The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 115 Feeling that this thing is really harmful

Chapter 115 Feeling that this thing is really harmful
As the bell rang for the end of get out of class, two hurried figures rushed out of a certain classroom, they were the two girls, Li Xiaoxin and Liu Xiaohua.

As soon as the two walked out of the teaching building, they didn't even have time to eat lunch, so they walked non-stop to the dormitory building, all the way to the floor where the dormitory is located.

Pushing open the door of the dormitory, they saw Ye Qingxue sitting on her desk in a daze with a haggard face. This scene really worried the two girls.

The door of the dormitory opened suddenly, and Ye Qingxue came back to her senses. When she saw the two good sisters looking at her with worried eyes, she just showed a smile.

It's just that this smile is a bit forced no matter how you look at it.

"Qingxue, are you alright!" Li Xiaoxin came to her, stared at her and asked with concern.

I have lived with her for more than three months, and this is the first time she has seen her so haggard. The sunny and cheerful smiles in the past are gone.

Liu Xiaohua stood aside, although she didn't speak, she also looked worried.

"Look at what you said, what else can I do! I'm just a little tired from the morning's ride." Putting aside the thoughts in her mind, she quickly returned to her usual cheerful appearance, but there was a strong exhaustion between her brows. obvious.

After she finished speaking, she stood up, crawled on the bed and lay down.

This movement of climbing onto the bed was extremely difficult, and it seemed that every movement used up all the strength in her whole body. It was not like the movements of a young and energetic girl at all, but like an old man.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoxin who wanted to ask about her father's condition had no choice but to give up. She could see that she was avoiding this question and didn't want to tell anyone.

Li Xiaoxin and Liu Xiaohua were also powerless, they looked at Ye Qingxue worriedly, and they didn't look at each other until she was completely lying down, then walked out of the dormitory.

On the school road where the breeze was blowing, Li Xiaoxin and Liu Xiaohua walked side by side, neither of them said a word.

"Xiaoxin, seeing Qingxue like this really hurts me." After a long silence, Liu Xiaohua took a deep breath and said leisurely.

Qingxue's current state made her feel that something important was about to go away with her. She didn't know what it was, but she knew that it was very important to her.

It was as if Qingxue's figure would disappear from her eyes forever, but she couldn't do anything about it.

"That's right, the reality is so cruel. A good-looking girl was tortured like this." Li Xiaoxin also sighed, why didn't she feel worried!

Judging from Qingxue's current situation, her father's condition is probably in critical condition, but at this time Qingxue did not stay with her father, but returned to school suddenly, which is really intriguing.

Liu Xiaohua also thought of this, and said with a worried face: "Xiaoxin, I feel that Qingxue seems to have made up her mind to come back this time, and this determination makes her seem very painful."

"Well, I think the same as you." Li Xiaoxin nodded slightly, and said what she was thinking when Qingxue left last time: "If I'm not wrong, Qingxue should come back this time to ask Captain Liu Ming for help. , she doesn't know Captain Liu Ming well, so she has to pay the price."

"This is the only way!" Liu Xiaohua sighed, and said with an irritable face: "Captain Liu Ming is such a perfect man, why Qingxue has no feeling for him at all, but is still in great pain, it is really unimaginable, There are women of all kinds in this world."

"Yes, by doing this, Qingxue can not only associate with a male god like Captain Liu Ming, but also get a lot of money to treat her father and improve the family's life. Not at all, the money alone makes people jealous, Qingxue is so filial, making such a decision should not be like this!" Li Xiaoxin was also puzzled, and it was hard for her to imagine Qingxue's thoughts.

Only now did she realize that she still didn't know Qingxue well enough.

"It's not because of you. If it wasn't for the appearance of your classmate, Qingxue wouldn't be so embarrassed." Speaking of this, Liu Xiaohua couldn't help complaining.

Some time ago, what was Qingxue going out every night for? Li Xiaoxin had already told her the answer, although no matter how you look at it, Ding Feng is not as good as Captain Liu Ming. The gap between **Si and Gao Fushuai is too much in terms of family background and ability.

But Qingxue just likes it, so what else can she do.

I feel that this thing is really harmful!

"Why are you blaming me and Xiaofeng? I didn't know such a situation would happen!" Li Xiaoxin shook her head amusedly, and said, "And Xiaofeng also said that Qingxue and him are only good friends. I like it, but I haven't reached that point yet, so it shouldn't make Qingxue so difficult."

"Uh, yes!" Liu Xiaohua nodded after thinking about it, and sighed quietly: "Even if Qingxue is with Captain Liu Ming, there are difficulties, and one day they will be separated. If Ding Feng really likes Qingxue, I will also understand her difficulties, and we can be together after graduation, right?"

"It's easy for you to say. No matter what the reasons and difficulties are, don't you think that the taste of love will change if this happens? Qingxue will definitely not be able to pass her own test." Li Xiaoxin also sighed.

At this time, she suddenly thought of something and asked, "Xiaohua, do you think there is such a woman in this world who will only fall in love with one man in her life?"

"Which novel did you read this in?" Liu Xiaohua smiled inexplicably, even though she asked, her disbelief was revealed in her words.

"I saw it in the novel." Li Xiaoxin nodded and admitted, and explained in a deep voice: "I didn't read the explanation of this statement seriously, but I think there are still some. It is said that there are very few girls who only have real courage once in their lives. In the face of love, when she is sure to fall in love with a man, then no matter whether there is a result with this man, she will never have feelings for other men, but it seems that such a girl will not fall in love with someone easily."

"Uh, what a fantasy!" Liu Xiaohua was dubious about this, and said: "If Qingxue is such a girl, then her series of behaviors can be explained, that is to say, if Qingxue chooses Captain Liu Ming, wouldn't that be like ruining all the love of my life!"

"Well, but I don't want Qingxue to be such a girl. After all, Qingxue's heart is always on Xiaofeng, and there will be no good results with Captain Liu Ming, or any man. It's really terrible for a woman." Li Xiaoxin looked helpless.

If she had a choice, she naturally hoped that the person Qingxue fell in love with would be Captain Liu Ming, not Xiaofeng. Captain Liu Ming is very tall, rich and handsome, with a good family background, perfect appearance, and a good person. He has no girlfriend yet. Well, the flamboyance and flamboyance of Gao Fushuai can't be found in him at all.

More importantly, he will be of great help to Qingxue's personal and family, and he is also dedicated to Qingxue, no matter how you look at him, he is the first choice.

But what can be done!Qingxue just doesn't like Liu Ming.

"How about this, how about we find time to invite Captain Liu Ming out for a talk?" Liu Xiaohua didn't want to digress, so she suggested.

"Well, that's a good idea!" Li Xiaoxin was stunned, and nodded with a smile. If she asked Captain Liu Ming out as Qingxue's good sister, there should be no problem. Xue can't speak, it won't be too late for us to find Captain Liu Ming tomorrow."

"Okay, that's the decision." There was still room for change, the two girls couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and happily walked towards the school cafeteria.

 I chatted with a certain book friend today. He said that he couldn’t fall asleep after reading my chapter yesterday. He wanted to know the content behind it. I asked him who he likes to be the heroine. He said Li Xiaoxin. I asked him why, and he said Ye Qingxue Because of his father's illness, he wanted to give himself to that, and then said that he confused Ye Qingxue with Lin Yixue.

  The heroine of this book already has someone, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down.

  If you have any ideas, you can express them, I will find time to take a look, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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