The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 104 The Ultimate R Flash

Chapter 104 The Ultimate R Flash

The blind man has a lot of mobility online, both Q and W can be used as a means of escape, even if the blind man needs to rely on the Q skill to make up the knife, but W will be reserved most of the time, only used when the blood volume is not healthy Blood-sucking, and because of being pressed, the position is relatively backward.

Although Xerath has no problem with the blind man, and even has a bit of an advantage, but because of the fear of the blind man, jungler Pan Sen came to squat twice in the early stage, but failed to find a chance.

After observing the middle lane for a while, he found that there was really no problem. Seeing that the wandering mage on the top lane was in balance with Kenan, Pan Sen walked down the lane with confidence.

The jungler likes to catch the bottom lane, the main reason is Xiaolong. Once someone from the enemy's bottom lane is caught and killed, then Xiaolong will definitely become the bag.

The prince sent a reminder to the bottom lane, and rushed to the middle lane with the red BUFF.

Xerath relied on the Q skill to clear troops and consume opponents, so he suppressed the blind man, but also pushed the line of troops a little forward, and the prince directly chose Rao Queen.

Xerath, who was pressing the blind man under the tower, seemed to realize something, and immediately chose to retreat, but he was still a step too late. When he retreated, he was provoked by the prince's EQ second company, and he received a high-damage passive general attack. Attack, the blind man threw a Q at this time, and Xerath, who was still in the air, couldn't dodge.

After activating the second Q, the blind man flew towards Xerath at a high speed. Xeras flashed under the tower, turned around and threw a cyan light ball at the blind man who rushed over.

If this cyan magic ball hits the blind man, relying on the damage of the defense tower and his own high burst, the blind man will be disabled even if he can't die.

At this point in time, returning to the city with residual blood is actually almost the same as being killed. Even if a flash is handed over, it is not entirely a bad thing for Xerath.

It's a pity that the cyan light ball was still empty, and the blind man made a W to the prince behind him, and then went back to the tower to continue to make up the knife without staying.

The prince left, and continued to line up in the middle.

After being caught by the prince, Xerath, who did not flash, gave up the idea of ​​pressing the line. He just wanted to quickly clear a few waves of soldiers and return to the city to replenish some equipment.

At this time, the first blood was born in the bottom lane.

Pan Sen seized the gap in the bottom lane vision, from behind the triangle grass, W controlled the male gun, coupled with the control of Thresh and the explosion of EZ, handing over the flashing male gun would inevitably lead to the fate of being killed.

At this point in time, the little dragon hasn't spawned yet, but even if it does, it's not easy for RBZ to kill the dragon. Xerath, who has no flash and half health, is not very useful in this wave. With OQN three The fighting power of a person is completely worthy of the four RBZs.

During the period, the prince had nothing to do, so he went on the road to catch a wave, but unfortunately he couldn't force off Kenan's flash, it just lowered Kenan's blood volume.

The blind man returned to the line again. After clearing a wave of soldiers, he finally rose to level six. He pushed the line of soldiers past, and inserted a ward after reaching the purple square blue buff.

At this time, Xerath just arrived on the line. The blind man looked at Xerath's equipment, and found that there was an extra Demon Codex and a bottle of blue medicine, but the blue equipment was not returned.

It's a very wise build, without flash, naturally you can't push the pawn line too far, in case the prince comes to catch it, and since you don't push the pawn line violently, it's better to make up for the explosion when you return to the blue equipment, maybe you can have a chance to replace it One, and Xerath's own passive is enough to make up for the lack of mana.

This time the blind man didn't hesitate, and went directly to the pawn line to make up the knife, while paying attention to Xerath's position.

After a while, the blind man took a small step to the side. The snow-white sky sound wave passed through the gap between the soldiers and hit Xerath. The blind man activated the second Q and flew over without saying a word.

The blind man's decisiveness surprised Xerath, he took a step back subconsciously, turned around and threw a cyan ball of light at the rushing blind man. Seeing this, the blind man immediately gave up the damage of the second Q, and touched his eyes to Zelas at the speed of light. Lars' side narrowly escaped Xerath's dizziness.

He punched Xerath in the face, and then slapped the ground with his palm, activating the second segment E. The blind man flicked his right hand forward as if painting, and the viscous rune energy made Xerath suddenly slow down.

Xerath didn't hesitate. As soon as the blind man reached his side, he immediately moved his right hand into the void. The Eye of Destruction crashed to the ground from the endless void, detonating the arcane energy around the blind man. The blind man was slowed down. Xerath's Without stopping, he raised his hands together, and the violent arcane energy in his body turned into a bolt of lightning and bombarded the blind man.

Both of them are in the deceleration state, but the preemptive blind man avoids the central area of ​​the eye of destruction by walking, and is only slowed down by 40.00%, while the blind man's third-level E skill has a [-]% deceleration, relying on walking position, the blind man quickly moved to the upper right side of Xerath after the general attack.

'Yiku', the terrifying power in the body gathered together and kicked Xerath, and an irresistible force kicked Xerath far away. At this time, the prince who happened to arrive came out of the grass above, EQ [-] Lian picked up Xerath who had just landed like lightning, and directly took Xeras away with a passive general attack.

At the same time, there was the sound of killing from the bottom lane. Pan Sen, who had been squatting for a long time, made another contribution and killed the female tank.

As soon as Xerath died, the blind man pushed the pawn line over. When he saw that Pan Sen was going down the road, he was not in a hurry to go home, and went to the upper half of the wild to search for a wave of wild monsters.

After looking at the top road, he went back to the city.

After repairing a 10 attack dagger and a few eyes in the water spring, the blind man ran straight up the road, Mo Qingchen reminded: "There are eyes in the river!"

"Hmm!" The blind man changed his route, turned his footsteps, and walked around behind the red buff on the purple side, and came to the triangle grass on the road to stand still.

At this time, the line of soldiers on the road was pressed in the middle of the two defensive towers, and Kenan's blood volume was consumed by about one-third of the wandering. Seeing that the blind man had arrived, the wandering ran towards Kenan without saying a word and activated his ultimate move. Kenan Seeing this, he decisively handed over his E skill, turned into a bolt of lightning and retreated quickly.

He blocked Kenan with one eye, and then the blind man's body appeared in front of Kenan. Kenan was taken aback, and decisively handed over his flash without saying a word.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise he would definitely be kicked into the homeless arms by the blind man.

"Can kill!" Seeing Kenan handing over the flash and approaching the defensive tower, Wandering wanted to give up the idea of ​​chasing up and killing him, but was stopped by Mr. Lu's words, and the next moment, after the flash, Kenan suddenly flew straight towards him Come over, along with the blind Tian Yinbo.

Mo Qingchen was surprised and didn't have time to think about it. He threw out a Q skill, and then W imprisoned Kenan in place. The blind man activated the second Q at the same time, rushed to Kenan's body, and slapped the ground with his palm to catch it. The second stage slowed down, and then rushed to the middle without looking back.

In the next second, Kenan was taken away by the wandering E skill.

(End of this chapter)

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