy to work with her limbs, and she can't distinguish grains. She only eats and sleeps. It's almost the same as raising pigs. What do you envy her for?" , want to be a lazy pig?"

Seeing her sad look, Yun Ni couldn't help laughing and cursing,
"It's all here, and it's useless to regret it. Although the young master has already made an engagement with our girl under the witness of the elders of the Bai family, this is Qingdu. Except for the young master, there are no elders present, so everything has to be repeated."

If her guess is correct, Feng Yuyun's green tea can be specified endlessly.

Before she becomes a monster, it's better to send people away first.

"Ahem... Mammy, why don't you go in, the pastry that the servant girl just steamed, you come in and eat together?"

Xia Xue was holding a few plates of pastries, and was startled when she saw Gong Nai standing at the door.

The few people talking in the room looked at the door and shut up awkwardly. Fortunately, they didn't say anything excessive, otherwise it would be so embarrassing?
Grandma Gong glanced at Xia Xue, then at the pastries in her hands, "You made all of this?"

"Yes, please give me some advice." Xia Xue nodded with a smile.

"The trick is good, let's go in together." Even though she was caught, Gong Nai's expression remained unchanged.

"Sister, please sit down. You have worked hard today." Bai Ningxiang blessed her. She came to help, not a servant around her. The proper etiquette cannot be abandoned.

"Miss Bai has spoiled this old slave, it's just a matter of duty. The old slave is also entrusted by his wife, so he should do his best."

Gong Nai took a step away and sat down directly beside her.

"Starting from today, the Sixth Ceremony begins. Three days later, the official media will come to the door again. The old slave will still receive the reception in person. The girl can also let Miss Yun Ni follow. If there is any negligence, you can also remind me in time."

Hearing Mammy's politeness, Bai Ningxiang rubbed the jade ring on her ring finger, chuckled lightly,
"Since my aunt entrusted this matter to the nanny, she must trust her wholeheartedly. I'm just a little girl who doesn't understand anything, and everything is decided by the nanny... Besides, the customs in Qingdu are definitely different from my hometown. I'll do as the Romans do."

Bai Ningxiang didn't feel aggrieved by Nanny Gong's politeness and alienation. The two of them didn't have much contact with each other, so naturally they didn't expect her to treat her heart and soul.

Yun Ni glanced at the girl, and blessed her with a smile, "You can just call me Yun Ni girl directly, but if you have any orders, please don't be polite."

"Since that's the case, then I won't be polite... Just now you said that my fifth son and Miss Bai are already engaged?"

When she was at the door just now, she seemed to have heard the girl say that the fifth son and Miss Bai were engaged, and she had to confirm this.

"That's right, didn't you tell Madam? This matter was decided years ago. Mr. Han went to invite the Patriarch of the Bai clan in person, and under the witness of the Bai clan, made a small decision."

"Because of the distance, Patriarch Bai promised my girl to come to Qingdu with the young master, and pay another gift in front of the elders of the Han family, so as not to be criticized... Then we came."

Mama Gong: "..."

This was really caught off guard~
Bai Ningxiang looked at Nanny's expression and didn't care,

"Don't worry, Mammy, there must be a reason for Brother Yi not mentioning it to Auntie. When Brother Yi comes back at night, it's not too late to ask."

"That's all there is to it."

Gong Nai looked at Bai Ningxiang, stood up, and slightly bowed, "This old servant will go to Madam's place and tell her the situation, Miss Bai will be at ease."

The fifth son actually made an engagement with the Bai family in private, and there are elders witnessing it.

"Mom, please." Bai Ningxiang stood up, glanced at Yun Ni, "Send me off for me."

"No, the old slave can still walk."

(End of this chapter)

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