Chapter 127 Impeccable Care

In the early morning of the next day, the cold wind howled outside the house, and the cold wind blew into the quiet and peaceful ward through the gap in the window. The quilt covered her body, and her whole body shrank into a ball.

As if thinking of something, she paused, opened her eyes slowly, glanced lazily at the slightly dark room, and then looked at him lying on the bed.

After a while, she sat up straight, stretched her waist, and opened her mouth to exhale all the dull air that had accumulated in her body all night, and she became much more energetic.

Pulling the quilt off her body, a sudden chill came over her. She stretched out her hand to shake the quilt in the air, and folded it skillfully.

Holding the neatly folded quilt in her arms, she walked to the window and widened it a bit, looking forward to the sky outside, it was already dawn.

It's winter in Nanling City in December!
The sky outside lit up the dark room a little, and she could barely see his peaceful face clearly. She wanted to talk to him at this rare moment, but seeing that he hadn't woken up, she had no choice but to give up.

He stretched out his hand and gently stuffed his calf exposed outside the quilt back into the quilt, helped him adjust his sleeping position, covered him with the quilt neatly, and then walked around the hospital bed, kicking him into a mess The bed sheet was smoothed, and at this moment his brows twitched, which happened to be seen by her.

She smiled gently, and after thinking for a while, she shook off the quilt in her hand and covered him. He seemed to feel a little cold now, so she helped him pull up the quilt a little.

After doing this, she stared at his handsome face for a while, then walked to the side and turned on the water dispenser, so that he could drink something warm as soon as he woke up.

Going back to the recliner and lying down, she tightened her body, staring at the sky outside in a daze.

In her eyes, the sky gradually brightened.

The rustling and light footsteps began to appear outside the door, and as the time became more and more dense, the footsteps became heavier and heavier, and finally there were faint conversations.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. She came back to her senses, walked slowly to the door, adjusted her clothes, and then gently opened the door.

It was yesterday's female nurse, she greeted with a smile, "Hello, sister!"

The female nurse looked very young, about 27 or [-] years old, and she was worthy of the title "sister", and that's what Ding Feng called her yesterday.

"Hello!" The female nurse smiled slightly, the door of the hospital has just opened, so the beautiful girl in front of her has been staying in the ward since last night.

But there was only one bed in the ward, so she wouldn't sleep with the patient!The patient's current physical condition is not very good, and it is really not suitable to have sex with men and women.

Although she felt it was inappropriate, she would not ask 'what did you guys do last night? 'It's not uncommon for such an idiotic problem to happen, and it's not the first case in the hospital. Even if it's wrong, it can't be stopped. Anyway, if something happens, just pay more medical expenses.

When the female nurse walked into the room, the first thing she noticed was the reclining chair. She couldn't help but feel relieved. She could tell that the girl and the boy were not boyfriend and girlfriend, otherwise it would be fine to sleep together, as long as it didn't affect the relationship between men and women. There is no problem with the patient's condition.

"By the way, did he have any abnormalities last night?" The female nurse scanned the room, intending to do something for the patient, but found that all these tasks had been done, and the quilt and bed sheet on the patient's body were pulled apart. Neatly, the windows were opened just right, and even the water dispenser was turned on.

This girl is so careful, the female nurse praised in her heart!
"No, he slept very deeply." Ye Qingxue smiled slightly, thought for a while and then asked: "Sister, may I ask, when can he be discharged from the hospital?"

"Well, he's fine, and he can be discharged from the hospital anytime he recovers." The girl was busy with all the work, which made the female nurse feel a little uncomfortable.

"That's good!" She nodded slightly, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of his frowning on the bed, then walked over quickly, and sat down beside him.

His eyes slowly opened, and his vision was blurred. After he got used to it, a soft female voice came from beside him, "You're awake, how do you feel?"

It's Qingxue's voice!

Just after waking up from sleep, I heard the concern of the person I like. In this winter, a scalding warm current refreshed my heart. He turned his head to look at her, smiled softly, and was about to sit up straight. Seeing this, she hurriedly stretched out her hand Holding his back, he slowly leaned against the wall.

As soon as her hand touched the wall, it was a little cold. She freed one hand and quickly pressed the pillow to his back and the back of his head, and then smiled with satisfaction.

He smiled at her and nodded, moved his body a little, he was much stronger than yesterday, and he estimated that he would be able to get out of bed after lying down for a while, "It's much better than yesterday, and I can be discharged from the hospital today."

"Then why are you rushing out of the hospital!" She smiled, stood up, walked aside, filled a glass cup with half a cup of hot water, and then some cold water.

Holding the cup with one hand, she found that it was still a little hot, so she poured out some and poured some cold water. After confirming that the warm water was just right, she nodded in satisfaction, and came to him and handed the cup to him.

"Thank you!" He smiled, took the quilt and poured it into his mouth a few times at ease. The warm water entered his stomach, and he felt warm all over his body in a happy mood.

The female nurse standing on the side was always watching her every move, and found that this girl was no worse than those nurses who took care of patients all the year round. She was impeccable throughout the whole process, even more careful and patient than her. , she thought she was not as good.

Of course, she didn't forget her own job, pulled a stool from the side, sat in front of the patient, and began to ask and take notes seriously.

The transcript was finished quickly, Ding Feng thought for a while and said with a smile: "Sister, I can be discharged from the hospital now, can you help me with the discharge procedures?"

"Of course, I'll help you prepare it now." The female nurse nodded with a smile, and then she was busy for a while before walking out of the ward.

As soon as the female nurse left, there was a burst of low-pitched laughter outside the door. Ding Feng shook his head amusedly, knowing that the students in the class had come to visit the doctor.

The door of the ward opened, and a group of boys walked in, including several girls, including Lin Yixue.

"Hey, good morning Brother Feng!"

"Nima Peak God is finally alive!"

"Fengshen, I heard that you were awakened. Did you hear us howling like ghosts and howling wolves these days? Why didn't you respond at all? I value sex over friends!"

"... "

As soon as the boys saw Ding Feng, they rushed up quickly, and you expressed their condolences to him. Some boys couldn't help but look at Ye Qingxue, who was standing beside him, feeling very amazed.

(End of this chapter)

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