Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 981 There is no peace of mind

Chapter 981
Embarrassing the daughter-in-law is embarrassing the son. If the son is not doing well, how can a mother be happy?

Hearing Madam Han's tone, Bai Ningxiang twitched the corners of her lips. From this point of view, she was indeed the Madam Han with the memory of her previous life, noble and elegant.

"Auntie doesn't blame us juniors for being impulsive."

Ordinary people, if they don't go through their parents in marriage, that's treason.

"Hey~, what are you talking about? Brother Ting is 22 or [-] years old this year. He has grown up long ago. Naturally, he has the right to make decisions for himself. We are too happy to be elders, so naturally we will not intervene. Of course, this is just The family tradition of our Han family may not be recognized by other families."

The most important thing of the Han family is the heirs, as long as the heirs can continue, the marriage doesn't have to be the same.

Bai Ningxiang blessed Fushen, "Thank you, Auntie, for your generosity."

So, Aunt Han called her here just to confirm the letter of appointment.

"Okay, Auntie knows the ins and outs of the matter. Let Xiangxiang go back to rest. Let the kitchen add food tonight, and let's celebrate with our own family first."

As Aunt Han said, she directly ordered Cui Hong, who was waiting on the sidelines, "Go and tell the kitchen now to have a bigger dinner and cook more special dishes."

"Yes, ma'am," Cuihong heard, glanced at Bai Ningxiang, smiled slightly, then turned around and left. This year the Han family really should have more people.

After Bai Ningxiang left, Madam Gong looked at his wife's eyebrows and couldn't help being worried.

"Ma'am, what are you worried about?"

"I can't help my mother, the son I raised since I was a child, I can't understand it."

Look at this way of chasing his wife, she thought her son was not good at words.In Qingdu before, when she wanted her son to see his wife, she either disappeared or ignored her.

She has never seen him talk to any girls, and even treats relatives' cousins ​​with a look of indifference. She used to think that her son's son would be lonely for life.

For this reason, she worried a lot.

After today, she finally understood that she hadn't been worrying about her relationship before.

All of them are heartless, and if they were told earlier, they would die of exhaustion. In the whole world, she is definitely the first old lady who is kept in the dark by her son.

The more she thought about it, the angrier Mrs. Han became, saying that she forgot her mother when she had a daughter-in-law.

Her brother Ting seems to be running in this direction!
"Madam, don't worry, the fifth son acts prudently and thinks carefully before doing things. Originally, the old slave was afraid that Madam would think that they were giving and receiving privately, but now he is at ease."

She watched the Fifth Young Master and the Seventh Young Master grow up, so naturally she was reluctant to punish them.

Although the white girl grew up in the countryside, her speech and behavior are unmistakable, so she must have been carefully cultivated by the family.Maybe her family background is not too high, but she is definitely not a country woman.

"Nurse is too worried. Xiangxiang has a letter of engagement in her hand, a dowry gift, and witnesses, so it can't be considered private. Besides, how could I let my son get married under the name of a private appointment?"

Giving and receiving privately is not only harmful to the woman, but also has no benefit to the man.

As long as she has a little brain, she will do it.

"Mommy is tired, go back and rest, I will leave the rest to you."

"What did Madam say, the old servant is too happy to be happy, how could he be tired?" After Madam Gong left, Madam Han walked up and down the hall by herself, stomping her feet angrily.

The brat, the bad boy, actually kept the old lady in the dark?

"Cuihu, go to the front yard and tell the butler not to do anything, just wait for Brother Ting to come back, and arrest him to see me as soon as he arrives."

"Madam calm down, maidservant will go now." Cuihu didn't dare to say more at this time, this was the first time she saw Madam lose her composure like this.

"What's the matter, ma'am? Did Xiao Qi make you angry again, and this general will vent your anger on you by taking him to the school grounds for a few laps."

While speaking, the door curtain was lifted, and General Han walked in swaggeringly.

When Madam Han saw her husband, she snorted, "I'm not your good son, he is so courageous and lawless, he made a marriage arrangement for himself without telling his parents, and he didn't tell the truth when he came back. You are used to it."

Mrs. Han sat on the chair angrily, and told General Han about the letter of engagement and the dowry.

"Haha... As expected of the general's good son, he is courageous."

Mrs. Han: "..."

She knew that no one in this family was normal.

After laughing, General Han realized belatedly that his wife's face was flushed with anger.
"Ahem... Ma'am, don't be angry. That brat is lawless. Don't dare to put Lao Tzu in your eyes and see how I cut him."

Mrs. Han: "..."

From the old to the young, she wouldn't be so worried if she had a peace of mind.

"Since Brother Ting has made a decision, let's choose a date and let the two get married."

General Han stroked his beard, shook his head and thought for a while, then took his wife's hand and walked to the study, "Let's go, let's go to the study and discuss how to do the wedding, who will be invited, how many tables need to be set..."

Before General Han could finish speaking, his wife interrupted him loudly.

"General, you forgot what I just said. Brother Ting didn't tell us, but he just wanted to go through the six rituals again according to Qingdu's custom. It will be difficult for Xiang to be a man in the future, you have to calm down and don't make trouble."

"Oh yes, I'm not making trouble... It's just that this matter should be done quickly. Try to get married this year, and I'm still waiting to be a grandfather next year. Besides, if Brother Ting is sent abroad, I don't know if he will come back in a few years .”

In these early courts, the monarch has mentioned the chaos in the frontier more than once. If the case of the Ministry of Punishment hadn't been settled, Brother Ting would have been sent away long ago.

Mrs. Han frowned when she heard what her husband meant, "What do you mean? We are going to send our Han family to guard the border again?"

These years, the men of the Han family have not stopped, and finally Brother Ting was transferred back... Even though he was working in the defense battalion, he still hadn't seen anyone for more than a year.

In my 20s, I don't even give a chance to marry a wife, why?
General Han saw that Madam was angry, and quickly comforted him, "Madam, don't worry, this matter hasn't been settled yet. Didn't I take precautions in advance?"

"You can see that the monarch must have thought of it." She knows better than anyone how thick her husband's lines are, and the things that can be seen by him are almost the same.

General Han smashed his mouth, he was very helpless. After beating people in the street a few times, he was a big boss in the eyes of his wife.

...In fact, he is still very delicate in his heart, but unfortunately his wife never gave him a chance to show it.

"Ahem... Madam, don't worry, it really won't work. I'm going to guard the border, and I will definitely let Ting Geer marry a wife smoothly." General Han pulled Madam to sit down, walked around behind her, and gently squeezed her.

(End of this chapter)

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