The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 111 Forbes Gaming Rich List

Chapter 111 Forbes Gaming Rich List
After standing for a while, I found that EZ didn't attack me or speak. The cute girl hurriedly typed, "Mr. Lu, please touch him!"

"Where are you touching?" It wasn't Ding Feng who typed this sentence, but Brother Yi. When he saw a girl chatting, Brother Yi volunteered to fight this cute girl in the grass for [-] rounds.

"Anywhere!" Mengmei typed.

"It's not enjoyable to touch like this, you don't make any movements, you should respond when I touch you, why didn't you respond!" Brother Yi seems to have seen a beautiful girl sitting in front of the computer, shaking her weak body with her hands folded , revealing the coquettish attitude of letting you pick and choose, he couldn't help but smiled cheaply.

There is no doubt that this laughter is definitely from Brother Jian!

"Then how can I enjoy it? I'll listen to you, and he's already yours."

"Why don't you come to Nanling and let me check your body?" Brother Yi typed a line, paused, and didn't go directly to the car. At this moment, Ding Feng patted him on the shoulder and said angrily: " I am a public figure now, if you say this, I will be sprayed to death."

He is indeed a public figure, and he is not limited to domestic, and has a good reputation internationally. If Brother Yi is allowed to talk like this, it will have a bad impact on his reputation. If it is covered, his reputation will be completely ruined.

"You're just kidding!" Brother Yi didn't intend to type it out, and after laughing at him, he directly deleted the passage, and typed: "Why don't you add me, let's play together?"

"Uh, you're not Mr. Lu!"

"No, a great master like him doesn't need to operate it himself. Everyone he meets hangs up to give points. You have been playing with me for a long time. Maybe you have the opportunity to meet Mr. Lu."

"Oh, I'll think about it!"

"What else are you thinking about? If you miss this village, you won't have this store. As the saying goes, like attracts like, and people are divided into groups. If you can be a good friend with a great god, how can I say he is a high-quality man?"

"Go, this is hard to say!"

"... "

Before I knew it, night fell.

Brother Yi was addicted to playing, but seeing that it was already night, he reluctantly followed Ding Feng and left the Internet cafe. What made him happy was that he managed to trick several girls with Ding Feng's account. In order to have a chance to get in touch with the Great God, I took the initiative to add him as a friend.

Back in the dormitory, the boys greeted them with excited cheers, and they were full of praise for Ding Feng's performance in the China-Japan Challenge.

At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, a group of youthful and heroic boys gathered and walked downstairs, and found a place outside the campus to chat excitedly.

The girls in the class heard the news somehow and rushed over one after another. The boys happily added several tables and finally settled the girls down.

The bright eyes of the girls glanced at Ding Feng from time to time, and the class flower Chen Lingxue ignored the strange gazes of the boys and sat directly beside Ding Feng.

In the afternoon, Ding Feng's series of god-level operations in the China-Japan Challenge are no less than the world's top gods. This is the reason why the girls are so eager to come here. Even if there is nothing to do with Ding Feng, but close It's also good to witness the demeanor of a god-level master.

Maybe it won't be long, once Ding Feng enters the professional circle, not to mention the annual income of hundreds of millions, but tens of millions is still no problem, such a promising boy is in front of him, if he doesn't hook up now, how long will it be, in case he is really caught? He fell in love with it, and then he would be able to live the life of a rich woman.

Girls have impure little thoughts!
Marrying into a wealthy family is the dream of [-] million girls!
In this era of extremely developed e-sports, the income of e-sports masters is no less than that of stars in the entertainment industry, and some top masters are worth hundreds of millions.

Of course, in different countries, because of the different levels of economic development, as top players, there is also a big gap in their income.

For example, South Korea is recognized as the world's number one e-sports country. Although it has not yet won the reputation of "e-sports kingdom", South Korea's e-sports culture is obvious to all.

Among the top ten kings in the world region, South Korea accounted for a full four, and two of them ranked even higher, one ranked first and the other ranked second.

And these two are the captains of the two major Korean teams, and they are also the leaders of the champion and runner-up teams in this year's S Series Global Finals.

The annual income of these two people is not much different, both exceeding 100 billion won, which is more than 5000 million yuan, and this is only the salary given by the club, not including other commercial income. The income should be at least more than RMB [-] million.

But this seemingly terrifying annual income is not the highest in the e-sports industry, not even in the top three, and the highest income is the captain of the United States No. 3 team, Obem, with an annual income of more than [-] million yuan.

This is not groundless, but is proved by international authoritative data.

There is a global e-sports rich list in the world, called the Forbes e-sports rich list, which is one of the most authoritative lists in the world.

Obam is at the top of the list, with an annual income of more than 5000 million U.S. dollars, ranking third in the world region, and the team he leads is the third place this year.

Ranked second on the rich list is an American like Obem, who serves as a support position in the team led by Obem, and has an annual income of more than 4000 million US dollars.

No way, Americans are rich!
The third winner of the richest list is in Europe, and is the mid laner of France's No. [-] team. The outside world calls it "French King", and some people say that "French King" is the world's number one mid laner.

However, this reputation has not been recognized by players around the world.

The annual income of the "French King" is more than 500 million euros, which is more than 7000 million yuan if converted into RMB.

The fourth and fifth places after that are the two top kings of South Korea.

Among the top ten kings in the world, eight entered the top ten of the Forbes e-sports rich list, and the two who were not selected, one is a passer-by from South Korea. This person has not entered the professional circle, but his strength It was extremely terrifying, not even inferior to the captains of the two major teams in South Korea.

And the other one is Mo Qingchen from China.

No one in China's e-sports circle can enter the top ten of the Forbes e-sports rich list, but it does not mean that the income of Chinese e-sports players is low. Fang Hua, the captain of China's first team OQN, has an annual income of more than 5000 million yuan, ranking No. No. 12 on the Forbes e-sports rich list.

After Captain Fang Hua, the names of Chinese players appeared frequently.

As China's e-sports No.1 and the top ten king in the world, Mo Qingchen's annual income is less than half of Captain Fang Hua's, and only about 2000 million yuan, ranking No. 20 in the e-sports rich list .[-] five digits.

This is really hard for domestic players to accept.

 I saw a comment from a book friend in the comment area. He magically translated 'RBZ' into 'Japanese pig'. I didn't think of this before. The R in RBZ stands for Japan, Z stands for China, and B is a Derogatory term, this is what I thought when I named this name, but I didn't expect this coincidence, book friend, you really understand me!
  Thanks for your comment, I've seen you!

  The fourth update is over, it's late at night, book friends, go to bed early, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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