Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 992 Wonderful Fate

Chapter 992 Wonderful Fate

"According to his tone, Feng Yujun hasn't been found yet, but he said something harsh to me." Han Jing spread his hands, "He said that if he knew who hurt you, he would kill him."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

so cruel?
Thinking of Feiran, Bai Ningxiang rubbed her cheeks, feeling her toothache, "It's better to grab and beat him."

At dusk, Feng Er, dressed in a black outfit, suddenly appeared in the Chenxi Courtyard,
"Master, Fei Ran, a native of Jianghu, once participated in the Martial Arts Leaders Conference, and later established the Swallows Sect. Although he didn't last long, he was well-known. He became the head of the Sect, and his main business was information trading, killing people and extorting money. Haven't found it yet."

"He lives on the boat in East Lake, and he didn't deliberately hide his identity."

No nonsense, shut up after the report,

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Han Jing hesitated, "Do you know his mission in Qingdu this time?"

"The subordinates haven't found out yet, but the business accepted by Yanzi's door is very difficult and the commission is high. This time, the door owner can come forward in person, and the list should not be small."

"Continue to investigate without interfering with him... In addition, there is Zuo Ben next to him. Send someone to watch and don't let him go to Feng's house."

"Yes, this subordinate will leave." Feng Er nodded, bowed, turned and left.

Hearing Zuo Ben's name, Bai Ningxiang was taken aback, "Did you see Zuo Ben?"

"Well, a gray-clothed boy, fifteen or sixteen years old, has been by Feiran's side and calls you Sister Bai."

Han Jing nodded, remembering the look in the boy's eyes, when he mentioned the girl's name, he was indeed concerned, but besides that, his body was also very hostile.

"That was also a poor child. His family was hunted down and he saw his mother die with his own eyes..."

Speaking of Zuo Ben, Bai Ningxiang narrated to Han Jing the incident of staying overnight in Ci'an Town, and finally shrugged her shoulders helplessly.

"Zuo Daojin was involved in an old case many years ago. It seems to be related to the case of Si Nongqing's Yang family extermination. After Feiran and I rescued him, he revealed part of what happened to us in these years."

Han Jing was startled, "Why didn't you tell me?"

On the way to Qingdu, he had deliberately cleared the road, in order to allow Yato and her party to enter Qingdu smoothly.

Unexpectedly, there was an accident on the way.

"The matter is settled, so as not to worry you, so I didn't say anything. I thought Feiran would send Zuo Benshu back to the Yanzimen for training, but I didn't expect him to bring the child with him."

Bai Ningxiang is helpless. Speaking of Zuo Ben, it still makes people feel distressed. Seeing her family members being hunted down and unable to fight back with her own eyes, her mentality has not collapsed is considered strong.

"Fei Ran is an old and cunning guy, the price he is willing to protect Zuo's family is to let Zuo Ben sell himself to the Swallows for ten years."

Han Jing: "...If he can really protect the Zuo family, it would be a good deal."

What is selling oneself for ten years compared to saving one's life?
Bai Ningxiang sighed, "I thought so too at the time, what do you mean that people are so persistent, things have passed for so long, and they still don't let the Zuo family go?"

"Girl, don't think too much. I'll let someone investigate my matter. Don't get involved."

Han Jing pondered for a while, feeling vaguely that something was going to happen, and it seemed that Qing would not be peaceful in the near future.

"After the sixth ceremony, let's set a date to get married as soon as possible. When the time comes, I will fight to guard the border and take you away from the right and wrong of Qingdu."

Qing has his father in the way, most people dare not provoke him.

"it is good."

In the evening, Han Jing met with his parents and asked about the situation of the Feng family, and then told his father about the situation of the Zuo family.

"Father, I always feel that something is going to happen to Qing, so father should be more careful in court in the near future."

"Don't worry, this general is a reckless man. It's not my turn to talk about civil servants, and I'm not interested."

General Han waved his hand, "Zuo Daojin? I have some impression that he is in charge of Yanchi. He is a fat job. It's not surprising that people are jealous."

"Sigh, so many officials were implicated in the Northwest Disaster, and the one who was most wronged was Secretary of Agriculture Yang. He was a good official who worked for the people. It's a pity."

"People were intercepted and killed halfway, and their families were also wiped out. It was extremely miserable. At that time, the Lord was furious and ordered a thorough investigation. As a result, several officials died one after another, which made people panic. Finally, it was listed as an unsolved case, and it was over. It's over."

Han Jing looked at his father and hesitated, "There are still descendants in the Yang family, who were rescued by the girl's father. They changed their name to Baiwu Baicha and grew up in Bai's family."

"What? Xiang girl's father saved the Yang family's child?"

General Han and his wife looked at each other, their hearts were very complicated, twists and turns, so there is such a relationship?

"Mrs. Yang is well educated and reasonable. We usually have a lot of contacts. I didn't expect Xiangxiang to have such a relationship with the Yang family after thousands of miles away."

It's really touching, the Bai family is really a family of good deeds, the father saved the descendants of the Yang family, and Xiangxiang saved her son.

"Except for you and me, don't divulge the rest of this matter for the time being. This general once thought that it would be a pity that Mr. Yang served the country upright and died for no apparent reason."

"God bless, Bodhisattva bless, we Xiangxiang must be blessed people."

"It goes without saying, our son has vision." General Han stroked his beard, raised his hand and patted his son's shoulder, proudly.

Just finished talking here, the next morning, the concierge came to report,
"Reporting to Madam, the housekeeper of the Lou family is coming to see you?"

"The Lou family?" Mrs. Han was taken aback, the former Guanglu Temple Qing Lou's family?
"Return to Madam, the person who came here indeed said that Madam Lou's steward is surnamed Liang."

"please come in,"

Mrs. Han nodded, still puzzled in her heart. She and the Lou family can only be regarded as acquaintances of nodding, and there is really no intersection.

Besides, the Lou family was still in the period of filial piety, so it was really difficult for her to send a nanny to visit suddenly.

"This old slave pays homage to Mrs. Guo and pays her respects." While speaking, a grey-haired nun stepped in and bowed her knees.

"Excuse me, give me a seat." Mrs. Han waved her hands, "I don't know what the mother is talking about here?"

"Returning Madam, this old slave is taking the liberty. My wife is inconvenient and unable to come here in person, so I sent this old slave to pay my respects to Mrs. Guo."

Nanny Liang made it clear that her wife valued filial piety and was not suitable for visiting, so she had to be sent here.

"Madam Lou is polite, go back and greet her for me."

"Thank you, Mrs. Guo, this time the old slave came, it was my wife who wanted to take Miss Bai to the mansion for a talk."

"Xiangxiang?" Mrs. Han raised her eyebrows, Loufu and Xiangxiang also know each other?
Although the Lou family is not as good as before, the sons of the Lou family are all promising, and it is only a matter of time before they want to make a comeback.

It's just that Xiangxiang is far away at the border, so why is she related to the Lou family? Fate is really amazing.

Thinking of the aunt of the Lou family, Mrs. Han felt relieved. Lou Qingping's deeds had been talked about in Qingdu for several years.

(End of this chapter)

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