The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 123 Come in and take a look

Chapter 123 Come in and take a look
Today I was bored and went to Baidu to search for my novel, only to find that this novel has been published on Qidian Chinese website. I know about the acquisition of Qidian Chinese website by Tencent. Chuangshi and Qidian have also been integrated, but I didn’t expect it I will log in to Qidian Chinese website so soon, and I would like to say sorry to the book friends of Qidian.

The book friends at Qidian said that I am an author who only knows how to upload chapters and does not interact with book friends, but the fact is just the opposite. Every night when I finish uploading the last chapter, I will say good night to book friends in the "Author's Words". This "author's words" can only be seen by the book friends of the Genesis Chinese website, because this book was first published on the Genesis Chinese website.

In addition, the QQ reader can also see the 'author's words', which is very complete in function.You can also get growth points and book coupons by signing in on the QQ reader every day. There are fixed upgrade tasks to do, which are easy to understand. If you plan to hang out with Tencent Literature for a long time, QQ reading will be your best choice.

This is not an advertisement for others, because I use it myself and it is very good!

This book is updated three times a day, and if there is less, I will make up as soon as possible. If I have enough time and I am in good condition, I will also update it four or five times. I hope you don’t rush so hard. You can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, and twisted melons are not sweet. Novel Although it is fast-food literature, the quality of writing must be maintained, otherwise I will not even be able to pass my level.

Many book friends have asked a question, that is, where is the protagonist's special ability?In fact, some have been revealed in today's chapter, but after all, it is not an urban supernatural novel, and the protagonist's ability will not be so powerful. I always think that there is no free lunch in this world. When the protagonist acquires this ability, he also will pay the corresponding price.

Some book friends also said, 'The protagonist wakes up a little fast!At least let her scream a few more times', I want to say that this is not calling for a bed, why are you calling so many times!
In fact, I have seen all the comments from Genesis and Starting Point, but I don’t have so much time to reply, but every day I will take a little time to give a like, a essence and a footprint to the book friends who commented. Send flowers.

But this is only limited to the book friends of Genesis, I can't control the starting point.

The group number of this book: 260337820, you can also search for 'Mr. My Book Friends Group', interested book friends can go in and have a look, if you feel bored, you can come out again.

Thank you all and good night!
(End of this chapter)

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