Chapter 114 Painful Choice
"Uh, I don't know about that. She comes over to drink tea and chat with me every three to five times, but not every day. I don't know about other times." After getting the confirmation, Ding Feng was also very puzzled. Why has Xue come out so frequently recently?

If you say it is to sit and chat with him, then you should come here every day, how come every now and then.

Then he thought about how Qingxue's behavior felt similar to when he was chasing a girl when he was a child. At that time, after he knew that girl would appear in that place, he would pass by every day, watching from a distance, and only a few times he could bear it. Don't stop before passing.

Before he could think about it, Li Xiaoxin sighed, "It's really because of you, Xiaofeng. If I'm not wrong, Qingxue should have fallen in love with you."

"It can't be said that I like her, I haven't met her a few times." Maybe Li Xiaoxin is right, but he is still not completely sure, at this moment he noticed a word she used all the time, "Xiaoxin, Why do you say half a month ago? Is Qingxue not at school now?"

"Yeah, she has something urgent to go home. It was the day of the China-Japan Challenge, half a month has passed." Li Xiaoxin said truthfully, she was also quite strange, since Qingxue knew Xiaofeng so well, Qingxue went back It's been half a month and he still doesn't know?Don't even leave your mobile phone number!
"No wonder I haven't seen her all this time!" Ding Feng finally understood, and asked eagerly: "Then do you know why Qingxue is in such a hurry to go home?"

Hearing his anxiety, Li Xiaoxin couldn't help but teased and said, "Well, you seem to care about Qingxue quite a bit. To be honest, do you have a crush on our Qingxue?"

"Uh!" Ding Feng didn't know how to answer.

"You are such an idiot!" Li Xiaoxin said angrily. He still has not changed this point, and his EQ needs to be improved. Then he sighed and said, "I don't know what happened to Qingxue's family, but it seems Her father is critically ill and went back to visit the sick."

"Is it serious?" Ding Feng was taken aback. Now he realized that he really didn't understand Qingxue's situation at all, and she didn't seem to have told him about her.

"How do I know!" Li Xiaoxin shook her head, and continued: "It seems that someone in our school forum has disclosed some information about Qingxue's family. It should be more serious than before, otherwise Qingxue wouldn't be in such a hurry to go back."

"Well, I got it!" After talking so much, Ding Feng also got the answer he wanted, and the rest can only be understood by himself.

Li Xiaoxin hesitated for a while, but finally didn't say anything, and said with a smile: "Let's do it first, I'm going to play games."

"Okay!" Ding Feng smiled and hung up the phone after speaking.

He remembered that Qiyu University's forum had a mobile version. With this in mind, he opened the browser with his broken mobile phone and entered the Qiyu University's forum.

As expected of a top-ranking school in China, even the forum is so good, the interface is simple and elegant, and the functions are complete, even the post search function.

Enter the word 'Qingxue' in the search box, and countless posts with the word 'Qingxue' quickly appeared. It seems that Qingxue is quite famous in Qiyu University.

After browsing briefly, he soon found the post that Li Xiaoxin mentioned, clicked on it, and there was indeed an introduction of Ye Qingxue's family.

There wasn't much content, and the person who posted the post didn't seem to know the situation of too much Qingxue, but just this content allowed him to understand Qingxue a little bit more. He really didn't expect that this girl who is sweet and sunny on the surface , Life is so difficult, and it is really difficult for her.

Among them happened to be Qingxue's father's illness. Although she didn't say what illness she had, she mentioned that her father was bedridden all year round. Fei, the life of Qingxue's father will be at stake.

But for a complete set of treatment, the medical expenses are not something a family like Qingxue can afford.

It is mentioned in the article that it will cost at least 60 yuan.

"More than 60 yuan?" Ding Feng frowned slightly. No wonder Qingxue's father would do delayed treatment. This amount of money is indeed not something that ordinary families can afford in one go.

However, even if the house is sold to raise the medical expenses, the whole family will be completely paralyzed. The family needs food, and the children need to go to school. These all cost money. The article also mentioned that Qingxue’s mother just At first, he planned to sell the house to raise money, but his father flatly rejected it.

He also wanted to help, but he couldn't afford the money.

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly thought of a solution, but he wasn't sure it would work, but he could try it, "That's the only way."


At night, Nanhua People's Hospital.

"Xiaoxue, you've been busy all day, go back and rest first, it's fine if you have a mother here to watch." In a certain ward, a kind middle-aged woman said to her daughter who was busy in the room. Ci He smiled, her eyes filled with relief, her daughter has always been her greatest pride.

The girl called Xiaoxue by the women is Ye Qingxue.

Hearing what her mother said, she put down the iron basin with warm water in her hand, took a dry white towel from the side and dipped it into the water, after cleaning it skillfully for a while, with both hands, she handed the squeezed towel to her mother, saying: "Mom, I'll go back first, and I'll come back tomorrow morning."

"Go back, go back and get some rest early, mom is busy, so you don't have to worry about your father's illness." Mother Ye took the towel, smiled and instructed, then turned her head away.

Ye Qingxue took one last look at her father, eyes full of worry, and then left the ward without looking back, her thin body was full of exhaustion.

When she got home, she tossed and turned in bed, her eyes were full of pain, and her eye sockets were red.

She is very aware of her father's condition, and she can say bluntly that if he does not receive a comprehensive examination and treatment as soon as possible, his father will not live for three months.

If this disease happened to her, she could raise funds for the entire Qiyu University, and it would not be a problem to raise more than 60 yuan, but it is a pity that it is not.

The only way she can think of now is to borrow money from Liu Ming, but she knows that she will pay a price that she cannot afford. Liu Ming may be the Prince Charming in the hearts of many girls, but she has no feeling for him at all. No, she only has Xiaofeng in her heart.

Although she has difficulties with Liu Ming because of this, and maybe Xiaofeng can understand it, but she knows that once she is with Liu Ming, she will never be able to face him again in this life. Delighted boys.

If she chooses to be with Liu Ming, and her father recovers, she will also lose Ding Feng, the only love she believes in this life.

She was struggling in pain.

Struggling until midnight, exhausted both physically and mentally, she finally made a decision. She stared at the ceiling with red eyes, feeling sad like never before, "Xiaofeng, maybe we really have nothing to do with each other!"

The next day, she bid farewell to her mother and resolutely boarded the vehicle back to school. Her world seemed to be covered with a lingering darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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