The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 101 How many seconds does Raven's fastest QA take?

Chapter 101 How many seconds does Raven's fastest QA take?
"Uh, why did you ban a wine barrel? Could it be that it was banned randomly? It couldn't be the last OQN mid laner who used a wine barrel, and he beat Little Japan to be the first to pull it!"

"Wine barrel? It seems that what Xiaoxi said just now is correct. OQN's mid laner played wine barrel, and he played RBZ's mid lane to the brim. Nima is too strong."

"I'm going, the wine barrel actually scared RBZ, but unfortunately I didn't see the last one. I glanced at the forum just now, and it seems that OQN's mid laner is Mr. Lu. Oh, don't worry, I will check the last one later. text battles."

"Newcomer report, thanks to Ms. Hao, for giving us the opportunity to watch this challenge. Who can tell me how to win the last one? I haven't had time to watch it yet."

"... "

Ms. Hao is also watching this challenge in her live broadcast room. As the number one anchor of Longya live broadcast, her live broadcast room immediately welcomes countless players, and the number of players is still increasing at an even more terrifying speed , which made the anchor Ms. Hao very excited.

In addition to being excited, Ms. Hao also worked hard to explain to everyone.

"Hi everyone, I'm Miss Hao. It's a pleasure to meet you again."

"I won't say much about the digression. If you want to watch the last challenge, you can visit my personal Weibo. Here I will briefly introduce the situation of the last one. You have also seen it. The RBZ team is the first It's a barrel of an unpopular hero in this version..."

The appearance of Ms. Hao immediately mobilized the enthusiasm of all the users who were in the live broadcast room. Users who had tickets got free tickets, and those who didn't got tickets swiped the screen. It was very lively.

Watching some wealthy users give the highest level of protection to several Longya live broadcasts one after another, even the most popular anchor in China, Ms. Hao is also happy from ear to ear.

She is very fortunate that if her live broadcast was launched later, such a huge popularity would not belong to her, and the result would be that her title as the number one anchor of Longya live broadcast would have to fall into the hands of others. One can know how terrifying the number of people in her live broadcast room is at this moment.

Although she has always been the number one anchor of Longya live broadcast, the popularity of some anchors at the bottom of the ranking is not far behind her. With such a huge user base, it is more than enough to rewrite the ranking of Longya live broadcast anchors. Watching a challenge match will bring her such huge popularity.


The other four members of OQN are not surprised by the fact that the wine barrel was the first to be knocked out. If they were allowed to do it, they would also be the first to knock out the wine barrel. The team battle ability of the wine barrel is really terrifying Some.

"The wine barrel has been pulled, what kind of mid laner is Mr. Lu planning to play this time?" Captain Fang Hua smiled, still very confident in this move.

"I want to play a blind mid laner and see if the opponent can win." Ding Feng nodded and said casually.

Blind is a hero whose online ability is quite strong. After all, as an early hero, few heroes can match his explosiveness in the early stage. Coupled with his strong flexibility, he is very strong whether it is in the top lane or in the middle lane. There are strange players who will use the blind to assist in the bottom lane.

It can be said that any player who is good at jungle is very proficient in blind man. After all, no matter which version he is in, blind man is the most powerful jungle hero.

"Well, RBZ shouldn't be able to beat the blind!" Captain Fang Hua was stunned. Although he felt that something was wrong, he didn't say anything. He still had confidence in Mr. Lu.

He actually admires Mr. Lu's boldness. In such a critical game, the first choice of any player is to show his best hero. There are very few players who dare to try like this. After all, as a player, winning or losing is always the most important thing.

He has never seen Mr. Lu play blind, but he can be sure of one thing, that is, the best mid laner hero played by any mid laner can never be blind.

Therefore, he felt that Mr. Lu played the mid laner blind this time, but it was just a temporary interest. Of course, he would not stop him even if he knew it. Qingchen is more serious, the chances of winning are still very high.

It was OQN's turn to take the lead, without any hesitation, Mo Qingchen gave the first ban spot to the most eccentric top laner in this version, Mundo.

The next moment, RBZ defeated a hero that everyone did not expect, and that was the mid lane mage used by the mid laner of the last RBZ, Clockwork.

"The clockwork is also pulled? RBZ would have guessed that we have Mr. Lu, otherwise, how could the clockwork be pulled? Although the clockwork has been strong for more than half a month, few people use it in professional leagues. Clockwork, RBZ is a bit dreamy, it's really strange!"

"I think RBZ should have entered our national server forum to check, otherwise, under uncertain circumstances, how could they give up a precious banned quota!"

"Fortunately, I've seen it before. No one in Longya's live stream broadcasts this challenge. It's all in spectator mode, otherwise OQN will be in danger."

"Huh, I'm afraid of the diao, whoever dares to live broadcast this challenge, I will be the first to scold him to death. This is the first time that Mr. Lu and Qingchen have teamed up. They must not lose, and they must win beautifully."

"... "

Under Ms. Hao's explanation, the players in the live broadcast room also roughly knew the situation of the previous game, and they were full of confidence in this game.

"Haha, this clockwork is a bit level, but unfortunately, Mr. Lu didn't plan to use the spring at all." Captain Fahua smiled gloatingly. The clockwork can be said to be Mr. Lu's famous hero. So far, no one has used it. Dare to say that my clockwork is better than Mr. Lu.

This is the power of being a famous hero. Even if someone thinks that playing clockwork is no worse than Mr. Lu, they dare not publicize it with great fanfare.

"We have nothing to target here. Since RBZ already knows that we have Mr. Lu, the next one to take down may be Mr. Lu's second famous hero, Raven." The assistant Gudao guessed with a smile, in the words Full of self-confidence, it seems that RBZ will defeat Ruiwen.

"Mr. Lu, I want to ask, what is the fastest time for your Raven light speed QA?" Adc butcher asked curiously, this question is also a question that many people want to ask.

Mr. Lu uses Raven's hand, and his opponent is only a diamond rank, so many players feel that Mr. Lu has not played his fastest speed.

Therefore, the question of "how many seconds is the fastest QA of Raven's speed of light" has been discussed by countless players. Although the world's second-ranked Korean player Li Xiuzhi has announced the fastest QA speed, domestic players don't care about him. Come on, as the developer Mr. Lu's answer is the most authoritative.

As soon as the question about the butcher came up, not only Captain Fang Hua and Gu Dao wanted to know, but even Mo Qingchen, who had never spoken much, paid serious attention.

(End of this chapter)

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