The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 113 Two-pronged approach

Chapter 113 Two-pronged approach
In the search box, enter 'increase and bold' four times, and press Enter.

Ding Feng knows more about strengthening yang than ordinary boys, so he has his own set of opinions on the choice of this kind of medicine.

Of course, this does not mean that he also needed to eat this in his previous life, but that he saw the relevant medical theories and found it very reasonable.

There are many aphrodisiac drugs on the Internet that claim to enlarge and thicken the body. Although the effects are exaggerated, there are still some, but the effects of these drugs vary from person to person. Naturally, drugs made in different countries are most suitable for their own people, so foreigners The things made are of course most suitable for the physique of foreigners.

Therefore, if he had to choose, the first choice would naturally be the domestically produced medicine, because it is more in line with the physique of the oriental people.

The medical science and technology in foreign countries is more developed. Even the pure plant extracts will contain chemical ingredients. This kind of medicine may be good for foreigners, but for Orientals, if it has no effect, it will definitely be harmful. Chemical medicines are not good. Very poisonous.

On the other hand, Chinese medicine is relatively developed, and there are also prescriptions in this area. Although the medicine is three-point poisonous, even if it does not have much effect, at least it will not endanger the health of the body.

However, in terms of the choice of medicine in this area, there is one thing that is most convincing to him, and that is the blood diamond wild oats that are abundant in Arab countries.

Arabia is a magical country, and polygamy is practiced in the husband and wife system, which is different from the monogamy in China. Arab men can control so many wives, which shows how powerful their horse riding skills are. A man Be able to ride at least two horses.

The reason why Arab men have such powerful horse riding skills is that this blood diamond wild oat can be said to be the biggest contributor, and has the reputation of "plant Viagra".

Using men from the entire Arab world to prove the effect of the drug shows how convincing it is, and even Ding Feng is completely convinced.

Although it is not clear whether the medicinal power of blood diamond wild oats is in line with the physique of the Chinese, at least, the medical technology in Arab countries is not as developed as that of developed countries in Europe and the United States, and there are not so many chemical drugs. Even if the effect is not great, at least it will not harm the human body. cause some damages.

How should I put it, it can be drunk as soaked weeds.

A man's ability to control several women is probably envied by any man, even Ding Feng, who doesn't care much about this ability, is very jealous.

However, this blood diamond wild oatmeal is very expensive, and the most luxurious suit costs several thousand yuan, which is really unaffordable for ordinary people, and Ding Feng belongs to this ordinary person.

He casually browsed the "enlargement and thickening" medicines in Taobao. He has seen most of them. He heard that the effect is not good, and it needs a long-term effect. He can't wait so long.

Then he searched directly for 'blood diamond wild oats'.

There is an official and authentic Taobao flagship store. Ding Feng clicked in and casually browsed the introduction of Blood Diamond Wild Oats, and nodded in satisfaction.

However, he knew that Blood Diamond Wild Oats had an official website, so he searched for 'Blood Diamond Wild Oats' on Baidu, and clicked to enter the official website.

The content on the official website is similar to the introduction on Taobao, and he directly pulls the page to the bottom, where there is an 'online quick order'.

There are four packages in total, and naturally the most expensive package is the most affordable. After thinking about it, he bought the second recommended package 'buy 4 get 2 free for two cycles, a total of six boxes', the price is 1260 yuan.

He would like to buy the most expensive set meal, so that he can eat for a long time, but he is not rich now, and he still has half a month to live.

I won the 5000 yuan prize in the Raven Contest half a month ago. At that time, I spent more than 1000 yuan to treat my classmates to a meal. I spent a lot in the past half a month, and now I only have 2000 yuan left in the card After that, I have to buy some things for the winter, and I also need to save some money to live.

The 1260 yuan is already the limit he can afford, and two cycles is enough for him to last for a while. If he still needs money at that time, he can follow Brother Yi and the others to play Internet cafe competitions to make money. Anyway, he has the technology, where to go? Don't worry about running out of money, let's see the situation first!

Soon, the order was successfully placed.

Then he searched for 'British panties' in Baidu. British panties are a kind of physiological underwear. Whether it is the fabric used in the underwear or the eighteen small magnets inside, it is said that it can promote the blood circulation of the penis. Wear it for a long time It can make the bird bigger and thicker on the body.

No matter, what he needs most now are these things, they are not expensive anyway, even if they have no effect, it is not bad to wear them as pure underwear.

If you work both ways, it must be of some use!
After buying these two things, he went shopping on Taobao and bought some clothes for the winter. Then he closed Taobao and started to log in to the game.

He just clicked the mouse all morning, and he could get points without doing anything. There was no way, the players were too enthusiastic, and they rushed to give him points.

After playing until noon, he went back to the dormitory to rest, and went to the Internet cafe in the afternoon.

In the evening, as usual, he occupied a table at Taste 100 by himself, drinking tea boredly, but he never saw Ye Qingxue appear.

In the following half a month, Ye Qingxue seemed to disappear from the world and never appeared in front of him again. He couldn't help but called her roommate Li Xiaoxin.

The call was connected quickly, and Li Xiaoxin's teasing voice came from the phone: "Hey, Xiaofeng, why did you suddenly think of calling me? You don't think you missed me, do you?"

"Uh, I really miss you a little bit." Ding Feng was taken aback, he didn't expect that she would talk to him like this, which made him a little surprised.

"Spoof, tell me, what do you want from me?" Li Xiaoxin asked angrily.

Ding Feng thought for a while, and then said embarrassedly: "Then I'll just say it straight, I want to find Qingxue."

"Qingxue? It seems that you have an unusual relationship with her. Half a month ago, Qingxue went out every night. Could it be that she went to date you?" Li Xiaoxin was stunned for a moment. Qingxue went out to meet Ding Feng, when did the two get together.

Although the current Ding Feng has undergone earth-shaking changes compared with his high school days, he is still inferior to Captain Liu Ming in all aspects. Qingxue doesn't even look down on Captain Liu Ming, but she seems to have a special liking for Ding Feng. A girl like Qingxue would not go out frequently because of him.

"It's not really a date!" Ding Feng laughed, and quickly noticed what she said, "By the way, you said that Qingxue goes out every night?"

"Yeah, I don't know why she has changed so much. She never went out at night before, but she went out every night a while ago and didn't come back until very late." Li Xiaoxin nodded slightly, as if she had realized something, and couldn't help but feel sorry for Ding. Feng felt sad.

(End of this chapter)

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