Chapter 100
The person in charge of the government and the sponsors didn't show any special expressions because of the defeat in this round. They were all cheerful and agreed with the chairman's statement.

Seeing this, the team members couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief despite being nervous.

Soon, the team of analysts walked into the training room under the leadership of the person in charge. After greeting the big shots present, the person in charge went to the front and turned on the big screen.

As soon as the big screen was turned on, the watching video began to play.

The big shots found a place near the front and sat down, while the analyst team and the team members sat on the other side. Each analyst held a log book in his hand, carefully recording the game information according to their respective responsibilities.


After winning the first game, the audience excitedly marveled and discussed, and couldn't stop for a long time. The entire e-sports square was extremely noisy, and they were looking forward to the start of the next game.

But after waiting for a long time, the next round of the challenge has yet to come, and the high-pitched enthusiasm of the audience is cooling down.

At this time, under the urging of others, Brother Yi took out his mobile phone and wanted to ask Brother Yi what was going on, but it happened that Brother Yi called and he immediately connected.

"For MLGB, RBZ has suspended the game and it will not start until half an hour. I heard from Qingchen that RBZ's analysis team may be analyzing the last game." Brother Yi's curse came from the phone, Very dissatisfied in the tone.

The game was suspended for three to 10 minutes. Such a long time was enough to wear down the high-pitched belligerence of the five OQN players. On the RBZ side, because of the addition of analysts, the RBZ team would only become more courageous as they fought.

As a result, the next round is extremely unfavorable for OQN.

But there is no way, both sides of the team challenge have the right to postpone the game for 10 minutes, and he can't say anything about RBZ's actions. This is his right.

"Damn, I have to wait so long!" Brother Yi also cursed, hung up the phone resolutely, and came to the side to talk to the female commentator, who immediately conveyed the matter to the audience.

As soon as the audience heard about this, they immediately cursed:
"Damn, three 10 minutes? I can't wait that long, I'm going to pee!"

"RBZ is too timid. They actually want to postpone the game for 10 minutes. This is the first time. It seems that they are very afraid of the combination of Mr. Lu and Qingchen. It is estimated that even the analyst team will join in."

"Well, after all, Mr. Lu and Qingchen are not members of the OQN team. During the postponement period, we can only discuss it in the voice, but how can this be compared to RBZ with analysts joining? The situation is very unfavorable for OQN, no I know how they will solve it, when did RBZ be so cowardly!"

"Oh, it's really worrying. I lost all enthusiasm for watching the game. I must scold RBZ to death when I go back. Nima needs to be so serious in a challenge!"

"... "

Three and 10 minutes is really difficult for the audience.

At Taste 100 outside the side door of Jiangling Technology, Huan Yuan and other team members are gathered around a table and chatting eagerly about the ongoing China-Japan Challenge.

Although they rushed over as soon as they received the call, they were still one step too late and couldn't enter the scene. They could only come here to drink tea and chat, and use their mobile phones to enter the forum of Jiangling Technology to learn about the latest battle situation. They already knew about the challenge. The news of the victory, so I am very happy.

"Captain, RBZ will postpone the game for 10 minutes." At this time, Qi Yu, who was browsing the forum, suddenly exclaimed, and handed the phone to the captain.

"Hehe, I guess I was abused badly. RBZ doesn't have much confidence in the next one, so I can only use this method to kill OQN's momentum. Maybe their analysts will join." Huanyuan took a brief look, wrinkled He frowned and thought about it, then shook his head and explained.

"This is too embarrassing, why are you so serious about the online challenge, alas, the next one is not good for OQN!" Whisper heard the words and sighed.

Just at this time a call came to Huanyuan's mobile phone, Huanyuan was stunned, who would call him at this time?He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Mr. Song.

After pressing the connect button, Huanyuan said with a smile: "Teacher Song, I'm at Jiangling Technology, what's the matter?"

"Then you come back quickly. The school is preparing to watch the challenge match between OQN and RBZ. The venue is the school e-sports square. If it is late, there will be no seats." Teacher Song's soft voice came from the phone, with a slightly hurried tone.

Mr. Song, a graduate of the Shanghai E-sports Institute, came to Fuhua Economics and Trade directly as an analyst after graduation. The reason why Fuhua Economics and Trade can surpass other universities in Nanling City is that Mr. Song’s experience and analytical ability have played an extremely important role , has the reputation of 'the first analyst of Fuhua Economics and Trade'.

The Shanghai E-sports academy is the number one e-sports academy in China.

"Okay, I'll go back now!" Huanyuan was stunned, without thinking too much, hung up the phone directly after speaking, and happily told the team members briefly, the team members cheered excitedly when they heard the words, and then continued non-stop Followed the captain and left Taste 100.

At the same time, students from other colleges and universities also received similar calls, and rushed to their respective schools from different corners, all excited.

The flow of people in the Jiangling Science and Technology E-sports Plaza has also loosened up a lot because of this. Some Jiangling Science and Technology students who had stayed outside the plaza for a long time immediately walked into the e-sports plaza happily.

However, the e-sports plaza can only accommodate 6000 people at most. Some students who are in a hurry to urinate can't stand it, so they go back to their dormitories after using the toilet.

There is only one reason why other colleges and universities can also watch this challenge, and that is that the anchors of Longya Live are also broadcasting this challenge live, and they can still watch it when they go back.

However, the first challenge was won by a huge advantage, and some insiders couldn't hold back anymore, and announced the news of this challenge on the national service general forum.

Under the vigorous publicity of a group of good people, the news about the China-Japan Challenge has spread wildly across the country in a very short period of time. After hearing the news, LOL fans rushed to log on to Longya Live , ready to watch the next second challenge.

In a noisy atmosphere, the second game began.

'Boom' to enter the selection interface.

In this round, RBZ took the lead and chose first, and RBZ was the first to take down the barrel.

In the previous round, the reason why RBZ lost so badly was largely because of the wine barrel, its terrifying ability to start a group and its explosive power. If the enemy's position is not good, a large wine barrel can not only kill The person who blows up can also blow up another C position, so that he can't join the battlefield in the first place.

Moreover, this wine barrel has a wide range of big moves and skills. It may be difficult to blow up two or three in one go, but it is quite easy to blow up one, unless you are far away from him.

However, if the position is beyond the skill range of the barrel, the barrel may not want to blow you over, it may blow you farther to realize the division of the battlefield.

When you rush to the battlefield again, you may be faced with the lack of personnel, and you still can't fight, and the mid laner on the OQN side is very slow with wine barrels. It was easily dodged, and the team battle awareness was terrifying.

So, RBZ had to pull the barrel off.

(End of this chapter)

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