Chapter 993

"Mrs. Returning, when Miss Bai arrived in Qingdu, my aunt and the girl both entrusted her with letters. My wife was not feeling well a while ago, and she didn't pick up the girl in time to talk. She has been in good spirits for the past few days, so she sent the old slave to come to the house. Come and ask."

As Mother Liang said, she looked at Mrs. Han as if she really didn't know, and she didn't hide it.

"Madam Guo doesn't know something. My aunt and grandma have a close relationship with Miss Bai. In their spare time, they often stay at Bai's house."

After hearing the cause and effect clearly, Mrs. Han nodded,
"So that's how it is, Cuihu, go to Chenxi Courtyard and tell Xiangxiang that Mrs. Lou has an invitation, and Nanny Liang is already waiting here."

Hearing Madam's explanation, Cuihu agreed, and quickly left the yard. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart once again. She really can't look like a person. Even if she wanted to break her head, she would never have thought that Miss Bai would have sex with that legendary aunt of the Lou family. involved.

When Bai Ningxiang heard Cuihu's message, she froze for a moment, then nodded, "I'll change my clothes later, and I'll go over."

"Girl, don't worry, it's early." Cuihu smiled gently, and stood quietly aside.

Changing into a light blue gauze dress again, Bai Ningxiang brought Yun Ni Ding Yang to Liu Xinyuan.

Seeing Bai Ningxiang, Nanny Liang stood up immediately, and blessed her, "I wish the girl well, I've disturbed the girl's peace, I will apologize to you."

Her wife said that she must be polite to Miss Bai, and she must not be neglected in the slightest.

"Nam, I'm really disappointed. I can't afford your gift."

Bai Ningxiang was startled, and turned to the side, and Yun Ni took advantage of the situation to help her up.

"Before we left for Qingdu, Aunt Ping and Sister Lu'er repeatedly told us that we must go to the Lou Mansion, but I didn't dare to visit Lou's mansion because I was afraid of disturbing Mrs. Lou's rest. I'm going to bother Madam to make a trip today."

Listening to Bai Ningxiang's modest tone, Liang Nanny was very satisfied. Look, she is indeed a person whom her aunt valued, and she is really sensible.

"Oh, Miss Bai, you're being polite. My wife wants you to talk to her. You don't know. Ever since Sister Lu went to my aunt, my wife doesn't even have anyone to talk to her. She's lonely all day long. Well, I just look forward to the girl going."

"That's enough trouble." Bai Ningxiang glanced at Mrs. Han, saw her nodding, and agreed with a smile.

"Xiangxiang came to Qingdu, and this is the first time to visit as a guest. If there is anything wrong, please tell me more. Cuihu, bring the gift I prepared for Mrs. Lou, and you will accompany Xiangxiang. Let Xiang go."

"Yes, ma'am." Cuihu's heart moved, and she immediately understood Madam's intentions.

The rumors haven't completely dissipated, if someone runs on the girl, if she is there, those people don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, and if they dare to put down his wife's face, they will just make things difficult for the Han family.

In order to show solemnity, Madam Liang also came in a carriage, but the Han family naturally prepared a carriage in advance when they went out as guests.

Bai Ningxiang glanced at Cuihu Lake and smiled, "Thanks for your hard work, you went along with me."

"Where does the girl say, going out with the girl is a slave servant's blessing."

Cuihu now regards Bai Ningxiang as the young lady of the Han family, so naturally she should treat her master with respect.

Two quarters of an hour later, the carriage slowly stopped at the gate of the Loufu, Bai Ningxiang helped Ding Yang's hands to get off the carriage, looking at the awe-inspiring Loufu, she knew in her heart that the Lou family is not easy now.

"Girl please."

Nanny Liang followed and led Bai Ningxiang through the corridor, passed through a moon gate, and finally came to the main courtyard where Mrs. Lou lived.

"My maidservant has seen Miss Bai, Madam has been waiting for a long time." A maidservant in green clothes smiled and greeted Bai Ningxiang and walked into the courtyard.

Stepping into the hall, the goal is an arhat bed, on which sits a slightly pale lady.

Wearing a dark blue dress, with a white jade hairpin on her head to fix her bun, her whole body is pure and clean, except for the white jade bracelet on her wrist, there are no extra accessories.

Bai Ningxiang looked at her and saluted with blessings,

"My little girl, Ningxiang, greets my wife."

"Good boy, don't hesitate to come and sit next to me." Madam Lou patted the seat beside her and beckoned to her.

Bai Ningxiang was taken aback, looked at the seat next to her, hesitated a bit, if Sister Luer was there, it should be her seat, it felt weird to sit on it by herself.

Mrs. Lou also seemed to see Bai Ningxiang's hesitation, and smiled helplessly, "Scared you? Don't be afraid, you can sit across from me."

"Thank you ma'am,"

Bai Ningxiang obediently walked to the opposite side and sat down, fortunately there was no need to squeeze.

"Good boy, my aunt is not in good health and has been taking care of her. Speaking of which, she should have picked you up to talk a long time ago."

"Auntie, you're welcome. Your health is important. If sister Lu'er finds out that you are ill, she will shed tears." Bai Ningxiang knew what Mrs. Lou meant when she called her, so she went straight to the point.

"Lu'er is weak, so I can only send her to my aunt for recuperation. As a mother, I am ashamed of her for not giving her a good body."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Lou pressed the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, "That girl Lu'er doesn't live comfortably in the mansion. She takes medicine for 360 days a year, and she takes medicine for [-] days. Every time I see it, I can't bear it." Can't help but feel bad."

"Auntie, don't worry. Under Aunt Ping's treatment, sister Lu'er doesn't need to take medicine all the time. Aunt Ping said that as long as she persists for a while, she will be fine." Bai Ningxiang comforted her directly, remembering Aunt Ping's words.

"Really? That girl Lu'er said the same thing in her letter, but I'm always uneasy because I'm afraid that she will report the good news and not the bad news. Hearing what Xiangxiang said, my aunt feels much more comfortable."

Mrs. Lou pressed the corner of her lower lip with a handkerchief, almost weeping with joy.

"I'm telling the truth. Aunt Ping said that when Sister Luer finished making the last batch of pills, she will take her to live with me for a while. There is a tea garden at home. Aunt Ping likes it very much. She often sits in the tea garden .”

Bai Ningxiang smiled, pity the hearts of parents in the world, sister Lu'er is blessed to have a mother who loves her.

"My aunt usually has elegant tastes and likes mountains and wilds. To meet Xiangxiang, I found like-minded friends." Mrs. Lou was in a good mood, her words became humorous, and her face turned rosy.

Heart disease needs heart medicine. Mrs. Lou's illness is mostly caused by missing her daughter and worrying about her daughter. Now that she heard that her daughter and aunt are all well, the stone in her heart has fallen, and she is fine.

Because Mrs. Lou was in good spirits, she deliberately left Bai Ningxiang for lunch before letting her go.

Before leaving, Mrs. Lou took her hand and spoke earnestly,
"Good boy, don't be too polite when you come to Qingdu. Today is the time to recognize your family. You can walk around more in the future. Don't have any trouble with your aunt."

(End of this chapter)

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