Chapter 988

She married into the Han family and became the head wife of the Han family, and she had to bear all the honors and disgraces.Similarly, the head of the Feng family is a sister-in-law, so it has nothing to do with her as a married woman.

"If you want to live clearly and soberly, you can't worry about it. My wife is Han Feng's now."

Mama Gong: "..."

The queen mother is right, the daughter of the Feng family is a smart child, she knows what she wants and what she should protect.

See, she will live a comfortable life in the future.

Now all the way, isn't it exactly the same as what the Queen Mother said?

The back house is quiet, the concubine is peaceful, and the children are upbeat.

Thinking of this, Gong Nai suddenly smiled, she was getting old, but she couldn't see it.

"Ma'am, don't worry, this old slave will go to Feng's residence right now."

"Go ahead and tell my sister-in-law that they are all mothers. How can you bear to ruin a woman's reputation?"

Gong Momo was going out, and Bai Ningxiang had already received the news. She rested her chin and fiddled with the beads in her hand.

"Auntie should know the source of the rumors, let Madam Gong deal with it."

Feng Yujun had only left the Han Mansion for a few days, and rumors surfaced outside, so there was no need to guess.But this Feng Yuyun is also quite interesting, as if he has no intention of hiding himself at all.

It was the first time she saw someone who was so righteous in doing bad things.

"Girl, it's too much. How about we fight back with an eye and publicize Feng Yujun's liking for the son, so that people in Qingdu will know that she intentionally ruined your reputation because of love and hatred."

"That's right, looking at her soft and weak look, she has such a bad heart."

Ding Yang hugged his shoulders and leaned against the door frame, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "This subordinate will go to Feng's residence at night, and it will save trouble if he is picked out and beaten violently."

Hearing the aggrieved tone of these people, Bai Ningxiang waved her hands, "Since Auntie has made a move, let's not move. After all, it is a matter of the Feng family, and Auntie should be able to handle it well."

After all, the Feng family and the Han family are related by marriage. If the two families quarreled and showed others the excitement, the business would not be profitable.

Sure enough, in the side hall of Feng's inner courtyard, Mrs. Feng looked at the palace nurse with a gloomy face,
"My wife understands what Mammy means. Who will tell my aunt that Sister Yun has gone too far. I'm sorry for her. This kind of thing will definitely not happen again in the future."

"Thank you Madam for your understanding. The words have already been brought, and the old slave will leave." Gong Nai blessed her body, turned and left. From the beginning to the end, Madam Feng had a gloomy face and did not speak again.

It wasn't until Madam Gong disappeared into the yard that Mrs. Feng patted the table,

"As expected of the aunt of the Feng family, she has been warning and complaining, and she hasn't been left behind at all. Someone, please come here."

"Yes, ma'am."

The girl quickly withdrew, trotting all the way into the girl's yard.

After a cup of tea, Feng Yujun walked in with the girl, "Greetings to mother, what order does mother send the woman here?"

"Look at the good deeds you have done. Didn't your mother tell you not to get the attention of the Han family? Why didn't you listen? Now it's all right. The maid of the palace sent a message for your aunt, saying that you haven't been engaged yet, so don't worry about it yourself." Broken boudoir reputation."

Feng Yujun tightened her hand holding the handkerchief, then smiled indifferently,
"My aunt is really a helper and not a relative... Unfortunately, I just don't like Bai Ningxiang. She took down her cousin because of the name of saving her life, and flew directly to the branch to become a phoenix. How can she do it without paying the price?" ?”

"Stupid, your aunt asked Mammy to come over and warn her because she was helping relatives. One is the daughter-in-law of the Han family, and the other is the niece of the natal family. Which one is closer, do you need your mother to tell you?"

She was really pissed off. A daughter who used to be very smart, how come her IQ dropped in front of the Han family.

Feng Yuyun: "..."

"Understood now? Apart from warning you, that aunt didn't even leave your mother behind... You also said that Bai Ningxiang is a country girl. Why do you bother to know as much as her? What good does it do you to ruin her reputation? Fishy, ​​what are you trying to figure out?"

"I'm so happy. My mother knows that I like my cousin. I have silently guarded him for so many years. It seems that the dawn is about to come, but you all don't agree."

"What is Bai Ningxiang, a woman who grew up in the countryside, what can she help her cousin? But the Feng family can, and grandparents have always liked cousin, why can't they help me?"

Feng Yuyun said, tears could not stop, she just was not reconciled, one or two objected to her marrying her cousin, she said so many reasons, she was powerless to fight, but watched Bai Ningxiang marry her cousin smoothly, she If you feel unhappy, you will naturally have to embarrass yourself.

Since she wants to marry into the Han family, this difficulty is nothing. Not everyone can enter the Han family. If she doesn't pay a price, wouldn't it be too cheap for her.

Therefore, when she went out for an appointment, she inadvertently complained a few words, and when the public opinion fermented, she let Qiu Chan bribe a few tea customers... Now that Bai Ningxiang is famous, her goal has been achieved, and the depression in her heart is suffocating Also evacuated a lot,
As for Bai Ningxiang's ending, what does it have to do with her?
If she can't even deal with this little trouble, what ability does she have to manage the mess in the Han family?

Mrs. Feng looked angrily at her daughter's angry posture, her eyes were full of disappointment. The noble girl she carefully cultivated was this idiot in front of her?
"I have cultivated you carefully all these years, but you really haven't made any progress. As a woman, you must be virtuous and virtuous in order to marry high. Even if you can't do it, you have to pretend to me. Looking at the noble girls in Qingdu, which one is truly virtuous? Truly selfless? If there were such a woman, she would have been gnawed to the bone and left no scum left."

"Mother warns you again, don't do anything thankless."

After Madam Feng finished speaking, she calmed down for a while, and she was a dignified and elegant lady again.

Holding the teacup, she took a sip, then looked at the maids serving her, and gave them a wink. The maids immediately retreated, leaving only two close maids guarding the door.

"On the day you came back, your mother told you that the situation of the Han family is like walking on thin ice. As long as the monarch is in power, the life of the direct line of the Han family will never be easy. Because of your aunt, whether it is your grandfather or your father, they have always been in fear. Don’t get too close, and don’t get too far away.”

"...I shouldn't have told you these things, but now my mother will let you understand that the Han family is like walking on the tip of a knife. If you are not careful, you will be doomed. Therefore, it is enough for the Feng family to marry a daughter. I need another one from you."

Hearing her mother's tone, Feng Yuyun raised her head suddenly, "Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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