Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 986 Please seal for you

Chapter 986 Please seal for you
During breakfast the next day, Feng Yujun said in front of the whole family, "Auntie, I've been bothering you at home for a while, and it's time to go back."

"Sister Yun is all right?"

Mrs. Han put down her chopsticks, her expression flickered, she looked at her niece's slightly drooping eyebrows, and nodded,

"That being the case, go back and clean up after dinner. Auntie will take you back. It just so happens that Auntie is going to visit your grandmother."

"Okay, listen to my aunt."

This is convenient, as long as she tells her mother what she is thinking, and while her aunt is here, she will know earlier if she mentions it face to face.

Thinking of this, Feng Yuyun glanced at his cousin opposite, only to realize that he was whispering to Bai Ningxiang with his head turned sideways, and he didn't hear himself at all.

A gloomy look flashed across Feng Yujun's eyes, and he tried to calm down before speaking with a smile.

"Cousin has been back for so long, and hasn't visited grandma, right? Why don't you go together while you're here?"

Han Jing glanced at Feng Yujun and shook her head, "My cousin doesn't know something. I went to see my grandfather and grandmother the second day after I came back. Didn't they tell you?"

Feng Yuyun: "..."

She was not in the mansion at the time, and only heard about it after she came back.

"That's really unfortunate. A few days after my cousin came back, I accepted my aunt's invitation and went out as a guest. As soon as I got home, I heard that my cousin was back, so I begged my mother to visit my aunt. I was negligent. "

"When I turned around to see my grandmother, my cousin said hello for me, and I will go to see her old man after I take a rest." Han Jing nodded and didn't say much.

"Cousin, don't worry, I will definitely bring it with you. You can also take Miss Bai with you when the time comes. Don't say anything else, just because of the name of the savior, grandma will have to meet her."

Feng Yuyun looked at Bai Ningxiang, and smiled softly, "Miss Bai, please don't be polite, I will wait for you at Feng's residence."

"Miss Feng, you're being polite. The matter of saving your life has long passed, and my aunt doesn't mention it anymore. In the future, please ask Miss Feng not to talk about it all the time. It will be embarrassing. My brother-in-law is alone in this matter. Just remember it."

Bai Ningxiang twitched her eyebrows, said a polite word, and seeing Feng Yuyun's slightly changed expression, shrugged her shoulders innocently.

She didn't bring it up on her own initiative, so she's also angry?

After breakfast, Bai Ningxiang just got up to leave, and Han Jing got up, "Girl, I'll take you back to the yard, I just have something to tell you."

"Okay, let's go together."

Looking at the backs of the two walking side by side, Feng Yuyun's eyes were gloomy, and her expression became tense unconsciously. It turned out that in the eyes of her cousin, she had no weight at all.

Mrs. Han looked at her niece, and sighed silently, "Okay, sister Yun, go back and tidy up. Auntie has someone prepare the carriage. Let's go together."

"it is good."

Feng Yuyun puffed up her chest and left with the girl. She is a noble daughter of the Feng family, how could she lose to a country girl?
Han Jing and the two returned to Chenxi Courtyard, Bai Ningxiang nestled on the beauty's couch, tilted her head to look at her brother-in-law,

"Brother Yi is not going to be on duty in the defense battalion today?"

"It doesn't hurt to be late,"

Han Jing cleared his throat,
"I have already heard from my mother about the official media's visit, and I have also told my mother about my plan. The reason why I didn't tell my mother strictly before is not only to avoid unnecessary troubles, but also not to want the girl to be criticized for her innocence. "

"Originally, I wanted to go through the six ceremonies according to the procedure and set a wedding date before I mentioned the engagement letter to my mother. Now that my mother already knows, I will also tell you my plan."

Sitting opposite Bai Ningxiang, Han Jing recounted what Liu Xinyuan said to Bai Ningxiang, and then spoke helplessly.

"In this way, no one will dare to despise you when you walk in Qingdu in the future. Status is power, and everyone has to bow their heads."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

The righteous brother is going to give her a seal?

Marrying a brother-in-law, she has long been prepared to deal with everyone. After all, her origin cannot be changed, and the status of a woman depends on her husband's official position.This is also the most important thing for those ladies in the back house.

Unexpectedly, brother-in-law actually thought of her front and avoided these potential embarrassments directly.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang wanted to laugh a little. If her brother-in-law's invitation was successful, she would like to see those people who didn't think much of her background but had to curtsey in front of her.

How aggrieved and unwilling to be reconciled in my heart, I look forward to it when I think about it.

What is there to say?

No matter how much you hate me, you can't kill me.

Thinking of this, besides being moved, Bai Ningxiang also felt a little inexplicably sad.

In her previous life, because of her birth, she was often cast aside. In the eyes of those noble ladies, she was full of copper stink.

Two princesses among them even embarrassed her face to face, making her lose her face at the banquet.

Because of that incident, Mrs. Jiang used it frequently to humiliate her, saying that she had embarrassed the Jiang family.

She pretended not to care before, but she was inevitably sad in her heart.

People really can't compare.

"Why, is this touching?"

Han Jing looked at the corners of her reddish eyes, reached out and scratched her little nose, teasing.

"So what? My brother-in-law can think of me, it would be silly not to be moved... But, shouldn't the matter of asking for a seal be done after we get married?"

Is it too early to plan like this?
"The girl is right. It is true that you can only ask for a seal after you get married, but it depends on people. As long as we pass the six rites, you will be my fiancee. It is a certainty. A while in advance, the monarch will not make things difficult for me."

If the prediction is good, the sooner the military exploits on him are consumed, the happier the monarch will be.

"Qing is your domain, I will follow your arrangement." Bai Ningxiang did not refuse this point, she remembered the kindness that her righteous brother treated her in her heart.

"With my mother around, the process of the Sixth Ritual will be much faster. The girl should be mentally prepared in advance."

Han Jing stood up, explained the matter, and then got up and left. He had to keep an eye on the defense camp, so as not to jump over the wall in a hurry and start fleeing.

As soon as Han Jing left, Yun Ni and the others became overwhelmed, "Girl, it's great to be so real. From now on, you will have a rank on your body, and those wives will have to salute and greet you when they see you."

"The rank is awarded according to the degree of merit. No matter what the son's merits are, he has to change the rank of the lady's wife for the girl, right?"

Bai Ningxiang watched the few people chatting non-stop, and quickly waved her hands,

"It's fine to talk about today's words in the house, but never outside, it's easy to cause trouble."

"Understood, don't worry, girl, we will definitely not talk nonsense." The marriage has not been settled yet, and these things are spread, so as not to make people feel uneasy.

People who don't believe it will think that they are whimsical and daydreaming.

"By the way, let's send out all the letters, right? Check carefully, don't miss them." I've been busy a while ago, but I forgot to deliver the letters.

(End of this chapter)

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