Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 991 Find out and beat a meal

Chapter 991

Crossing the arch bridge, passing through a peony garden, from a distance, he saw Bai Ningxiang sitting in the gazebo in a light purple gauze dress, with a purple magnolia hairpin he polished on her hair, and a pair of milky white hairpins on her white wrists. At this moment, she was lowering her head and fiddling with the tea set on the table, occasionally turning her head to talk to Yun Ni.

Just looking at it, the atmosphere is not bad.

Bai Ningxiang smelled the faint fragrance of tea, tried to calm herself down, and when she looked up, she saw her brother-in-law standing beside the peony garden.

Under the sun, that figure was slender and upright, and the black robe danced with the wind, swaying in various poses, looking at each other, everything was said in silence.

When Han Jing walked over, Bai Ningxiang pointed to the opposite side,
"It's better to come early than coincidentally. The first soup contains tangerine peel, which can regulate qi, invigorate the spleen and help digestion. It tastes sweet. Do you like it?"

Han Jing looked at the orange-red tea soup, and the guilt in his eyes became stronger, and the girl was so angry that she started to drink tangerine peel.

"Cough, girl, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of you."

Seeing the guilty look on the righteous brother's face, Bai Ningxiang smiled, "You know everything?"

"Well, I heard about it as soon as I entered the city, but don't worry, I've caught those rumormongers and asked them to clarify. It won't take two days for the rumors to disappear."

"My aunt also made a move. I know this, so I'm not too angry."

Bai Ningxiang picked up the teacup and tasted it. It was sweet and fragrant, and tasted good. Another day, I would cook another pot with red dates, and the taste should also be good.

Hearing the girl's tone, Han Jing stretched out his hand to tuck the messy hair on the sideburns behind his ear, and the coquettish man Fei Ran rang out, scratching his heart, whether he should ask, what should the girl do if she gets angry?
"Cough... Today, when I was dealing with those tea drinkers with bad mouths, I met a man. We had a fight. He said he was your friend."

"Eh? Who?"

Bai Ningxiang was taken aback for a moment, she didn't go out much in Qing Dynasty, and she didn't know anyone.

"He said his name was Feiran."

Han Jing kept observing Bai Ningxiang's expression, seeing her eyes light up when she heard Fei Ran's name, she couldn't help but feel a twinge in her heart, it turned out that they really knew each other.

"Feiran, did you meet? Did you fight? Who won?"

Thinking of Fei Ran's character, Bai Ningxiang was really in a daze, she had forgotten about people who had troubles one after another.

The moment they entered Qingdu, the two parties separated. She thought that they would not meet each other for a while, but she did not expect that some fates were destined.

Han Jing: "..."

So she cared so much about Feiran that she was afraid that he would get hurt?
Thinking of this, Han Jing's heart tightened, feeling a little sad for no reason.

Even the words he spoke were much depressed, "He has good force and is not injured."

Bai Ningxiang nodded, "That guy is really good at fighting, and he's good at lightness kungfu. When you two meet together, you can be regarded as rivals in chess."

"Girl really knows him very well. That guy's movement skills are really weird and he has strong adaptability." Han Jing said, drinking the tea beside him, swallowing the depression in his heart by the way.

"what happened to you?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at Yixiong's appearance, something was wrong, thinking of Feiran, her face couldn't help but change,
"Are you the one who got hurt?"

While speaking, Bai Ningxiang stood up abruptly, rushed in front of Han Jing, stretched out her hand and pulled his clothes, trying to see where he was injured.

"Where did he hurt you? Let me see, hurry up and ask Dazhuo to go to Wei Zixian to bandage you and prescribe medicine, that guy Feiran is crazy, don't give you any more internal injuries... Really, he obviously couldn't beat you before." your."

Bai Ningxiang lowered her head, complained, and carefully inspected Han Jing's body. She touched Han Jing's body back and forth, but she didn't find any wounds. When she looked up, she saw Yixiong's moist eyes glowing with luster.

Bai Ningxiang was taken aback for a moment, her face turned red immediately, what did she do just now?
Looking around again, I don't know when, the girls disappeared, and there were only two of them staring at each other in the whole pavilion.

"I'm just worried about that, I want to see..."

"Ahem...I know."

Seeing the girl's distressed expression, Han Jing blinked, raised his hand to his lips, pretended not to care and coughed lightly, and concealed his stiff body by the way... He was frightened by the girl's actions just now, but now Seeing that the girl was more embarrassed than him, I immediately felt a lot better.

"...Where did you get hurt?"

Han Jing looked at her quietly, his eyes were burning, and his tone was low, "I'm not hurt."

The wound on his waist had already healed, and he forgot to react to the girl's hands just now, he just felt a tingling burning sensation in the wound that had healed, as if it wanted to open again.

"Not hurt?"

Bai Ningxiang looked into brother Yi's eyes, and nodded after a while, "It's good that you didn't get hurt, so you two are tied..."

In the previous life, the two of them were equally matched, but in comparison, the righteous brother had better stamina, so Fei Ran's bloody bleeding in the previous life was also due to the exhaustion of his stamina.

"How did the girl and Feiran meet?" That Feiran was not an ordinary person at first sight, and the girl and Feiran were not in the same way.

"It's a long story. In short, we met on the way to Qingdu, and experienced some things in the middle... Generally speaking, we have shared weal and woe."

Speaking of that person, Bai Ningxiang smiled lightly, and Han Jing's heart was sour when he saw it. That guy was right, the two of them really had a great friendship.

"The girl likes him very much?"

Han Jing blurted out unconsciously, and when he realized what he had said, his face was a little embarrassing, and he was extremely embarrassed.

"Feiran is from Jianghu, martial arts is powerful, and he is still righteous. My brother-in-law is a hero who cherishes heroes when he gets along with him. I thought my brother-in-law would definitely like capable people. I thought I would have the opportunity to let you know each other, but I didn't expect You yourself met first, so it can only be said that you are destined."

"The girl knows that he is from the Jianghu?" Han Jing looked at Bai Ningxiang, this girl is brave enough, even the Jianghu people dare to provoke her casually.

There are many knights in the rivers and lakes, but there are also many who fall into the grass and turn into bandits. Since ancient times, the rivers and lakes and the government have never violated the river water, but in private, they have not done less business.

"I know, Feiran established a Swallow Gate, and he himself is the owner of the gate, saying that he doesn't want to be restrained. This time he came to Qingdu, so he should have accepted the business."

Han Jing: "..."

I really don't know whether to say that this girl is lucky, or that stupid people have stupid blessings?

Although that Fei Ran is flirtatious, he is not easy to provoke at first glance, maybe he has no ill intentions towards the girl right now, who can guarantee that he will never have any ill intentions in the future?

It seems that we have to beware of him in the future.

"That guy knows you've been wronged, and he's going to settle accounts with Feng Yuyun."

"He helped me vent my anger... How can I help, get Feng Yuyun out and beat me up?"

(End of this chapter)

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