Chapter 125 A Different She

After a brief silence, Ding Feng spoke first to break the silence, and said with a soft smile, "Qingxue, did you just come back today?"

"Yeah, otherwise, I wouldn't have waited until now to ask Liu Ming out." Mentioning this matter, she still has lingering fears when she thinks about it.

If she really agreed to Liu Ming's conditions, then she dared not imagine what her future would be like.

With Liu Ming's personality, he might not force her to do anything, but who knows if his indifference and indifference towards Liu Ming will hurt Liu Ming's self-esteem, and cause him to take some irrational actions.

The feeling that fate is in the hands of others makes her see no hope in life, and one thing she can't accept is that the first man she fancy in her life may disappear in her life because of this. As a result, she will lose the courage to face love.

Fortunately, none of this happened, so when she said this, she didn't show any worry, but was a little relieved.

"Oh, then you haven't accepted Captain Liu Ming's funding, have you?" He nodded with a smile, opened his mouth to eat the porridge she handed over, and asked casually.

There was a hint of worry in the words. He had heard something about her, and knew that she was an independent and strong girl, and this kind of girl has a distinctive characteristic, that is, she is extremely strict in adhering to principles and bottom lines. No one can tolerate being touched.

Therefore, if she really accepts Liu Ming's funding, with her personality as a girl, she will probably stick to her principles and bottom line, even if she doesn't want to, she will carry it out to the end. Even if there are other better choices, she will not There will be too much hesitation and choose to give up.

What he was worried about was that she had accepted Liu Ming's sponsorship before coming here.

Although she accepted his 100 million, it seems that she has not accepted Liu Ming's sponsorship, but he still has to ask clearly, who knows if she will not even give up the bottom line and principles for herself, which may make people He moved, but he didn't want her to.

"No!" With a delicate mind, she probably could guess the meaning of his words, shook her head slightly, and said with a smile: "I just agreed to his conditions, and Xiaoxin called before I had time to collect his money." , said that you were in a coma in the hospital for three days, and I rushed over."

"That's good!" He smiled, and it was at this moment that his heart was really let go.

She smiled sweetly, and couldn't help scolding him: "It's all your fault, you are Mr. Lu, why didn't you say it earlier, otherwise I wouldn't have to ask Captain Liu Ming, and I have been entangled for so many days."

Dozens of millions is not a lot for ordinary people, but it is still too little for a god-level e-sports player. Not to mention the top domestic players with an annual salary of tens of millions, even the main members of third-rate teams have an annual salary of not much. will be less than this number.

She also took the time to watch the China-Japan Challenge half a month ago. Mr. Lu's performance can be said to be the most eye-catching in the audience, even the number one player in China, Mo Qingchen, is not as good. If there is an MVP evaluation, Lu Mr. deserves it, and it is estimated that the audience who have watched this challenge will have no opinion.

And this challenge can be said to be the battle of Mr. Lu's Conferred God.

What she didn't expect was that Mr. Lu, a god-level master who was a sensation all over the world and had unlimited potential, not only knew him, but also attracted her heart.

If she had known that he was Mr. Lu, she would not have been so entangled.

Although he has not yet entered the e-sports circle, he is still just an ordinary junior college student, and his family conditions are average, but his potential is obvious to all. With the strength he has shown, he can go to the e-sports association to apply for a large amount of money. E-sports loan, 100 million is all right.

Of course, it depends on whether he is willing or not. After all, the relationship between the two has not yet reached that point. Even if he is unwilling, she will not say anything, but at least she will not be as entangled as before.

A person who is worth not more than 100 million in the future, but at least tens of millions, is not willing to subsidize you even [-] million, which means that you are not that important in his heart, and he doesn't like you. Since you are not that important and like you , then she will completely die.

Some people only have 100 yuan, but as long as you need 100 yuan, he will give you [-] yuan even if he sells everything. Some people are worth hundreds of millions, but they can only give you [-] million yuan at most. In whose mind are you? More importantly, make a judgment.

Let's change the question, if you were given a choice, which of these two types of people would you choose to be friends with?
I believe that most people will choose the latter. For a person who needs to ask others for even 200 yuan, 100 million yuan is tantamount to an astronomical figure for him.

Of course, this question is a bit staggered, and the gap between the two sides to choose is too big to be discussed together.

There is another reason for choosing the latter, that is, I can shamelessly get 100 million from someone who doesn’t think too highly of me. With this money, I can help those friends who value me, even if it’s because of this choice And not being friends, too.

this is the truth!
We are all laymen!

If Ye Qingxue were to make the choice, she would undoubtedly choose the former. After all, if she is really a person who values ​​money too much, then she can definitely date the rich man's son, Yaolian. There's still time for Liu Ming.

If so, her family wouldn't be so poor, and her father's millions of medical expenses wouldn't need to be so entangled and worried. This little money is really nothing to the evildoer and Liu Ming, and with these two people, anyone can I don't feel wronged by her, both of them are excellent.

It's a pity that she is a stubborn and strong girl. She never thought of relying on others, and she didn't intend to wrong herself too much for the sake of living.

She has a bad conscience!
Besides, things haven't gotten that serious yet!
As long as everything in the family is well and life can go on, this bit of hardship is nothing. This is not only her idea, but also her parents' idea.

Fortunately, the result was what she wanted to see the most. Although he did not apply for an e-sports loan from the e-sports association, he gave her 100 million in a more risky way.

From the previous series of conversations between him and Mo Qingchen, she heard something unusual, it seemed that something bad happened to him during the solo with Mo Qingchen, which caused him to be unconscious for three days.

"It's all my fault, it's my fault that I don't know you well enough, okay!" He laughed, and didn't intend to explain, knowing that her blame was just a joke.

"Spoof!" She rolled his eyes at him, kept moving her hands, and handed a spoonful of meat porridge to his mouth. He opened his mouth to eat it, and asked inarticulately, "How is your father now?"

(End of this chapter)

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