Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 989 Let's Fight First

Chapter 989 Let's Fight First

"Silly girl, everyone says that the Tian family is ruthless... Back then, the Han family was rewarded by the former king to raise private soldiers. Now these private soldiers are like a stick in the throat in the eyes of the monarch. I wish I could get rid of them quickly."

Mrs. Feng said, staring at her daughter seriously, "The Han family may collapse one day. At that time, despite your grandfather's ability, for the sake of the family heirs, he has to express his position, so you are still willing to marry into Han." House?"

"But grandfather obviously values ​​the Han family very much, and likes cousin very much..."

"Shut up, what mother said is so clear, if you still don't understand, then you are stupid, beyond stupid."

Mrs. Feng said, looking at her daughter's pale face, she couldn't bear it, so she softened her tone,

"Okay, go back and think about it. Mother has told you everything you can say. If you are still obsessed with it, the Feng family doesn't have many other things, but there are many daughters."

Feng Yuyun: "..."

Back in her yard, she was still thinking about her mother's words in her mind. It turned out that her mother had known about the Han family's situation for a long time.

Then if Bai Ningxiang marries in, she may not have a good life?

For some reason, thinking of Bai Ningxiang's upcoming ordeal, she felt much more at ease.

She should bear the corresponding price for taking away her cousin.

Qiu Chan silently followed the girl, frowning for a while, sneering for a while, not knowing what Madam had talked to her, the girl was not so angry.

After hesitating for a while, she finally couldn't hold back, "Girl, did Madam blame you?"

"No, my mother just analyzed the pros and cons with me." Feng Yuyun shook the handkerchief in her hand, and there was a sentence that her mother said was right. The Feng family didn't have many other things, but the daughter.

She can't let her mother down, she will always be a noble daughter cared for by the Feng family.

"Tell the woman who guards the door later that I'm not feeling well, and thank you behind closed doors." There are many sisters in the family, but few really care about her, so they don't bother to deal with it.

"Yes," Qiu Chan's heart moved, she peeked at the girl's expression secretly, pursed the corners of her lips, feeling extremely panicked.

At this time, in a private house, there were a few people curled up looking extremely distressed.

If Qiu Chan was here, she would definitely know her. These disgraced guys are the tea customers she bought.

Han Jing stood in front of several people with a cold expression, "Do you know Miss Bai?"

"No...I don't know."

As soon as the man finished speaking, Dazhua kicked over, "Bastard, what are you passing around without knowing me?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the little one was obsessed with ghosts for a while, and it wasn't intentional."

A few people looked at the big catcher and Feng Yi, then secretly glanced at Han Jing, gritted their teeth and got up and knelt on the ground, "I beg you to raise your hand, the young one will never dare again. If the young master doesn't believe it, the young one will swear immediately."

Han Jing looked at the few people on the ground and snorted,
"Want to live?"


"How it was passed on in the past, how to clarify it now, but if there is a little mistake...have you seen the well? It should be more than enough to accommodate the few of you."

Han Jing stared at a few people with sharp eyes, regretful in his heart, it was all his fault, in order to beware of the people of the Nine Kings jumping over the wall, he has been living in the defense camp and neglected the girl.

"Have you heard that? Hurry up and clarify the facts. If this is of no use, then you can only fill in the well."

As Da Zhuo said, he kicked each other a few times. The shameless guy went so far as to tarnish the reputation of his mistress for a few taels of silver.

"My lord, please forgive me. The little ones must clarify and dare not hide anything. They promise to restore Miss Bai's reputation. Those little ones have no eyes..."

Before the tea guests could finish speaking, they were stopped by the big grabbers.
"Shut up, keep your breath and tell the people outside, and warn you, don't take chances, I can catch you here, and I can also fill the well with you."

"Go away~"

Seeing those people run away like shit, Feng Yi gave him a big look and said, "You're the only one who talks nonsense."

Da scratched and touched his nose. The master threatened him first, but he just followed the crowd.

Hmph, it's almost as good as a dog fighting a man.


With a sneer, a figure suddenly floated down in the yard.

He was dressed in a bright red robe, playing with a ruby-studded dagger in his hand, a simple bun was tied on the back of his head, and the rest of his hair was draped over his shoulders, giving him the appearance of a romantic man.

Besides Fei Ran, who else is so coquettish?

"Which one is your Excellency?" Han Jing walked into the yard, looked at the back in front of him, and couldn't help frowning.

"Which family's groom went to the wrong door?" Da Zha glanced at Feng Yi, raised his head, and couldn't help but tease him.

"Heh~, what's the use of being loud, isn't it making people around you feel wronged?"

Feiran turned his head, fixed his eyes on Han Jing, looked at him for a while, and then clicked his tongue,
"So Xiangxiang likes your style?"

"Who is your Excellency?" Han Jing frowned. Does this person know the girl?

"It's easy to know who I am, let's talk about it after the fight."

As soon as the words fell, Han Jing only felt an afterimage flash in front of his eyes, and the dagger with a cold light slashed towards his face.

Han Jing frowned, dodged, and raised his hand to sweep the opponent's neck. The man curled his lips at him, turned his body half a circle, and attacked his face again.

What a weirdo, what is it when a man fights and always greets his face?
In the twinkling of an eye, twenty rounds passed, and the two fought faster and faster, not giving in to each other. Judging by their posture, it should be hard to tell the winner in a short time.

Standing aside, you can still see the moves of the two of you at first, but now you can't see anything except the two afterimages.

However, based on the intuition of the samurai, they felt that the other party had no killing intent. The two leaned on the door frame, watching the battle in the yard with excitement in their eyes.

"Hey, who do you think is better than this person, master?"

"It's hard to say at the moment, the master's hard work is a bit higher, and the opponent's figure is lighter, and the light work is not bad..."

"That's right, it's too early to tell who will win."

While speaking, a young man in gray came in from the door, with his arms folded, leaning against a tree trunk beside him, with a machete on his waist, his eyes were indifferent.

Da Zhuo looked at the boy who appeared suddenly, his eyes flickered, he took out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket, and walked over while knocking them.

"Brother, may I ask which chivalrous warriors you are from?"

The young man glanced at him, pursed his lips and did not speak.

"Hey, they can't stop for a while anyway, let's talk." Dazhuo stretched out his hand and offered a handful of melon seeds.

"Not interested." The boy gave him a supercilious look and ignored it.

Da Zuo took the melon seeds back and clapped his hands, "Is that groom your master?"

The boy pursed his lips in disgust, "That's right."

"Ah~, what do you mean? You are not in the same group?"

"I want you to take care of it?"

The boy glanced at Dazha, moved directly to the side, and continued to watch the play with his arms folded.

(End of this chapter)

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