Chapter 124 Her Past
In the ward, she fed him the preserved egg and lean meat porridge spoon by spoonful, staring intently at his lips and teeth, every bite he ate was completed under her gaze, and Every time she saw him swallow the porridge in satisfaction, it always made her feel extremely satisfied and happy.

Although Ding Feng enjoyed this process very much, it was also very embarrassing. He wanted to do it by himself countless times, but seeing that she seemed to like feeding himself very much, he had no choice but to give up.

At first, both of them were a little uncomfortable with such intimacy, especially Ye Qingxue, since she was a child, she seldom even called boys by their names, and she had never been alone with a boy once, let alone make such an intimacy with a boy, and This boy is not her boyfriend yet.

However, in her heart, she had already determined him as her boyfriend's first choice, and it was only a matter of time to be with him.

He can do this for her, if she still can't feel his heart, then she is too idiotic, and she herself likes him very much.

Both of them can feel each other's affection, but no one has revealed it. It may be that the relationship is not in place yet, and the timing is not mature enough.

She prefers the kind of love that naturally arises after countless experiences and time precipitation with him. They can be together without mutual confession, as if they were born relatives, and that kind of love will last longer. more able to stand the test of reality.

She has fantasized about beautiful love and the appearance of the boy she likes countless times, but her expectation of love has only been in the last month or so.

It is precisely because I met him!

She has been a very sensible girl since she was a child. In order to share the pressure of her family, she devoted almost all her time and energy to her studies. Because of her hard work and intelligence, she achieved excellent results, scholarships and prize money from domestic competitions. It's a soft hand.

It can be said that all her living expenses and tuition fees from elementary school to university did not cost her family a penny, and she even had a large part left over to support her family.

In Nanhua City, she is the "child of other people's family" in the mouth of countless parents, and she is also the greatest pride in the hearts of her parents!

While people who know her admire her, they also feel that she has missed many beautiful things, such as ignorance and pure love.

A sensible, outstanding, and very beautiful girl like her has been accompanied by countless boys' crazy pursuit since the moment she entered puberty, and it can be said bluntly that any boy who has seen her Basically fall in love with her at first sight.

There are also some extremely good and handsome boys among them.

It's a pity that after so many years, no one has heard of any boy she has had too many contacts with. At most, she only stays at the two stages of classmates and friends.

Of course, those who feel that she has missed a lot of good things, without exception, think that some of the boys who pursued her are very good, and think that these boys are a good match for her.

Leaving aside elementary and middle school students, Liu Ming in college is the male god in the hearts of countless girls. Regardless of his family background or ability in all aspects, Liu Ming is extremely outstanding.

But even so, she still didn't have the slightest feeling for Liu Ming.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Liu Ming is the best of all her suitors. The best is the son of a super rich man in Nanhua City. He is a full-fledged monster.

The boy's enchantment is not because he has a rich father, even this is only secondary, the most important thing is him.

In the former No. [-] Middle School of Nanhua City, this evildoer can be said to be a legendary figure.

In terms of academic performance, Yaoxie is the second child in a thousand years, and only Ye Qingxue can beat him in Nanhua No. [-] Middle School, but at the best time, he is only five points ahead of him.

In terms of future, Yaolian has a super rich father who is also the only son of the family. He will inherit everything from his father in the future, but Yaolian does not want to rely on his father. Within a short period of time, a small company with assets of over one million was established.

Of course, what people like to talk about most about the evildoer is probably his love history.

The evildoer not only has the ability and wisdom of the evildoer, but also has the body and appearance of the evildoer. With these two advantages, none of the girls he likes can escape from his palm. The girls who are together get along very harmoniously.

That's right, girls, he has many girlfriends at the same time!
However, these evil features of him did not attract Ye Qingxue at all, which made the evildoer very unconvinced, so he launched a crazy pursuit of her.

The madness of the evildoer is really not ordinary madness. He was so crazy that he broke off the relationship with all the girls in one breath and pursued her wholeheartedly.

You know, all the girls who can be attracted by the evildoer are without exception the best girls, school, social, charming, pure, sexy, there are all kinds of girls, but in order to pursue Ye Qingxue, the evildoer is still He decisively chose to give up all of them, which shows his determination.

It seemed that in his eyes, the sum of all these girls was less important than her alone.

It's a pity that throughout the three years of high school, her attitude towards him remained the same as before. From the beginning to the end, she never showed even the slightest affection for him.

But the evildoer did not give up because of this, and declared to the outside world that he would go to the same university as her, and he must chase her.

But in the end, for some unknown reason, perhaps because of family pressure, Yaolian did not fulfill his promise to apply for Qiyu University with her, but went to a top business school in the world in the United States.

But even if she went abroad, Yaolian did not give up completely. Before going to the United States, Yaolian declared that she would not give up on her, and one day she would come back and continue to pursue her.

For Ye Qingxue, although she has no male-female feelings towards the evildoer, after three years of pursuing the evildoer, she has a very deep impression on him, and she has more affection for him than other boys.

Also limited to more!
After entering university, Ye Qingxue almost forgot about the evildoer, but she still learned some news about the evildoer from the jokes of some sisters.

The evildoer seems to be ready to enter the e-sports circle!

Farther away, back to the topic!

She originally thought that it would take a lot of time to get used to the behavior of feeding him, but she soon found out that she was wrong. It's smooth, and there's nothing wrong with it.

And it seemed that he was influenced by her, and he no longer felt embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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