The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 112 It's Time To Take Medicine

Chapter 112 It's Time To Take Medicine
No matter what happened to Mo Qingchen in the past, it is already a thing of the past, he has left LXM now, I believe that one day in the future he will return to the top.

I have to say that the girls in the e-sports department have a lot of personality. To resolutely apply for the e-sports major because of their love for a game, this determination is not something ordinary girls can have, but most of them are rotten girls. Competitive department, study and life only need to play games.

Therefore, boys label girls as lazy and idle. Although there are many female teams in China, their achievements are very average.

The thinking of boys and girls is very different, which is why girls can't play games as a whole, and boys' thinking is more suitable for playing games.

That is to say, the reason why the girls enroll in the e-sports department has a very obvious purpose in the eyes of the boys, that is, they don't need to learn any professional knowledge, and they don't have to be afraid that they won't be able to get a diploma if they fail a subject. I usually go to class more and get my graduation certificate.

Brother Yi once said this to Ding Feng, "Girls in the e-sports department are only suitable for dating in college, not for marriage and having children, because they are too lazy and only know how to enjoy themselves. They don't want to share weal and woe with you. One day you can't meet her needs, she will leave you immediately."

This sentence is a bit absolute, but it is indeed very reasonable.

If there is one exception, it is Lin Yixue. She also has the characteristics of a rotten girl, but compared with other girls in the class, she works harder.

In fact, these are not important. After all, now that I am in university, I don’t need to worry about things after leaving the society.

Therefore, no matter how corrupt the girls majoring in e-sports are, they are better than girls with character and good looks. They have been exposed to fighting games all year round, and their temperament is more masculine. Girls, they are wilder and very popular with boys.

As far as Ding Feng knew, most of the ten or so girls in the class already had boyfriends, only a few of them were still single, and Lin Yixue was one of them.

If Ye Qingxue hadn't appeared, then Lin Yixue might have been Ding Feng's first choice. Like many boys, Ding Feng also believed that falling in love in college was just for excitement, and he didn't care about what would happen in the future. Of course it would be better to go on.

However, these are compared to ordinary girls, Ye Qingxue is different, if he can walk with her, then he hopes to walk with her forever.

Ding Feng turned a blind eye to Yingying and Yanyan beside him, and didn't say much. Most of the time he was listening, and only when Lin Yixue talked to him would he say a word or two.

Before I knew it, the night was getting dark.

Ding Feng occasionally looked in the direction of the Qiyu University gate, but he never saw Qingxue, and he didn't care, Qingxue didn't come out every night.

The girls dispersed quickly, and the boys also took back the booth and went back to the dormitory.

The next morning, Ding Feng woke up early, refreshed by the night's sleep, the first thing he did after waking up was the same as usual, which was to dig out the bird.

"Do you really need to take medicine?" The bird in his hand is still soft, like a sponge, without any signs of morning erection that a man should have. This makes him extremely uncomfortable, and it is also the problem he is most worried about right now.

This is the aftermath of Yuan Dingfeng's frequent and excessive firing of shells. It is difficult to rely on the natural adjustment of the body to be effective. The only way now is to stimulate drugs.

It is impossible for any man to ignore this problem, especially Ding Feng. After becoming famous, there are many people who admire him. Some crazy female fans may do something crazy to him. If he finishes his work in three seconds, then his reputation as an e-sports god will be over.

These were just contingencies, which were easy for him to deal with.

But, what if one day I get together with Ye Qingxue, I can't help it!He didn't want her to see his incompetence in this regard.

This is not a dirty idea, after all, he is not a child anymore, as an adult, sparks are inevitable when he is with his girlfriend.

Moreover, physical problems such as impotence and premature ejaculation cannot be solved in a short period of time. They need to go through a long period of drug adjustment, which can be as short as one month and as long as three months.

It's hard to say what will happen in three months, and if you have a girlfriend at this time, you have to endure it for three months?Nima was seduced, what should I do!
So, the sooner this starts, the better.

In fact, he has noticed this problem since he came to this world, but he didn't fix it at first because he didn't have money, and later he didn't have time, and he himself had the idea of ​​repairing it through sleep, but unfortunately it didn't work at all. Drugs stimulated.

He also wanted to go to the People's Hospital to consult a doctor, but he quickly rejected this idea. It was too embarrassing, and he didn't want to go unless it was absolutely necessary.

There will be a case record when you go to the hospital for an examination. If one day you become famous, the doctor in charge of examining him discloses his impotence and premature ejaculation cases, it will be bad for his reputation. Men cannot ignore this 'scandal'.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help becoming anxious.

After a brief wash, he took his wallet and walked downstairs, had a casual breakfast in the school cafeteria, and then went to the Unlimited Fire Internet Cafe outside the school.

The air in the early morning was a bit chilly, and he now somewhat believes what Brother Yi said, the weather in Nanling City really cannot be judged by common sense, half a month ago there was a big sun that could roast people in the sky, but now the sun is gone Well, the weather is getting colder.

As soon as they stepped into the entrance of the Unlimited Firepower Internet Cafe, many boys walked out of the Internet Cafe. It is not difficult to see from their mental state that these people have been in the Internet Cafe all night.

With the current weather, the cold air at night is very heavy. After a period of consumption of heat in the human body, it is difficult to resist the invasion of the cold air. The body becomes colder as the night progresses, and the whole body is wrapped in the cold air. Desire to the extreme.

No, there is a breakfast stand outside the internet cafe.

Ding Feng took a look at these people, then went to the cashier to swipe his card, bought a bottle of drink by the way, then sat down in a corner by the window, and turned on the computer.

He casually glanced at the Internet cafe and took a sip of his drink. After the computer screen turned to the desktop, he put down his drink and opened Taobao directly.

(End of this chapter)

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