Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 984 I'm Really Afraid of Her Passing Out

Chapter 984 I'm Really Afraid of Her Passing Out

At that time, she was not in a hurry, even the rims, she didn't return anything.

In a blink of an eye, a few years have passed, and those who can be sealed but can't be sealed have titles, but she hasn't gotten any good.

Every time she participated in a flower banquet, her knees were sore all the way down, curtseying with people, and she could clearly feel the mocking eyes and gloating eyes around her.

Later, the general found out about it somehow, and entered the palace noisily. Everyone has momentum.

Ten years ago, because of her meritorious service in expelling the Tartars, her family's general did not want to reward her without waiting for the reward from the monarch. She used her merits again to invite her to be granted the title.

From then on, she didn't have to greet anyone except the Queen Mother.

After Feng Yi's decree came down, the whole court was in an uproar.

Some people think that General Han is crazy, using all his meritorious service to ask for a title for his wife, but not getting benefits, it's stupid.

Some people think that General Han is a reckless man who can obviously benefit his descendants, but unfortunately, the hero is sad and beautiful, and this meritorious service was wasted for nothing.

Of course, there are also some who are sharp-eyed and can more or less guess the intention of the monarch.

After conferring the rank of Mrs. Chao Pin Guo, among other things, she received a lot of envy and hatred from Mrs. Houzhai.

However, because of her status, no one dared to ridicule her in front of her anymore, otherwise she would be committing a crime.

Since then, the Han family has been quiet for several years, until Brother Ting started to make contributions, and the situation changed quietly.

Now listening to the conversation between the father and son, Mrs. Han agrees besides mocking.

Laughing at the incompetence of the monarch can only use these despicable methods to fool the courtiers.

Obviously he is not smart enough, but he still treats others as fools.

However, this matter is indeed beneficial to Xiangxiang. Her identity is different from her own. If she wants to gain a firm foothold in Qingdu, suppressing her with her identity is the most convenient way.

Thinking of the faces of those wives, Mrs. Han unconsciously curled the corners of her lips.

Their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are really destined, and they have swept away the envy, jealousy and hatred of the entire Qingdu.

Compared with the grand occasion back then, she was very much looking forward to seeing the pictures of those noble ladies bowing their knees and saluting in front of Xiangxiang.

He obviously looked down on him, but he just looked down on him, and he had to keep it in his heart no matter how dissatisfied he was, that scene was a joy to think about.

"Ma'am, you seem very happy?"

General Han looked at the schadenfreude in his wife's eyes, and asked curiously.

"Of course I'm happy. I've been holding my breath all these years, and I can finally evacuate a little bit. How can I be unhappy?"

As Mrs. Han said, she looked up at her son, "We can enjoy the grades we have earned with credit, because you paid for it with your lives."

No matter how bitter or jealous those people are, they can look down on everyone with their heads held high.


Then let your son-in-law go to the battlefield and go desperately!
Listening to her mother's words, Han Jing nodded, "Thank you, mother, for your understanding. My son doesn't want to embarrass Xiangxiang... The two powers are the lesser. My son knows what to do for the Han family."

"Haha... As expected of the descendants of the Han family, that's how it should be. We are loyal to the country and live and work in peace and contentment for the people, but we can't be ashamed of our family members. They live a comfortable life, so we can feel at ease, right?"

Han Jing bowed and saluted, "Father is right, the Han family is worthy of heaven and earth by cultivating one's moral character, governing the family, governing the country and the world."

It is the monarch who owes them the Han family.

"Okay, let's not talk anymore, dinner is ready, let's talk while eating." Mrs. Han saw Cui Hong entering the yard, waved her hands, got up and walked to the dining hall in the front hall.

Enter the dining hall for a moment,

Bai Ningxiang brought Gong Nai and her party along with Xiao Qi.

"Cuihu, go and see how the cousin girl is doing. If you are fine, you can come to have a meal. If you are not healthy, ask the girl to send the meal to the yard. By the way, tell the kitchen to cook some easy-to-digest meals for the girl."

"Yes, ma'am." Cuihu agreed, turned and left.

Xiaoqi looked at the delicious food on the table and clapped her hands, "Mother, what a good day today, the food is so rich."

"There is a happy event at home today. Mother has invited the official media. The sixth ceremony has officially begun. Xiangxiang's marriage with your fifth brother is close at hand. You should pay attention to this point, and don't forget to give your fifth brother some Good stuff congratulations."

Mrs. Han looked at her younger son, and spoke with a pleasant face.

"Your mother's words are correct. We have people who are talented and capable, so don't be lazy." General Han said, tapping his head with his chopsticks.

Xiaoqi: "..."

Fifth Brother and Bai Ningxiang are married, what about Cousin Yun?
"What's the matter? Frowning, why do you still have opinions? Besides, you're not married, so it's useless to object." Mrs. Han glared at him and spoke directly.

Just as Xiao Qi was about to speak, he received the warning eyes from Fifth Brother, and pursed his mouth, "Well, I won't say anything, what mother said is right, it's not that I'm married, why are you so lenient?"

At this moment, the curtain at the door was raised, and Feng Yuyun walked in with the support of the girl.

"Greetings to Uncle and Auntie, Yun'er is fine, and Auntie is worried... It turns out that my cousin is back, no wonder Auntie asked the kitchen to cook such a sumptuous meal."

Xiao Qi moved to the side, patted the position beside her,

"Cousin thinks too much. These meals are not made to welcome Fifth Brother back, but mother ordered the kitchen to prepare them to celebrate the marriage between Fifth Brother and Miss Bai. Therefore, we are just supporting, just eat."

With a snap, General Han's chopsticks hit Xiao Qi's head again.

"It's good to eat something, so much nonsense."

Listening to Xiao Qi's explanation, Feng Yujun turned pale, then recovered, and smiled at Bai Ningxiang, "It's indeed a happy event, congratulations, Miss Bai."

"Thank you,"

Bai Ningxiang nodded, looking at her delicate expression, she was really worried for her, afraid that she would not be able to persist and faint.

"This river prawn is fried well, girl, try it, how is it different from Qingyuanhe's taste?"

Seeing her staring at Sister Yun in a daze, Han Jing bent the corner of her lower lip, and put a few bright red salt and pepper river prawns on her plate.

"Well, it's really fresh."

Bai Ningxiang ate one, nodded, and in a blink of an eye, she saw Feng Yuyun's face paled a lot.

She sighed silently in her heart, she didn't mean to be annoying.

"Cough~, I'll do it myself."

"Well, this sesame taro ball is also good, sweets, girls like it."

Han Jing agreed, and continued to move, seeing Bai Ningxiang very helpless.

Holding the chopsticks, Xiao Qi took a look around, quickly picked up a piece of braised pork and put it on Feng Yuyun's plate.

"Cousin, this meat is not bad, fat but not greasy and beautiful."

(End of this chapter)

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