Chapter 116 Excited

In the dormitory, after Li Xiaoxin and Liu Xiaohua left, Ye Qingxue gritted her teeth, found the phone number of the school team office from the school forum, and dialed it directly.

Although she had made a choice desperately, she was not sure whether Captain Liu Ming would help her, after all, she had categorically rejected his confession last time.

The call was connected quickly, and it was a middle-aged man's voice, "Hello, what can I do?"

"I'm Ye Qingxue, and I want to talk to you Captain Liu Ming." She directly reported her name. A man like Captain Liu Ming and the captain of the school team must be very busy on weekdays, and there are countless girls who want to chat with him. Chatting, most people may not answer the phone in person.

"Then wait a moment!" The middle-aged man also knew something about Captain Liu Ming, and he naturally knew Ye Qingxue's position in Captain Liu Ming's heart. His tone was a little more smiley, and he covered the opening of his mouth after speaking. Looking at the crowd in the training room, they shouted: "Liu Ming, Ye Qingxue is looking for you."

As soon as these words came out, all the members of the school team paused in surprise:

"Why did Ye Qingxue suddenly find the captain? She seems to have rejected the captain."

"Keep your voice down, and let the captain know that you will be miserable."

"I heard that Ye Qingxue ran home some time ago, why did she come back again?"

"Didn't you read the forum? Ye Qingxue's father has been bedridden all year round. He rushed home half a month ago, probably because his father suddenly fell ill. This time he came back to ask the captain for medical expenses."

"Actually, I admire this girl."

"Well, she is indeed very different from ordinary girls. Our captain is tall, rich and handsome. Which girl doesn't like it? How much money does she have to spend with our captain? Besides, her family background is very average, and her tuition fees are all based on her excellent grades. No, she is a very good girl."

"Yeah, I'm afraid boys like this kind of girl don't just want to fall in love with her. Even our captain doesn't like her. Her vision is too high to describe her. Once she is recognized by her, it will be for a lifetime. Why don't I?" I'm afraid the captain doesn't have this blessing either."

"If you say that, your mind will be balanced!"

"... "

Captain Liu Ming was also taken aback, then shook his suit handsomely, came to the middle-aged man with a big smile, and took the phone in his hand.

"Hi Qingxue, I'm Liu Ming." Liu Ming's words were a little softer than usual, and Ye Qingxue was the second girl he really fell in love with in his life.

"I want to talk to you, are you free tonight?" Ye Qingxue hesitated and asked.

"You're welcome, even if I don't have time, I have to squeeze out." Liu Ming smiled slightly and said, "Let's go to Dexin Cafe, what do you think?"

"Okay, see you tonight!" After speaking, Ye Qingxue hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, she took a deep breath. This was the first time in her life that she took the initiative to ask out a boy. She was somewhat nervous. The nervousness was not because of excitement, but because she didn't know how to speak next.

Whether he can save his father depends on tonight.

No matter what the price is, she must save her father.

After Liu Ming put down the phone, the team members rushed over immediately:

"Captain, what did Ye Qingxue say?"

"Captain, did Ye Qingxue ask you out for tea and chat? Are you coming back tonight?"

"Captain, I have a condom imported from the United States in my dormitory. I tried it, and it feels amazing. Would you like to lend it to you for a try?"

"Goddess, this is the rhythm of taking the initiative to throw herself into her arms, the captain should take good care of her!"

"... "

When the team members asked questions, they were as excited as if Ye Qingxue had made an appointment with them.

From their point of view, since Ye Qingxue wanted something from the captain, it would be impossible not to give something, and they heard that Ye Qingxue didn't have much contact with boys since she was a child, so she was probably a virgin who had always kept herself clean.

"Don't make trouble!" Liu Xu, the main player of the school team, suppressed the excited players loudly, and then looked at the captain Liu Ming and said seriously: "Captain, to be honest, I have seen so many girls, and I admire them the most. It's Ye Qingxue, if you can, don't make things difficult for him."

Hearing what Liu Xu said, the team members also calmed down. They admired Ye Qingxue from the bottom of their hearts, but they were just talking casually.

The newly promoted Unit [-] also smiled and said: "Xiao Xu is right, it is also the first time I have seen such a tenacious and hardworking girl, look at the top ten campus beauties in our school, which one does not follow her boyfriend to eat and drink hot, Some even went to be the mistress of the big boss."

"She is also a school belle, but everything Ye Qingxue owns now is obtained by her own ability. I heard that she almost does not need her parents to pay for college expenses and living expenses since she was a child. She has the best test scores every year, free tuition fees, and scholarships. She can't even get all the prize money from domestic competitions, and she can support herself with her own ability. Compared with her, we people are really nothing."

After finishing all these words very seriously, Yuan Yi stretched out his hand and lightly punched Liu Ming's chest, and said solemnly, "I also hope you don't embarrass him too much."

"Yes, I have seen Ye Qingxue many times in the school cafeteria. She eats almost all the cheapest dishes. Even my buddy said that if he is allowed to eat these things every day, he might as well kill him , but Ye Qingxue ate with gusto, it's really heart-wrenching to watch." A member of the team said emotionally, his eyes were slightly flushed, and the scene of Ye Qingxue eating was deeply in his mind.

And that scene was really similar to the photo he saw of Premier Zhou eating. Anyone with a bit of conscience would also be touched by her deeds.

After hearing so much, the other team members finally understood what kind of girl Ye Qingxue was, and looked at Captain Liu Ming excitedly.

Captain Liu Ming was also deeply touched by this, but when he looked up and met the menacing gazes of these team members, he was taken aback. Why did he feel like he had done something heinous and unforgivable, as if he only had to say a ' No' word, these people will beat him up.

Although it was a bit exaggerated, there are everyone in this world, and he felt a little guilty.

"Okay, am I as unbearable as you say?" Liu Ming scolded angrily, and then said seriously: "Actually, I think that a girl like Qingxue can be a good friend with her, which is a blessing in itself. , you have also seen that she has no feelings for me at all, even if I am with her, I can't keep her, and in the end I can't even be a good friend, and I understand the reason why twisted melons are not sweet."

After finishing speaking, he eagerly added, "Of course, if she really likes her, that must be the best result. I will try to pursue it."

(End of this chapter)

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