Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 985 Start to guard against her

Chapter 985 Start to guard against her

"Okay, thank you, Xiao Qi." Feng Yujun forced a smile, looking at the greasy piece of meat, feeling a little sick in his heart.

"This fish ball is also good. It's very light. You're not feeling well. It's just right to eat this." Xiao Qi scooped up two fish balls, put them in Feng Yuyun's bowl, and looked at her with great interest.

"Thank you Xiao Qi, my cousin likes fish balls very much."

Feng Yujun frowned, and ate one with a spoon. The fish meat was elastic and tender, which was really good.

"Cousin can eat more if she likes it. The stuffed tofu stuffed meat is also good. I'll add more to you after I finish eating."

After Xiao Qiyu's gentle explanation, she still glanced at Bai Ningxiang intentionally or unintentionally, her eyes were terribly embarrassed.

Bai Ningxiang is speechless, what are you doing staring at her for showing your hospitality?
This kid has a lot of prejudice against her.
Han Jing glanced at Xiao Qi, "From [-] o'clock tomorrow, follow me to the defense camp for training."

"Ah? Why? I won't go, a bunch of stinky guys, what can I train." Xiao Qi shook his head, showing resistance from the inside out.

"Look at your slender arms and legs. You look like a girl. If you don't fight and practice, you will be useless sooner or later." Han Jing glanced at him and said lightly.

"I don't look like a bitch anymore. I'm very powerful, okay? Let me tell you, none of the ten or eight guards in the mansion is my match."

"Just them, I can put fifty in a quarter of an hour... It's fine if you don't go, as long as you can pass twenty moves in my hands, it's up to you."

Han Jing looked at him, and pulled the corner of his lower lip, a brat who doesn't know how high the heavens are.

"Just hit, whoever is afraid of whom, what will happen to you if I have passed twenty moves?" Xiao Qi put down his chopsticks, held his head up, and was full of fighting spirit.

"Let's talk about it later, if I make you cry, just don't complain." Han Jing left a sentence, and put another piece of Yong Tau Foo on Bai Ningxiang's plate.

General Han looked at his youngest son, and stretched out his chopsticks happily, "Ma'am, this stewed hoof is so soft, you should eat more."

Mrs. Han stared at him speechlessly, she was too lazy to speak.

Feng Yujun looked at the warm and friendly family in front of him, his hand holding the chopsticks turned slightly white, and his eyes turned red.

The whole family loves each other, and she is the only outsider.

After finally finishing dinner, she immediately took the girl back to her yard,

"Qiuchan, check it out for me. I want to know what my aunt said when she met Bai Ningxiang today?"

She hadn't seen her for half a day, she seemed to have missed something.

Qiu Chan was taken aback. When the girl was resting, it wasn't that she didn't check, but she didn't find any useful information.

I don't know if it's her illusion, but she always feels that the people in the mansion treat her differently than before.

There is also Cui He, she has gone to Liu Xin Yuan for a stroll several times, but she has not even seen a single person.

"Yes, servant girl will go and investigate now." Qiu Chan clenched her fists, she must know the reason of the matter, but anything that is not good for the girl will hurt her the most.

"By the way, girl, Cui He doesn't seem to be among the girls serving Madam's meals in the dining hall today."

Hearing Qiu Chan's reminder, Feng Yujun froze for a moment, then patted the dressing table abruptly,
"Since you find something is wrong, go and investigate. This is the Han Mansion, and everything is under the control of my aunt. She knows that you are close to Cui He, and she doesn't let Cui He close to serve her. There must be something important. concealed."

Heh~, that country girl has only been here for a long time, and my aunt has started to be wary of her.

The companionship of more than ten years is not as important as a wild girl who has known each other for a few days. It is ridiculous to say it.

Qiu Chan was taken aback, "If the people in the mansion are wary of us, how can the servant girl inquire?"

"Bring more money, no matter how well my aunt manages the mansion, there will be people who lack money..."

Feng Yuyun pulled the corner of her lower lip, revealing a hint of mockery. After guarding these years, if she loses without a fight, she will not accept it.

Qiu Chan removed the courtyard according to the master's order, and returned to the courtyard angrily until the lights in the mansion were turned off.

Feng Yujun leaned against the bed, flipped through a book in his hand, and said lightly, "Tell me, what did you find out?"

Just as Qiu Chan opened her mouth, she immediately hesitated, "...Girl, if this servant says something unpleasant, please don't get angry. If you get angry, your body will be damaged. After you go back, Madam will skin me."

"Huh, what's the point of being angry, the grievances you have suffered today are not enough?"

Feng Yuyun was holding the book, her eyes were gloomy, she was the daughter of the Feng family, when did she experience such uselessness?

"It took a lot of effort for the servant to bribe a rough cleaning girl. She said that when Bai Ningxiang went to Liu Xinyuan today, she was holding a box."

Qiu Chan said while watching the girl's expression, she was also afraid that the girl would be angry, and it was the girls who waited close to her that were unlucky.

"She doesn't know what's in the box, but occasionally a sentence or two came from the hall, saying something like a letter of appointment, but the rest was unclear."

"Appointment letter? How is it possible?"

Feng Yujun held the book tightly, her knuckles turned white, and the corners of her lips were tightly pursed, for fear that she would not be able to control her anger.

"The maidservant confirmed it. The maid was also there at the time, and that girl could hear the letter of appointment clearly."

Speaking of this, Qiu Chan also gritted her teeth angrily. The letter of appointment is only available to those who are engaged. It is self-evident what this means.

After being silent for a while, Feng Yujun calmed down, showing a smile uglier than crying,
"Auntie blocked the news because she loved me and was afraid that I would be sad?"

Qiu Chan: "..."

Bah, it's obvious that she is covering up something for that wild girl?
"Tiuchan, clean up, let's go home tomorrow."

"Going back to the mansion? The girl is willing?" Qiu Chan was stunned, knowing the news, shouldn't she make a fuss with Madam?

"So what if I'm not reconciled, my aunt has already started to guard against me because of that Bai Ningxiang, and if she leaves in a ignorant manner, is she waiting to be humiliated?"

Feng Yuyun laughed at herself, but her aunt's words were still in her ears. She had to go back and ask her mother if she really wasn't planning to marry herself into the Han family. Whenever her mother wavered a little, she would lick her face and beg her to let her mother think about it. The method is better than her fighting alone.

"But...but if we leave, and my aunt decides to marry the cousin, what will the girl do?"

Qiu Chan is in a hurry, Mr. Biao is not only graceful, but also a gentle and loving man. Just look at how caring he is for Bai Ningxiang today. Don't think about it, Mr. Biao is a good man who can be trusted for life.

Entrusting myself to such a man, even as a concubine, is a lifetime of glory and wealth.

The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became.

However, the girl's plan is also correct, and it is also a feasible way to go back and ask Madam for help.

My aunt has already started to be wary of them. If they go back to rescue soldiers, no matter whether it is the old lady or the wife, they will have more weight than her daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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