The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 105 Sneak Attack in the Wild Area

Chapter 105 Sneak Attack in the Wild Area
"I'm going, what's going on, why did Kenan fly back all of a sudden, who can tell me what's going on? I didn't see clearly!"

"I don't know either. I thought I couldn't kill him just now, but in the blink of an eye, I saw Kenan flying out by himself, and Mr. Lu's blind man appeared under the defense tower."

"What kind of technique is this?"

"I didn't even blink and didn't see clearly what was going on. I only saw the blind man appearing under the tower after Kenan was kicked away. Could it be that he R first and then flash?"

"... "

The blind man's kick not only surprised Mo Qingchen, but also shocked all the spectators who were watching the battle. No one could clearly see how Kenan flew back.

Come on God!
"Mr. Lu, your kick is amazing, how did you kick it back?" After taking Kenan away, Mo Qingchen recalled the kick just now, and couldn't help asking.

The three of OQN didn't see the scene just now, so they naturally didn't know why Mo Qingchen asked such a surprised question, but they also heard something unusual, and they couldn't help thinking, could it be that Mr. trick?Otherwise, why would Qingchen be so surprised!
As the top few kings in the world, Qingchen has extraordinary knowledge, and even occasionally encounters the two top players in the world from South Korea, which can surprise Qingchen who has such knowledge and a mature personality. It can be seen that the blind man just now How amazing that kick was.

Even Qing Chen has never seen it.

"This is R flash, R first and then flash." Ding Feng explained briefly with a smile. In fact, some people have used the technique of R flash, but it has not been popularized, and even those who use him think this technique is very good. It's tasteless, after all, the price of R flash is to hand over the precious flash.

What's more, this technique is not stable, and the distance calculation is so harsh that people won't just stand there and kick you. Therefore, even if someone knows this technique, they won't deliberately practice it, and no one can use it. It has to be as skillful as he is, like drinking water and eating.

"I have seen R flash, but I have never seen anyone as proficient as you." Mo Qingchen understood, but even if he knew, he was still amazed.

He could see clearly just now that after Kenan flashed, he opened a long distance from the blind man, and he still had the acceleration of the E skill on his body, but even so, he was kicked back by Mr. Lu. Even he can hardly imagine, too confident about this.

With such an extreme distance, a bad one not only failed to kick Kenan back, but also had to waste a flash of his own, but Mr. Lu still used it without any hesitation, and it succeeded. From his tone, he couldn't hear it. A little bit of worry, full of confidence.

And after taking Kenan's head, he was completely stable on the road.

The blind man returned to the middle, quickly cleared the wave of pawns pushed by Xeras, pushed the pawn line to the opposite tower, and then rushed to the enemy's lower half of the field.

At this time, Pan Sen jumped down the lane, and the prince arrived quickly. Pan Sen, who took two heads in the bottom lane, suffered extremely high damage. Although the prince supported him in time, he still couldn't save the male gun. Also fell into a dangerous situation, but fortunately, the female tank escaped.

As soon as the male gun died, the prince also hurriedly retreated, but before the prince could breathe a sigh of relief, Xerath, who was hiding in an unknown corner, suddenly activated his big move. The female tank couldn't help being surprised when she saw this, like an ant on a hot pot Usually walking around, trying to avoid Xerath's arcane shells by walking, but was killed.

Even the prince took Xerath's big move, and his blood volume was half disabled, but he escaped the catastrophe at last, and hurried back to the tower and returned to the city directly.

This wave of losses was huge, and the prince was also helpless.

But the next moment, the news of Xerath's death came. The prince was taken aback. He turned his view to the lower half of the wild area of ​​the purple side, and saw the blind man dancing on Xerath's corpse. This scene made him amazed. , even he didn't know when the blind man went to that place.

How the blind man killed Xeras, the three of OQN were busy playing the team and didn't notice it, but the spectators who were watching the battle and Mo Qingchen who was on the road all saw it.

"I'll go, how does Mr. Lu know that there is a Xerath hiding there? I'm afraid even Xerath himself doesn't know why the blind man suddenly broke into his wild area!"

"Probably guessed, that's what I thought. The blind man knew that it was too late to go to the bottom lane to support, so he went to the wild area, because at this time, Xerath was probably hiding somewhere and was ready to use his big move to harvest residual blood at any time. , but I didn’t expect to be caught by the blind man, and Xeras, who turned his vision to the bottom lane, couldn’t react immediately, and by the time he realized it, it was too late to escape.”

"Well, this angle of view is a bit slow, otherwise you can see the whole killing process. Miss Hao's turn is not good this time. What's so interesting about the bottom lane."

"It's nothing. After all, there are more people in the bottom lane, which is more eye-catching. Moreover, I'm afraid that even Ms. Hao didn't notice that the blind man had appeared in the wild area and killed Xerath."

"Two for one, Mr. Lu saved this wave of big losses with his own consciousness. Xerath died and lost several waves of soldiers. This head is taken for nothing."

"... "

With two consecutive waves of successful grabs, Mr. Lu's series of performances were amazing, and instantly won the recognition and admiration of all the audience watching the game across the country.

Turn the time to eight seconds ago...

After the blind man pushed the pawn line past, Pan Sen jumped to the bottom lane and caught the male gun. At this time, it was too late for him to go to the bottom lane, so he went around from the river below to the purple square blue BUFF. He wanted to steal it. Wild monsters on the purple side, check to see if Xerath is here.

In the end, he really caught him. Seeing that Xerath was standing in place and using his ultimate move, the angle of view probably had already shifted to the bottom lane. After all, even professional players can’t blast people without changing the angle of view. They shouldn’t pay attention at this time When he appeared, the blind man went up and gave Xerath two punches.

The blind man's equipment at this time is not luxurious, but they are all offensive equipment. Two basic attacks knocked out a lot of Xerath's blood, and then threw a Q to continue the basic attack.

Players who play Xerath usually modify a setting. This setting is in the interface column of the game settings. That is, the screen will flash red light when attacked, just like the lights of a police car. Obviously, the RBZ mid laner also made this setting.

Therefore, when the blind man just punched him, he had already realized that someone was attacking him, so he hurriedly threw the last arcane shell to the prince and then turned back with the space bar. At this time, the blind man threw a Q at him, and then passively The attack speed bonus hit Xerath again.

Xerath stretched out his hand and made a move into the void, and the Eye of Destruction crashed down, detonating the arcane energy around the blind man. At this time, Xerath was already bleeding, and retreated in a hurry without using the Q skill, but was slowed down by the blind man. The blind man takes a step forward and makes a general attack, and the second Q is connected.

Xerath turned around and threw a cyan ball of light, which stunned the blind man in place, but in the end Xerath could not escape death, and was caught up by the blind man with a punch.

(End of this chapter)

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