Chapter 983

General Han said, looking at his wife's eyes and laughing,
"Anyway, Brother Ting is engaged, so I can say something... Madame doesn't know about it. I used to hide it from Madam and dared not tell. Brother Ting hangs around in the military camp every day, and doesn't even visit brothels."

As soon as I said this, General Han quickly covered his mouth, his eyes were dimmed,

"Ahem... No, I mean that kid is not sexual at all. At that time, I was really scared, so I secretly sent someone to lure him into the brothel, prepared a few small officials, and wanted to try... ...In case Brother Ting likes men, I can't explain to Madam."

As General Han said, he patted his chest in fear and said triumphantly,
"Although he left with a dark face in the end, I can finally rest assured that our son is not a broken sleeve..."

Before General Han finished showing off, he heard a snap, and before he could react, his ears were grabbed.

"Ouch, take it easy, it hurts~"

"You still know it hurts. I really didn't expect that you would do such a ridiculous thing. No wonder my son found a way to marry a wife by himself. I have such an unreliable father as you in his feelings."

It's really pissing off, what crime did she do to marry such a bastard?
"Madam calm down, Madam calm down, how will I know if I don't try it...Of course, now that my daughter-in-law is here, I can be considered completely at ease. If Madam is not relieved, I will give you the key to the private treasury, and you can choose a few that you like." object, it should be an apology."

General Han looked at the furious madam, smelled the fragrance from her body, and apologized with a smirk. She and his wife were just having fun in the boudoir.

Usually he was used to being a general, and no one dared to look up when they saw him. Only in front of his wife, he didn't have any majesty at all. Of course, he was not afraid of embarrassment.

"Bah~, who are you fooling? I don't even want to give you your little things. Except for a few broken weapons, what else is left?"

The poor are so short of wearing underpants, how dare they open their mouths to give her things?

"...There are still a few stones in the corner behind the weapon shelf, which were given by Brother Ting a few years ago. If Madam doesn't dislike them, then move them away and find someone to polish them for a better look."

General Han was very embarrassed. His net worth had already been exhausted. In the whole Qingdu, there was probably no other general who was poorer than him.

"Here's the key, here."

Hearing Shi Shi, Mrs. Han frowned, seeing that her son was about to get married, more betrothal gifts would also add luster to her son.Isn't it a joke that the general's mansion can't even offer a decent dowry.

"Here, Madam, please take it." General Han obediently handed over the key, grinning and laughing, "I have handed over all my belongings to Madam."

Mrs. Han glared at him, she really couldn't see her face.

At night, when Han Jing came back, he got a suggestion from the manager, and he went to Liu Xin Yuan before he even had time to change his armor.

"Son meets father, mother."

"Sit down and talk."

Mrs. Han looked at her son's majestic appearance, and while she was relieved, she didn't forget to ask questions.

"You are in Xiangxiang's hometown, and you have already placed a small order in advance?"

"Mother already knows?"

Han Jing was taken aback, and then smiled gently, "Xiangxiang is a girl's family, and my son will not marry her in his life. If he wants to bring someone to Qingdu, he has to express his opinion in front of the elders. Only making a decision is the most suitable."

"Then why didn't you mention it to your parents when you arrived in Qingdu?"

"Dissatisfied with the mother, the son does have other plans."

Han Jing stood up and glanced at the guard at the door. The man took out a bag of things from nowhere, and gathered several guard girls and women together with a smile.

Mrs. Han and his wife looked at each other, but they didn't rush, they waited quietly for the next sentence.

"Xiangxiang is a capable girl who supported the entire Bai family with her own strength. Under her influence, the Bai family established a school, and also gave the villagers of Bashan Village jobs in their spare time... In her As a reminder, the tea mountain purchased by my son has also begun to see profits.”

"The most important thing is to take care of the tea mountain, which requires a lot of people. Those wounded on the Zhuangzi also have the opportunity to support themselves. If we take in those disabled soldiers, if we can make them self-sufficient, it will be more worry-free than raising them alone."

"Now, there is no need for me to subsidize the tea mountain. Now Xiangxiang has built a winery under the tea mountain. With the investment of the winery, it can help my son settle a lot of people..."

Speaking of this, Han Jing's eyes sparkled involuntarily, and General Han looked at him with jealousy, but when he looked at the wife beside him, he puffed up his chest again, feeling proud.

"So, it is my son's blessing to meet a girl. Anyway, the Han family doesn't pay much attention to family status when choosing a wife. It just so happens that Xiangxiang is capable and cunning, and she is definitely qualified to be the mistress of the Han family."

The more Han Jing said, the brighter her eyes became, and Mrs. Han just wanted to cover her eyes. The worthless guy was captured by someone.

"Mother is loving, you don't need me to tell you what your son lacks... we two support each other and support the Han family's lintel... However, compared to the simplicity of the Bai family, our family is much more complicated. I feel indebted to her."

"After thinking about it, my son brought her into Qingdu. I want to use all the credit to exchange Xiangxiang for an imperial rank."

Mrs. Han: "..."

"Only when Xiangxiang has a high rank can she gain a firm foothold in Qingdu. My son also wants to take this opportunity to let all the families in Qingdu understand that Xiangxiang is what I sincerely asked to marry, and no one can neglect her. "

General Han nodded, and glanced at his son, a gleam flashed in his simple and honest eyes,
"Tell me, besides this, is there any other reason?"

As long as this kid is not allowed to make money and plot people's hearts, he is a monkey.

"...Father Mingjian, you and I know what the monarch treats the Han family. The Han family has contributed too much from the ancestors to you and my father and son. The gossip has never stopped. The monarch will have trouble sleeping and eating. If I use all the credit For Xiangxiang to change to a rank of first rank, the son believes that the monarch will be able to readily agree."

No matter how high a woman's rank is, it is just a false name. Compared with the threat of the Han family, it is nothing. The monarch is good at calculating, so he can rest easy.

"Heh~, I knew it, that kid is scheming, and this is also a feasible way. At that time, you should be tougher and more affectionate. The more you do this, the happier the monarch will agree."

At that time, he also used his credit to ask his wife for an imperial order.

Mrs. Han watched the father and son talking to each other, and couldn't help but think of what happened in the past.

At that time, she had just married into the Han family, and every year she would go to the palace with the general to have a banquet. During the New Year's Eve, the monarch bestowed favors, and for those families who had no merit or demerit, they could always entrust a group of people, from the imperial wife to the child , not one of them.

 On Christmas Eve, I wish the little fairy a safe and sound, prepare socks and receive gifts~
(End of this chapter)

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