Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 980 I am not a difficult mother-in-law

Chapter 980 I am not a difficult mother-in-law
Watching Nanny Gong leave quickly, Bai Ningxiang glared at Yun Ni, "You did it on purpose."

"Hehe... That cousin girl is watching her like a tiger. If she knows that the young master and the girl are already engaged, and with the letter of engagement, Laiqingdu is just going through the motions, and she doesn't have to disrupt it."

With the letter of appointment, as long as Feng Yujun doesn't want to be a concubine, there is no point in making trouble.

Seeing Yun Ni's sullen expression, Bai Ningxiang was speechless, she knew that these girls were all for her own good.

But it overlooked an important point. Marriage pays attention to the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers. She and her brother-in-law invited the head of the patriarch to come forward, but Bashan Village is far away from Qingdu, and the Han family has no elders present. people criticized.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why Brother Yi didn't say anything. After the Six Rites in Qingdu is over, it will be no problem to talk about this matter.

This is something that can't be helped, the world is like this, how can she change anything just because she is a little girl.

Just because the morals of the world treat women too much unfairly, the brother-in-law is very careful, other than that, it's just a matter of family status.

In addition to the grace of saving lives, family status is also a difficult gap between her and her brother-in-law. Fortunately, the Han family is different from other aristocratic families.

Even so, she is still at a disadvantage in terms of behavior. In the eyes of Qingdu people, she is a helpless orphan who grew up in the countryside, lacks education, and can even be said to be vulgar.

For those who value being well-matched, she is the silly woman who rushed forward regardless, and her behavior is also considered to be beyond her control, like a moth to a flame.

In this enclave of power, whether it is a marriage or an alliance, it is all about the interests of the family. She is an orphan, no matter whether she has potential or not, no one will care.Because in the eyes of the world, she is completely useless to her husband's family, so she has no value to be valued.

No matter how cruel it is, it is still a reality. She has already deeply realized this point in her previous life.

Before she could say anything, she heard Cuihu's voice coming from the door,

"Is the girl here? My wife is here."

Bai Ningxiang glared at Yun Ni, look, something is coming.

"Welcome Miss Cuihe in for a cup of tea, I'll clean up and go over right away."

Yun Ni rubbed her nose, followed the girl into the inner room, waited on Bai Ningxiang and changed into a light blue uniform, a turquoise hairpin, two small pearl flowers on her temples,
"Bring the box with the letter of appointment." Before coming to Qingdu, she had prepared these, and brought the letter of appointment and gift list.

"I kept Cuihu girl waiting for a long time."

After leaving the inner room, Bai Ningxiang looked at Cuihu happily chatting with Baicha, and said a polite word.

"Miss Bai, you're being polite. The servant girl is the servant girl next to Madam. You can just call me Cuihu." She didn't want to follow Cui He's old path, and she was rejected by Madam for no reason.

"It's you who are being modest. Speaking of which, I am also a wild girl who grew up in the countryside, and we are all the same."

Bai Ningxiang still has a good sense of this girl Cuihu, she looks gentle and polite, she doesn't seem affectionate or alienated, talking to such a person makes one feel comfortable.

No wonder she is the most capable maidservant around Aunt Han, she is really well trained.

"Miss Bai was joking. Even if you grew up in the countryside, you are still a golden phoenix. The servant girl does not have such a blessing."

Cuihu looked at Bai Ningxiang's walking posture, clasped his hands on his lower abdomen, held his head high, and walked steadily. He was indeed different from the delicate and noble girls in Qingdu, with a more heroic and free-spirited spirit.

When they arrived at the gate of Liu Xinyuan, Bai Ningxiang was invited into the hall under the girl's report.

"Greetings to Auntie, Nanny is well." After saluting to Madam Han, seeing Gongmao on the side, she smiled and said hello again.

"Yun Ni, present the box to Auntie."

Madam Han looked at the brocade box in front of her and raised her eyebrows, but she didn't rush to open it, "What's in the box?"

"Auntie, forgive me. The box contained the letter of engagement and the gift list from my brother-in-law, and I brought it here because I thought it would be useful." Now that she had told the truth, there was no need for her to hide it.

"Although I don't know why my brother-in-law didn't mention it to my aunt, I think he should have thought about it. I accidentally slipped the tongue today. It's my fault."

Mrs. Han nodded. She understood her son, but wasn't she afraid of being said to be giving and receiving privately, which would affect Xiangxiang's reputation.

Speaking of which, she still couldn't help feeling sour in her heart. It was the first time her son had grown up so much, and it was the first time she had seen him care so much about a girl. She was afraid that she would be wronged.

Even a mother like her didn't get this kind of treatment. Apart from being frightened, she really didn't enjoy such treatment.

People are more popular than people, and raising children is really troublesome.

Mrs. Han kept complaining in her heart, but her surface was still calm and gentle. She opened the box and saw two pieces of red paper neatly placed inside.

letter of appointment,

The thin gold seal characters are clear and clear.

"One yang is moving at the beginning, the two surnames are harmonious, three are more, with four beauties, and the fifth generation advocates Fengdi. The six rites are completed, the seven sages are assembled, the eight tones are assembled, the nine songs are in harmony, and the mandarin duck is perfect." After that is the horoscope of the two people's names and birthdays.On the witnesses, sign the name of the patriarch of the Bai clan.

With the letter of appointment as evidence, even if they get the imperial court, the marriage between Brother Ting and Xiangxiang will not be serious.

"Look, Mammy, I'm afraid Xiangxiang's daughter-in-law won't be able to run away. The brat moves pretty fast, but he's too young to do anything. How can he hide it from his parents. See if I don't break his leg when I come back."

Handing the letter of engagement to Nanny Gong, Mrs. Han picked up the gift slip and looked at it again. When she saw the items listed on the gift slip, she almost blinked her eyes, brat, you are so talented, there are so many good things, so many She has neither.

"Ahem... Brother Ting'er is quite thoughtful, he weaves gold and silk, and the jewelry is pretty complete." As for the rest, she just said, sad.

Mrs. Han calmed down, folded the letter of engagement and put it back in the box,
"With this, you are already Brother Ting's fiancée. I don't care what he thinks. Since we have to go through the motions, the process of the Sixth Ceremony has to be speeded up. It's best to hold the wedding a few years ago."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Even the maid at the side nodded her head in agreement, "Miss Bai is already the fifth son's fiancee, we can go to the sixth ceremony faster, and start preparations from now on, even though we got married years ago in a hurry, I can also make it in time.”

Bai Ningxiang looked at the attitude of the two singing together, and felt at ease, but at the same time was a little puzzled. Aunt Han seemed very anxious.

Madam Han looked at Bai Ningxiang's cute expression, and couldn't help but curl her lips.
"Don't worry about Xiangxiang. My aunt won't embarrass you. It's too late for me to be happy. Ahem...Of course, I always think that those mother-in-laws who embarrass their daughter-in-law can't think about it, and there is something wrong with their brains."

(End of this chapter)

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