Chapter 122
Ye Qingxue's eyes were extremely rosy after hearing "100 million". She never thought that he would do so much for herself. Although she has not been in contact with him for a long time, she still knows him a little bit. If there is no accident, Most of the 100 million was won for her.

"Uh!" Ding Feng laughed embarrassedly. In fact, he also knew that Mo Qingchen was not short of the 100 million, and he also believed that Mo Qingchen would not refuse if he wanted it. He is disrespectful, and he really can't do it because he is competitive.

"I've already sent the money to your card. If you need it in the future, just tell me directly, and return the whole solo." Mo Qingchen scolded again angrily, and then sighed: "I came here this time , Tomorrow I will go to participate in the All-Asian Championships, at least I will not be able to come to Nanling until next year."

"Didn't you quit LXM? How can you still participate in the Asian Championship?" Ding Feng asked puzzled. He knew a little about the rules of the Asian Championship. Individuals are not allowed to participate, only teams.

"A slip of the tongue, I'm not going to compete, but to watch the match as a VIP." Mo Qingchen smiled awkwardly, this slip of the tongue really shouldn't be.

After speaking, he suddenly thought of something, and reached out to Ding Feng to introduce the woman who came with him, "Xiaofeng, let me introduce you, this is my girlfriend, Liu Qian, you should have seen it."

"Jiuyang Mr. Lu's name, I'll call you Xiaofeng too. Hello Xiaofeng, it's the first time we meet." Liu Qian smiled gently and extended her little hand generously.

Ding Feng stretched out his hand to shake her lightly, nodded and said with a smile: "Hello, Sister Qian, it's the first time we meet, you are much more beautiful in person than in photos and videos."

"Thank you!" Liu Qian smiled slightly.

Seeing that the two had gotten to know each other initially, Mo Qingchen hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Xiaofeng, I want to ask, will you play professionally in the future?"

"Yes, but it's a little late to enter the professional circle now, at least until 2016." Ding Feng smiled and nodded without thinking too much. Since he has this ability, he must carry it forward, otherwise he will be too sorry for his rebirth. Esports has always been his favorite thing.

He is also a patriot. Seeing the Chinese team being abused so badly in international competitions, he naturally can't just watch. Moreover, e-sports are so developed in this life, and even the Olympic Games have e-sports events. The world's top masters compete.

However, the premise is that he must first join a team.

It's a pity that he doesn't like any of the teams currently established in China, either because they are too weak, or because the main members of the team have all been finalized.

After all, League of Legends is a team game. No matter how bad his personal ability is, it is impossible for him to drive five average players by himself. If he joins a strong team, it will inevitably destroy the harmony of the team. Therefore, these old teams Not for him.

Therefore, he is waiting for a new team to appear.

Of course, there will be no new teams in a short period of time. The domestic LSPL league has ended. Even if a new team is created now, they are not qualified to play in the LPL professional league. Places in the finals.

The best time to form a new team is before the LSPL league every year. What he has to wait for is that moment, and there is still more than half a year from now.

If he wants to compete with top players in a short period of time, there is no other way, that is to increase his rank and enter the world zone as soon as possible. The world zone is full of strong players, and that is his ultimate goal. Players can no longer make him have too strong a will to fight.

"That's good!" Mo Qingchen nodded and smiled, and continued: "Actually, apart from visiting a doctor, I also came here for this matter. What do you think about the professional league?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet, but I think we can work together." Ding Feng could more or less guess what Mo Qingchen was thinking, and directly proposed with a smile.

"You can try it!" Mo Qingchen agreed with a smile without any hesitation. His mood was far less calm than on the surface. If it weren't for the fact that there were other girls present and he had to pay attention to his image, he might have laughed out loud. Give him a high five and say something flippant.

The last time Ding Feng was invited to participate in the China-Japan Online Challenge, after those two games, he himself was just playing step by step, and the rhythm of RBZ was completely messed up by him alone. After playing such a game with RBZ, This is the easiest time for him, without doing anything.

No way, Ding Feng's rhythm is so good that he almost thought he was from the jungle!
And if he wants to return to the top and prove his strength to the world, teammates like Ding Feng are undoubtedly indispensable.

Ding Feng thought for a while and said casually: "There is still more than a year before 2016. I plan to participate in the International College League next year. Are you interested?"

Mo Qingchen was stunned, and immediately became interested, and said with a smile: "Okay, I don't have anything special to do next year, and I just want to see the strength of the two major e-sports academies in Korea."

That's right, his goal is only the two major e-sports academies in South Korea, and he completely ignores other colleges and universities.

If he can't win the international college league championship with Ding Feng, then he will have no face to play in the world's top league. He has this confidence.

Chatting with Ding Feng for a while, seeing that it was already very late, Mo Qingchen stood up and said: "Let's do this first, if there is nothing else, then I will leave first."

"Well, we'll see you next year." Ding Feng smiled and waved to him.

Mo Qingchen nodded with a smile, and left the ward with his girlfriend.

It wasn't until Mo Qingchen walked away that Li Xiaoxin and the others recovered from the shock and excitement. They couldn't calm down for a long time, and the amount of information was too huge.

Ding Feng moved his butt, took his wallet from the table beside him, took out the bank card and handed it to Ye Qingxue, and asked softly, "Do you still need this money?"

He looked at her seriously, and in his heart he didn't want her to say even a word 'no'.

Ye Qingxue was startled and was about to refuse, but after meeting his eyes, she couldn't bear it. She is not a girl who is easily moved, but this time she was indeed moved by him.

Staring at the bank card in his hand, she hesitated for a moment, then slowly stretched out her hands, and took his bank card from his hand, her eyes were full of complexity, then turned her head to look at Liu Ming, He said apologetically, "Captain Liu Ming, I'm sorry, but I still want to thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, I didn't do anything for you." Liu Ming's words were very sincere, and after he finished speaking, he waved his hand and walked out casually, "I won't bother you, I'll go first."

Seeing Liu Ming leave, Liu Xiaohua didn't want to stay here anymore, she pulled Li Xiaoxin's sleeve and said in a low voice, "Xiaoxin, we should go back too."

"Xiaofeng, pay more attention to your body, Qingxue will be handed over to you, and we will go back first." Li Xiaoxin smiled and told Ding Feng, took one last look at Qingxue, and pulled Liu Xiaohua out of the ward.

Seeing this, Brother Yi sneaked away without saying hello.

The door was gently closed, leaving only Ye Qingxue and Ding Feng in the ward.

 This is the third update today, book friends, go to bed early, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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